Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

Catch poles! Like animal control officers use, if they haven't also been banned. Mad Max defeated one, but no one else I know of.

I only question the shooting because the house was so close behind. "be sure of your backstop" is like rule number four.

But the dude? Too bad. Get drunk and wield a weapon at police, expect the worst.
Yes, those were banned here by well-meaning but naive activists.
Frankly, I think the guy was on more than alcohol. He was able to flee and pull out the taser tags. My bet is he was on meth as well. Taking down a meth head is quite difficult and dangerous. Better to just put them down.
I am glad I grew up in a rural area away from others my family including aunts uncles cousins used to get into large drunken brawls and would have more than likely ended up like the man in the video.
The subject was not in control of his own facilities and he was armed with some unidentifiable object.

It was identifiable.

Do you think the police are all-seeing and all-knowing? I don't give a flying fuck what someone has in their hand if they show up on my property. If they appear to be a threat and don't comply to put the fuck down whatever it is they're holding, and advance on me, I would make them dead too.

And furthermore, they shouldn't expect me to perform CPR either. Blood is nasty and has all kinds of diseases in it.

It's not about you.
Frankly, I think the guy was on more than alcohol. He was able to flee and pull out the taser tags. My bet is he was on meth as well. Taking down a meth head is quite difficult and dangerous. Better to just put them down.
im past the point of caring about the "individuality" of their ignorance.

they wanna play stupid games, they will win stupid prizes. pity or sympathy has left the building.
If you charge at armed police, it doesn't matter if you have a Teddy Ruxpin in your hand. You are getting shot right then and there.

Are the cops supposed to wait until he wrestles away one of their guns to decide its shootin' time? Nope.

Nobody was charged.
Frankly, I think the guy was on more than alcohol. He was able to flee and pull out the taser tags. My bet is he was on meth as well. Taking down a meth head is quite difficult and dangerous. Better to just put them down.


Numerous 10ft. or closer head shots with the JHP of your choice whether it be .380 or 9mm.
I took down quite a few men when I was on active duty.

How does a barechested man hide a 9 mil in his waistband, retard?

It doesn't have to be a firearm. Any person with a knife or other melee weapon can close a 21 foot gap between them and a potential victim in 1.5 seconds (Tueller Drill). Much faster than a cop can draw a firearm up to target and accurately aim.

An aggressive person who refuses to show hands, is unaffected by non-lethal force, and continuously closes on police is a candidate for getting shot.
It doesn't have to be a firearm. Any person with a knife or other melee weapon can close a 21 foot gap between them and a potential victim in 1.5 seconds (Tueller Drill). Much faster than a cop can draw a firearm up to target and accurately aim.

An aggressive person who refuses to show hands, is unaffected by non-lethal force, and continuously closes on police is a candidate for getting shot.
The cops already had their guns drawn, and the drunktard was closing in on them.

Seriously, I've taken down guys like that. It's easy as pie. I've done it singlehandedly. The last one I took down, I put him on the ground, and then placed my hand on his forehead and held his head down. He passed out in less than 30 seconds.

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