Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

Noting I said was a lie.
This was the lie. You said the following:

XponentialChaos suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, pretend you didn't hear the command.
* When an officer tells you freeze, just keep moving along.
* While you have your weapon still in hand, walk towards the police officer. Don't worry about him, he will just keep backing away until he gets a bunch of other officers there to try and tackle you where you can get a chance to hurt or kill the officers involved.
Post where I said that. Show me. Quote it. You lying sack of shit. You want to ask me where you lied. It’s right here. Back this up. Show me where I said any of that.

Like I said, if you had any integrity, you would apologize for this obvious lie. But you don’t, so you won’t.

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