Police Shoot Unarmed, Uncooperative White Man

200 officers. Let's say it's the day off for 50 of them since they work holidays and weekends, that's 150 officers. Divided in three shifts, that's 50 officers per shift, likely less since they usually schedule a larger staff for second and third shift when much of the violent crime takes place.

The most entertaining part about these topics are you armchair quarterbacks. You know what police should have done, not them, They didn't know what to do after attending the police academy, several years of police experience, trained in their departmental policy, ongoing or advanced training. You know better even though it seems you likely don't personally know any police officers yet alone how they're trained.

Oh.......but you don't side with the criminal, you just side against the police each and every of these police topics. That's so much different.

With all the things you think you know, what you don't know is that a police officer (like us armed citizens) can't shoot people for shits and giggles. You have to be able to prove or have evidence you needed to use deadly force, and simple non-compliance is not one of them.

But if it makes you feel any better, the dispatcher did send out several cars already. How many more police officers did you want them to send? I went back and counted. The two officers combined instructed him to put down his weapon 12 times before using the taser. Of course he refused, and when he started walking towards the officer in spite of being tased, that's when he was shot. As far as I can see, perfectly legal.
So your estimate that they had maybe 50 police officers per shift shuts down your stupid argument that they couldn’t get backup. This is why you shouldn’t make shit up when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I don’t need to be an armchair quarterback to know that police are not trained to kill suspects in order to save time. That was quite possibly the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.

I don’t side against the police every time. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. You trip over yourself to lick their boots each and every time, even making up retarded police protocol along the way.

Simple non-compliance isn’t a valid excuse to kill a guy. Nor is it acceptable to kill a guy in order to save time. Seriously, that was stupid. Really stupid.
What makes you think they didn't? You people out here watch way too much television I'll tell you. You actually believe police wait for an opportunity to kill people.
If they had Tasered him more than once, that would have been reported, but it wasn't. Police are eager to give that kind of information out.
If they had Tasered him more than once, that would have been reported, but it wasn't. Police are eager to give that kind of information out.

He really didn't give them a chance to taser twice. Once they tased him he went towards the officer so apparently it didn't work because his mind didn't allow him to feel pain. Even after they shot him twice he was still walking. Whatever he was amped up on, it must have been really good.
So your estimate that they had maybe 50 police officers per shift shuts down your stupid argument that they couldn’t get backup. This is why you shouldn’t make shit up when you don’t know what you’re talking about.

I don’t need to be an armchair quarterback to know that police are not trained to kill suspects in order to save time. That was quite possibly the stupidest thing you’ve ever said.

I don’t side against the police every time. I try to give them the benefit of the doubt. You trip over yourself to lick their boots each and every time, even making up retarded police protocol along the way.

Simple non-compliance isn’t a valid excuse to kill a guy. Nor is it acceptable to kill a guy in order to save time. Seriously, that was stupid. Really stupid.

So is lying, but that never stopped you. What I asked the other poster is what do you want police to do, follow him all day? There are other calls police have to handle.

And I never said non-compliance is a reason to use deadly force, in fact I stated the opposite, but again with your lying. They barked orders for him to drop the object in his hand over a dozen times. After being tased he started walking towards the officer with that metal object still in hand when he was shot. If the officer shot for non-compliance he would be arrested and charged.
So is lying, but that never stopped you. What I asked the other poster is what do you want police to do, follow him all day? There are other calls police have to handle.

And I never said non-compliance is a reason to use deadly force, in fact I stated the opposite, but again with your lying. They barked orders for him to drop the object in his hand over a dozen times. After being tased he started walking towards the officer with that metal object still in hand when he was shot. If the officer shot for non-compliance he would be arrested and charged.
What they can do is call for backup and wait until they have enough guys to safely take him down if they’re worried about a guy who is being non-compliant but not aggressive either. What they shouldn’t do is shoot him out of a concern for time. That’s completely retarded of you to suggest.

Have you ever been to a night club? Dancing, beautiful women everywhere, alcohol flowing. Guys get drunk and cause problems. The bouncers will handle drunk belligerent guys just like this on a routinely basis. And they don’t need to shoot them.

Why can’t trained police officers do the same? If 5 or 6 trained police officers can‘t take down a single belligerent drunk guy, then they need to find a new line of work. And I’m sure you will still be tripping over yourself to lick their boots.
What they can do is call for backup and wait until they have enough guys to safely take him down if they’re worried about a guy who is being non-compliant but not aggressive either. What they shouldn’t do is shoot him out of a concern for time. That’s completely retarded of you to suggest.

Have you ever been to a night club? Dancing, beautiful women everywhere, alcohol flowing. Guys get drunk and cause problems. The bouncers will handle drunk belligerent guys just like this on a routinely basis. And they don’t need to shoot them.

Why can’t trained police officers do the same? If 5 or 6 trained police officers can‘t take down a single belligerent drunk guy, then they need to find a new line of work. And I’m sure you will still be tripping over yourself to lick their boots.

