Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

You don't have to crawl through a window if you are let in. I don't disagree that property damage was no reason to shoot. There was no reason here either.

Police don't do things without a reason.

When I leave my house armed, my very first concern is my firearm. If somebody is threatening me with only their bare fists, my concern is that if he is able to subdue me, he has access to my gun, and I can't allow that to happen.

Police have discretion only up to a point. Under any circumstance, they have to follow policy of that police department. If their policy is never go hands on with a person that has a weapon, that's what they do. Even if a police officer leaves one job to work for another city, the veteran officer has to undergo training in procedure and protocol of their new department.

As a licensed armed citizen, I have to follow laws as well. The main law in using deadly force is if I believed I was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. If a prosecutor can prove my particular situation didn't warrant deadly force, I can be charged with murder or manslaughter in using deadly force.

In this situation, if this high drunk moron accosted me with this trailer hitch, I would have every reason to believe I was in jeopardy of serious harm or death. He's a younger guy, obviously doesn't feel any pain, could disarm me and use my weapon against me or other people. I would have every legal reason to believe deadly force was warranted to protect myself.
Police don't do things without a reason.

When I leave my house armed, my very first concern is my firearm. If somebody is threatening me with only their bare fists, my concern is that if he is able to subdue me, he has access to my gun, and I can't allow that to happen.

Police have discretion only up to a point. Under any circumstance, they have to follow policy of that police department. If their policy is never go hands on with a person that has a weapon, that's what they do. Even if a police officer leaves one job to work for another city, the veteran officer has to undergo training in procedure and protocol of their new department.

As a licensed armed citizen, I have to follow laws as well. The main law in using deadly force is if I believed I was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. If a prosecutor can prove my particular situation didn't warrant deadly force, I can be charged with murder or manslaughter in using deadly force.

In this situation, if this high drunk moron accosted me with this trailer hitch, I would have every reason to believe I was in jeopardy of serious harm or death. He's a younger guy, obviously doesn't feel any pain, could disarm me and use my weapon against me or other people. I would have every legal reason to believe deadly force was warranted to protect myself.
You just admitted that your gun is the danger
You just admitted that your gun is the danger

In my possession, no it isn't. In the hands of a crazed lunatic which this guy was, yes it would be a danger. That's why my priority would be to make sure he doesn't get my firearm.
I’m outraged at police shooting ANY unarmed person

You can be outraged all you like, but police officers follow the law just like us armed citizens. You can use deadly force if you believe that you (or others) are in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. There is no stipulation that the attacker has to be armed.
Police don't do things without a reason.

When I leave my house armed, my very first concern is my firearm. If somebody is threatening me with only their bare fists, my concern is that if he is able to subdue me, he has access to my gun, and I can't allow that to happen.

Police have discretion only up to a point. Under any circumstance, they have to follow policy of that police department. If their policy is never go hands on with a person that has a weapon, that's what they do. Even if a police officer leaves one job to work for another city, the veteran officer has to undergo training in procedure and protocol of their new department.

As a licensed armed citizen, I have to follow laws as well. The main law in using deadly force is if I believed I was in jeopardy of serious bodily harm or death. If a prosecutor can prove my particular situation didn't warrant deadly force, I can be charged with murder or manslaughter in using deadly force.

In this situation, if this high drunk moron accosted me with this trailer hitch, I would have every reason to believe I was in jeopardy of serious harm or death. He's a younger guy, obviously doesn't feel any pain, could disarm me and use my weapon against me or other people. I would have every legal reason to believe deadly force was warranted to protect myself.

There was no reason to let him anywhere near you.
There was no reason to let him anywhere near you.

So what do you want cops to do, spend five or six hours with this maniac coming towards them and they keep backing off? Did it ever occur to you that police have better things to do like go to other calls?
Just throwing it out there to see who is outraged.

BTW, the family announced legal action. The "victim" died at the hospital

I am outraged. This shit don't care about color. It can happen to you. We have laws in place to prevent this but they are not enforced. I watched with my own eyes the cops kill a white engineering student have a mental break down but was no threat to any one but himself. No reason for him to die. Nothing happened to the cops. Had I known what the outcome was going to be I would have tackled the kud myself. He weighed like a buck thirty. We have judges and juries . The cops should not be judge jury and executioner.
There are all sorts of ways to subdue an unarmed person.

What’s the point of tazers for instance if they don’t work?
They generally do but not on all people - especially those who are under the influence of meth, PCP, etc..
There are all sorts of ways to subdue an unarmed person.
Like tasers? Didn't work.

That's sounds real nice and all, but the police are armed. They are not going to initiate contact with him with a manic person making violent threats. They could lose their sidearm to the suspect.
Like tasers? Didn't work.

That's sounds real nice and all, but the police are armed. They are not going to initiate contact with him with a manic person making violent threats. They could lose their sidearm to the suspect.
So once again the weapon is the problem

If tazers don’t work why have them?
Sounds like cops need to learn how to secure their weapons and do hand to hand combat
There are all sorts of ways to subdue an unarmed person.

What’s the point of tazers for instance if they don’t work?

They do normally work on people that are not zonked out of their mind on dope. If the cop didn't try the taser first, you would be crying that he should have.

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