Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

You make no sense.

I'm not surprised to see such a response. In other words, thank you for letting me know how far your own brain train doesn't travel.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Also, if you are not going to clam up, don't expect anyone else to. Preaching doesn't mean much if there isn't going to be any practicing to go with it.
That's the excuse they are taught.
Of course. Police misconduct isn't limited to any particular political outlook. Dereck Chauvin murdered a man, likely because he thought black criminals get away with too much and he wasn't going to let that happen. Michael Byrd killed a woman, likely because he thought white Trump supporters get away with too much, and he wasn't going to let that happen.

Or maybe one or both was motivated by the anger at people getting away with things, and race had no bearing. Or maybe, they are both just horrible police officers who have been promoted up the ranks as an example of broken systems of human resources management in government agencies.

Whatever their motivations, we do know why one was prosecuted, and why one was called a hero. Anyone who pretends not to know that loses all credibility with me.
Of course. Police misconduct isn't limited to any particular political outlook. Dereck Chauvin murdered a man, likely because he thought black criminals get away with too much and he wasn't going to let that happen. Michael Byrd killed a woman, likely because he thought white Trump supporters get away with too much, and he wasn't going to let that happen.

Or maybe one or both was motivated by the anger at people getting away with things, and race had no bearing. Or maybe, they are both just horrible police officers who have been promoted up the ranks as an example of broken systems of human resources management in government agencies.

Whatever their motivations, we do know why one was prosecuted, and why one was called a hero. Anyone who pretends not to know that loses all credibility with me.

I don't think the person killed should have in either case but right or wrong you are never going to be able to prosecute someone who shot someone for breaking into the Capital. (and she was breaking in)
I addressed that in my first post also.
Got it.

Just walked at them with a weapon. And of course, he was just going to shake their hands. No chance he would get close and assault them.

The only solution here is to disarm police officers. Which isn't going to happen.
He was holding a trailer hitch while slowing approaching the cops and disobeying orders. Taser was useless. Drunk is irrelevant because the cops can’t verify that while he’s holding a weapon. Could they have kept backing up and tried to deescalate? Maybe. This is going to be an interesting case.
He was holding a trailer hitch while slowing approaching the cops and disobeying orders. Taser was useless. Drunk is irrelevant because the cops can’t verify that while he’s holding a weapon. Could they have kept backing up and tried to deescalate? Maybe. This is going to be an interesting case.
They can't back away, because he was a danger to public safety and could have broke for the home, creating a hostage situation or injuring or killing people in the house.

Everyone in this thread needs to take a long pause and think all of this through just a little more.
Got it.

Just walked at them with a weapon. And of course, he was just going to shake their hands. No chance he would get close and assault them.

The only solution here is to disarm police officers. Which isn't going to happen.

He was just walking. They weren't in any danger.
They can't back away, because he was a danger to public safety and could have broke for the home, creating a hostage situation or injuring or killing people in the house.

But he didn't. A bullet would have beat him to the door.

Everyone in this thread needs to take a long pause and think all of this through just a little more.

We have had case after case after case to think about it.
The narrative is "unarmed and uncooperative". That's as fair as we can get these days in media scrutiny. The problem is that media scrutiny never extends to federal incompetence. The fix is in when media operatives feel free to criticize local accounts in the entire United States but WTF happens when the Feds fuck up?

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