It's not licking anybody's boots to say what they did was justified. If this guy was so amped up that he didn't feel being tased or shot twice, what difference does it make how many officers were there? This guy can't feel a thing. Plus the fact five guys can't fit near one person. At most maybe three could get their hands on him.

Bouncers generally don't have to face guys like this. If they get one, they call the police. This guy was far from just drunk. Drunks can still feel pain.
It's not licking anybody's boots to say what they did was justified. If this guy was so amped up that he didn't feel being tased or shot twice, what difference does it make how many officers were there? This guy can't feel a thing. Plus the fact five guys can't fit near one person. At most maybe three could get their hands on him.

Bouncers generally don't have to face guys like this. If they get one, they call the police. This guy was far from just drunk. Drunks can still feel pain.
It is boot licking since you ALWAYS defend the police regardless of what they do. What do we do with bad doctors? Fire them. What do we do with bad teachers? Fire them. What do we do with bad police officers? Let you kiss their ass.

With more guys there, it’s about restraining him. You know, instead of killing him. I know that’s really inconvenient to you that they would have to spend a few extra minutes to get backup instead of just killing him.

If a swarm of police can’t take down a single belligerent guy, then they shouldn’t be police.

Bouncers face guys far more dangerous than this. People who are actually fighting them. This guy wasn’t being aggressive, just non-compliant.

Call backup, surround him, take him down, put the handcuffs on him. He sobers up and goes home. The police don’t face a heavy lawsuit for this.
What they can do is call for backup and wait until they have enough guys to safely take him down if they’re worried about a guy who is being non-compliant but not aggressive either. What they shouldn’t do is shoot him out of a concern for time. That’s completely retarded of you to suggest.

Have you ever been to a night club? Dancing, beautiful women everywhere, alcohol flowing. Guys get drunk and cause problems. The bouncers will handle drunk belligerent guys just like this on a routinely basis. And they don’t need to shoot them.

Why can’t trained police officers do the same? If 5 or 6 trained police officers can‘t take down a single belligerent drunk guy, then they need to find a new line of work. And I’m sure you will still be tripping over yourself to lick their boots.
And if they’re so worried about their weapons being taken from them.. wait until they have enough manpower to deal with it and remove their side arms

Or jus say fuck it. I’m tired of this shit and shoot his ass
It is boot licking since you ALWAYS defend the police regardless of what they do. What do we do with bad doctors? Fire them. What do we do with bad teachers? Fire them. What do we do with bad police officers? Let you kiss their ass.

With more guys there, it’s about restraining him. You know, instead of killing him. I know that’s really inconvenient to you that they would have to spend a few extra minutes to get backup instead of just killing him.

If a swarm of police can’t take down a single belligerent guy, then they shouldn’t be police.

Bouncers face guys far more dangerous than this. People who are actually fighting them. This guy wasn’t being aggressive, just non-compliant.

Call backup, surround him, take him down, put the handcuffs on him. He sobers up and goes home. The police don’t face a heavy lawsuit for this.

Bouncers don't face guys so drugged up they can't feel pain. Do you know what you should do? You should apply for a job at your nearest police academy since you know so much more than police officers or the people that trained them. I'm sure they'd approve of your methods and say "Gee, why didn't we think of that? Wait for about 20 minutes for 10 or 15 officers to show up! To think we spent decades researching police procedure and police deaths all over the country and making improvements along the way, and this xpoenttial guy could have saved us all that time!"
Bouncers don't face guys so drugged up they can't feel pain. Do you know what you should do? You should apply for a job at your nearest police academy since you know so much more than police officers or the people that trained them. I'm sure they'd approve of your methods and say "Gee, why didn't we think of that? Wait for about 20 minutes for 10 or 15 officers to show up! To think we spent decades researching police procedure and police deaths all over the country and making improvements along the way, and this xpoenttial guy could have saved us all that time!"
Bouncers deal with drunk violent guys who are actually being aggressive. This guy wasn’t being aggressive with the police.

I’m not pushing anything that isn’t already known. This is common sense. And I didn’t say 10 to 15 officers.

You should apply to be a police officer and try explaining that they need to shoot the guy so that they don’t waste time moving on to the next one. Seriously, that was stupid.
Bouncers deal with drunk violent guys who are actually being aggressive. This guy wasn’t being aggressive with the police.

I’m not pushing anything that isn’t already known. This is common sense. And I didn’t say 10 to 15 officers.

You should apply to be a police officer and try explaining that they need to shoot the guy so that they don’t waste time moving on to the next one. Seriously, that was stupid.

Which I never said.

I don't need to be a police officer in order to know when to use deadly force under the law. That's what they train us for in CCW class. A guy that can't feel pain walking towards an officer with a weapon in his hand is plenty aggressive enough for me.

Ray from Cleveland's suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer yells freeze, don't move a muscle until you are subdued by officers.
* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, you drop your weapon.
* If you have a weapon, don't walk towards the officer that told you to drop the weapon.

