Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

People who assault cops (in real life, not on TV) have one thing in common ... whether by drugs, alcohol, or medical condition ... they are all cognitively impaired.

Even the baddest-arsed person on this planet, the roughest outlaw that ever lived knows, instinctively, that if he throws down with multiple cops, he's going to lose.

Drugs and alcohol rob even a smart person of their ability to made sound decisions.
But breaking into the Capital is all cool.

The people have a right to express their grievances, as in a stolen election.

They did far less damage than your cohorts did throughout the 2020 riots.
I've taken down guys like that. It's easy as pie. I've done it singlehandedly. The last one I took down, I put him on the ground, and then placed my hand on his forehead and held his head down. He passed out in less than 30 seconds

Steven?! Is that you?!

The cops already had their guns drawn, and the drunktard was closing in on them.

Seriously, I've taken down guys like that. It's easy as pie. I've done it singlehandedly. The last one I took down, I put him on the ground, and then placed my hand on his forehead and held his head down. He passed out in less than 30 seconds.

The people have a right to express their grievances, as in a stolen election.

They did far less damage than your cohorts did throughout the 2020 riots.

That has nothing to do with anything. This guy had a right to stumble around his yard in a drunken stupor also.
Federal cops seem to be immune from scrutiny. In 1992 a FBI sniper apparently was authorized or thought he was authorized to violate the Constitution and shoot on sight during the infamous Ruby ridge standoff. Randy Weaver's wife was shot in the face while she held an 18 month child in her arms standing in the doorway. The FBI agent was indicted for manslaughter by the local Idaho Grand Jury but the case was quietly dismissed. Ashli Babbitt was a unarmed U.S. Military veteran who may or may not have been guilty of criminal trespass during the Jan 6 altercation. She was shot dead by a federal cop and nobody seemed concerned when there were no charges filed.
Any person with a knife or other melee weapon can close a 21 foot gap between them and a potential victim in 1.5 seconds (Tueller Drill). Much faster than a cop can draw a firearm up to target and accurately aim.

A young, healthy, fit person can cross 20 feet in 1.5 seconds from a cold start. But then, in a crisis situation, 1.5 seconds is like an eternity. But the police already had their guns drawn. And if a cop can't draw his gun and hit a target only a few feet away in 1.5 seconds, he needs to RETIRE.

True gunslingers would LAUGH at your remarks and these police. Cops these days are mostly pussies ill-equipped and ill-trained to deal with an aggressive urban situation and they know it, that is why they empty their guns at every target for any reason, they walk in fear of their lives.
That has nothing to do with anything. This guy had a right to stumble around his yard in a drunken stupor also.
neither does the fucking capital "break in" but you lobbed that turd onto the oatmeal.
That has nothing to do with anything. This guy had a right to stumble around his yard in a drunken stupor also.

You're being a dumbass, son. The 911 call was made by the perp's father-in-law, who said that his son-in-law was drunk and at his door, threatening his life and ripping off the screen door. The caller also said that he had picked up a tow hitch and called it a weapon.

Would you like for someone to beat the crap out of you with a trailer hitch? I bet that would knock some sense into you, son.
Just like in Uvalde. Cops pissing their pants. There was no reason to shoot him. Keep your distance and talk him down. What if you had to shadow him for 1/2 hour? The cops are paid by the hour and that will be far less expensive than the settlement they end up paying out.
Agree or disagree, at least you're consistent. You must be white
There was no reason to shoot the guy as I noted.

As sad as it was, how did they know that he wouldn't wind up using it as a weapon against them?

Part of me wishes all cops would quit!!!

Yeah, until the day where you're being shot at or your house is being robbed and you actually need them.
You're being a dumbass, son. The 911 call was made by the perp's father-in-law, who said that his son-in-law was drunk and at his door, threatening his life and ripping off the screen door. The caller also said that he had picked up a tow hitch and called it a weapon.

Would you like for someone to beat the crap out of you with a trailer hitch? I bet that would knock some sense into you, son.

Nobody was being beat.
Nobody was being beat.

So what happens when the drunk asshole throws the trailer hitch at one of the cops, maybe knocking him down, after which Mr Drunk Asshole snatches the cop's sidearm and starts drunkenly and indiscriminately unloading the pistol's magazine in a residential neighborhood?

Maybe you could soothe Mr. Drunk Asshole by building a campfire, sitting down with him and singing a few rounds of "Kumbaya" until he falls asleep?

Have you ever had any fucking real-world experience, or have you lived in your parent's basement your whole life? Maybe you need to leave the nest and get a glimpse of just how cruel and unforgiving the real world is?
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