Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

Drunkassed mofo should have put down whatever the hell he was holding.

I would have said the same thing about a Black guy.
Me too. Whites tend to be more consistent than our black posters. Still waiting to see if any of our usual suspects are "outraged." So far, they don't care.
The police were most definitely in the wrong. The man was unarmed and shitfaced drunk. A toddler could have taken him.
The powers that be took away a lot of what the police could have used to subdue him. I had a relative like that once. I dumped a cooler of ice water on his head and it shocked him into being docile long enough to get his tire iron from him and calm him down. We have in politics people who get involved in issues they are not well knowledgeable of and do more harm than good.
But it's all cool if you are breaking into the Capital it seems. Ranting while drunk......shoot them. Breaking into the Capital?

The protesters were let into the building by the Capitol Police. There was no need for deadly force, and nobody's life was in danger. Property damage is seldom ever a reason for deadly force.
So maybe the cops should have retreated for cover behind the trees and called for a "social worker"?

The social worker shows up a half hour later with her pen and pad of paper, and asks the perp "Is there something bothering you today? Would you like to talk about it? We have programs that can help you..."

How many cops where there?

The man was shitfaced drunk and unarmed. He's an easy takedown. A toddler could have done it.

You people are idiots.
The protesters were let into the building by the Capitol Police. There was no need for deadly force, and nobody's life was in danger. Property damage is seldom ever a reason for deadly force.

You don't have to crawl through a window if you are let in. I don't disagree that property damage was no reason to shoot. There was no reason here either.
Me too. Whites tend to be more consistent than our black posters. Still waiting to see if any of our usual suspects are "outraged." So far, they don't care.

They don't care about the unusually-high number of black on black murders in urban shitholes.

Why would they care about some drunk white goober getting his ass perforated? :laughing0301:
  1. Why does a cop car need cruise control?
  2. Do all Fords rattle as you drive them?
  3. Who owns a Mercedes while living in a two-room house where the garage is 50% of the home?
  4. Why do white chicks insist on getting out of a car carrying frozen pizza kits while an armed cop approaches them?
  5. Why do no young cops have the ability to speak with authority to their detainees?
  6. How many blacks here will still maintain police violence solely a black racial thing?
  7. Why will there be no national riots, presidential mandates, streets renamed or murals made of an unarmed white dude getting shot dead for wandering around his neighbors drunk?

1. Not everywhere a cop drives is right around the corner ... if you're a Sheriff or a Highway patrol, you could spend more time driving to your call than attending it. Even city cops will be on long drives.

2. All cop cars are in rough shape. They are driven 24 hours a day -- same cars every shift -- and aren't treated that well.

3. A LOT of people ... particularly the kind cops deal with.

4. If it wasn't for morons, cops would be out of a job.

5. It takes practice. A lot of forces hire mature age recruits because of this. A cop with good communication skills is a lot more valuable than a cop who can jump over a six foot fence with one arm. As communication skills improve, use of force incidents decrease. This is documented.

6. I can't speak for anyone else but, I can say, that every color and creed of moron is a customer for the cops.

7. If you're looking for logic and consistency in what is essentially a political movement, you're going to strain your eyes.
How many cops where there?

The man was shitfaced drunk and unarmed. He's an easy takedown. A toddler could have done it.

You people are idiots.

I hope you try to take a drunk down one day who has a hidden 9mm in the nape of his waist.
Then we won't have to tolerate your armchair bullshit anymore!!
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I hope you try to take a drunk down one day who has a hidden 9mm in the nape of his waist.
Then we won't have to tolerate your armchair bullshit anymore!!
I took down quite a few men when I was on active duty.

How does a barechested man hide a 9 mil in his waistband, retard?
You don't have to crawl through a window if you are let in. I don't disagree that property damage was no reason to shoot. There was no reason here either.

The subject was not in control of his own facilities and he was armed with some unidentifiable object.

Do you think the police are all-seeing and all-knowing? I don't give a flying fuck what someone has in their hand if they show up on my property. If they appear to be a threat and don't comply to put the fuck down whatever it is they're holding, and advance on me, I would make them dead too.

And furthermore, they shouldn't expect me to perform CPR either. Blood is nasty and has all kinds of diseases in it.
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Hopefully!! Especially in Dimm urban shitholes.

What I meant is that here is a dude wandering around drunk with a hitch in his hand--- Put it down! Put it down! Really? Expecting wasted people on booze or drugs or whatever to be able to think rational is the definition of stupid. You order the guy to stand to and not move, then you approach him quickly, take the hitch off of him and sit him down and talk to him, maybe cuffing him. If he makes any kind of threatening move, I might either crack his skull with my baton or thwack him in the back of the knees with a bat dropping him. If two fucking cops covered in weapons and gear can't control or bring down one guy without standing back 20 feet shooting him, and at that, in a vital area likely deadly, THEY ARE PUSSIES.

I'm sorry, but my sensibilities would prevent me from shooting someone in the chest or head unless and until there was a definite and immediate threat to my life. As a professional officer trained in weapons and takedowns, any cop worth spit ought to be able to do that, especially with two cops and a guy just standing around in a haze!
If you charge at armed police, it doesn't matter if you have a Teddy Ruxpin in your hand. You are getting shot right then and there.

Are the cops supposed to wait until he wrestles away one of their guns to decide its shootin' time? Nope.
How many cops where there?

The man was shitfaced drunk and unarmed. He's an easy takedown. A toddler could have done it.

You people are idiots.

Well aren't you a brave little man?

Or are you just stupid?

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