XponentialChaos suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, pretend you didn't hear the command.
* When an officer tells you freeze, just keep moving along.
* While you have your weapon still in hand, walk towards the police officer. Don't worry about him, he will just keep backing away until he gets a bunch of other officers there to try and tackle you where you can get a chance to hurt or kill the officers involved.

Last but not least, if you get shot, it's the cops fault, not yours. He should have known better.
Which I never said.

I don't need to be a police officer in order to know when to use deadly force under the law. That's what they train us for in CCW class. A guy that can't feel pain walking towards an officer with a weapon in his hand is plenty aggressive enough for me.

Ray from Cleveland's suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer yells freeze, don't move a muscle until you are subdued by officers.
* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, you drop your weapon.
* If you have a weapon, don't walk towards the officer that told you to drop the weapon.

XponentialChaos suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, pretend you didn't hear the command.
* When an officer tells you freeze, just keep moving along.
* While you have your weapon still in hand, walk towards the police officer. Don't worry about him, he will just keep backing away until he gets a bunch of other officers there to try and tackle you where you can get a chance to hurt or kill the officers involved.

Last but not least, if you get shot, it's the cops fault, not yours. He should have known better.
So now you just outright lie about what X has said?
Ray from Cleveland's suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer yells freeze, don't move a muscle until you are subdued by officers.
* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, you drop your weapon.
* If you have a weapon, don't walk towards the officer that told you to drop the weapon.

XponentialChaos suggestions not to get shot by police:

* When an officer tells you to drop your weapon, pretend you didn't hear the command.
* When an officer tells you freeze, just keep moving along.
* While you have your weapon still in hand, walk towards the police officer. Don't worry about him, he will just keep backing away until he gets a bunch of other officers there to try and tackle you where you can get a chance to hurt or kill the officers involved.

Last but not least, if you get shot, it's the cops fault, not yours. He should have known better.
Did I say any of that? The fact that you need to lie just shows how pathetic your argument actually is.

Let me be perfectly clear with you. I 100% agree with your suggestions to not get shot by the police. I 100% disagree with the bullshit you credit me with saying for not getting shot at by police. Got that? You can drop that bullshit lie right there and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying something so incredibly stupid and trying to pin it on me. If you had any integrity whatsoever, you would apologize for this, but you don't, so you won't.

I do not approve of the the actions taken by the guy who got shot here. I would not suggest for anyone to do that. It's absolutely pathetic that I have to take the time to correct this blatant lie of yours.

All clear?

Now then, to address the topic at hand, my point here isn't to address the actions of the guy who got shot. Of course he didn't act appropriately. I've never stated otherwise.

My point here isn't to defend the actions of the drunk belligerent guy who didn't comply with the police. Of course he should have complied with the police. My point is to address how police should act when they're dealing with a non-compliant person. Non-compliance isn't a warrant to kill. That doesn't mean I support the non-compliance, it just means that the police need to be more professional in how they deal with it.

Can I be any more clear with you on that? You can stop lying now.
Did I say any of that? The fact that you need to lie just shows how pathetic your argument actually is.

Let me be perfectly clear with you. I 100% agree with your suggestions to not get shot by the police. I 100% disagree with the bullshit you credit me with saying for not getting shot at by police. Got that? You can drop that bullshit lie right there and you should be ashamed of yourself for saying something so incredibly stupid and trying to pin it on me. If you had any integrity whatsoever, you would apologize for this, but you don't, so you won't.

I do not approve of the the actions taken by the guy who got shot here. I would not suggest for anyone to do that. It's absolutely pathetic that I have to take the time to correct this blatant lie of yours.

All clear?

Now then, to address the topic at hand, my point here isn't to address the actions of the guy who got shot. Of course he didn't act appropriately. I've never stated otherwise.

My point here isn't to defend the actions of the drunk belligerent guy who didn't comply with the police. Of course he should have complied with the police. My point is to address how police should act when they're dealing with a non-compliant person. Non-compliance isn't a warrant to kill. That doesn't mean I support the non-compliance, it just means that the police need to be more professional in how they deal with it.

Can I be any more clear with you on that? You can stop lying now.

So who's lying? You keep saying he got shot for non-compliance which is the biggest lie told in this topic. He got shot because he was approaching a police officer with a weapon in his hand. That's why he got shot. So you can stop promoting YOUR lie that he got shot for non-compliance.

Now, to my last post that obviously went :aug08_031:This asshole brought everything on himself. He brought the police there because of the way he was acting, he got tased because of the way he was acting, and he got shot because of the way he was acting. It's all on him, not the police officer or the police force. I get so fed up with this bullshit of blaming police officers because of the actions of the criminal. Our police have the right to make sure they don't get hurt on the job. Between seeing this guy shot or a police officer getting hurt or killed because you think he should have went hands on with this guy, I'm all for the guy who started and fueled the problem getting gunned down first.

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