Police State: Dad Calls Cops To Teach Son A Lesson, Cops Kill The Kid...

Then shoot the tyres out, not the kid.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?

If cops are so dumb as to miss a tyre, they shouldn't carry a gun.
it's spelled TIRE
Monday morning easy chair quarterbacks, a foreigner on American events, and anti gunners discussion on how the police should use a gun are stupid.
ONE MORE TIME police are not trained to shoot the tires of a moving vehicle.
Then shoot the tyres out, not the kid.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?

Why shoot at all?
It hardly sounds like a reasonable response to the situation.

The truck is a weapon of mass destruction
I doubt that the police got anything other than a stolen truck apb. They had no idea whether the kid had a gun, or was a danger to them or the public. That's is an assumption, but the police have to deal with this kind of BS all the time and most auto thieves aren't nice people.

As far as shooting out the tires of a moving vehicle from one poster, doesn't know difficult that is in moving vehicles and has seen too many movies.
The question Noomi should ask is why aren't police trained to shoot tires out?
Glad you asked Noomi
Because bullets have bounced off tires even when they have hit them
Any so called conservatives on this board attempting to defend this action better read further into the story.

Oh and while we're at it..........

policemen tasered a step dad for trying to run in and save his three year old baby from a burning house

oh and while we're at it.........

a website is up and running over cops killing dogs I think it's every 93 minutes

Shall I continue?

Oh and a cop took out a young black man who was just trying to get help after an accident

Oh and ...........

This action by cops on a continual basis why the Panthers formed waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?

If cops are so dumb as to miss a tyre, they shouldn't carry a gun.

Obviously you've never shot a gun.

Oh bite me. The cop was aiming for the driver.

He wanted the kill.

And to your "never shot a gun" your teacher is going to fail you for this blatant error.
You're full of shit. That kid rammed their car twice. He sped through residential neighborhoods, sometimes on the wrong side of the road, and then drove into a park. It's amazing he didn't kill somebody. The shooting was justified, PERIOD.

I'm not one to defend the police all that often, but I look at every situation objectively. You just seem to hate them no matter what they do.

They were instructed to end the pursuit. No pursuit, no senseless murder. Period, end of story.

No, not end of story. That kid had a rage problem. He was either going to end up hurting someone or he was going to end up seriously hurt or dead. The father really should have known he boy had a rage problem and dealt with this at an earlier age.

It seems like our Police have the rage problem.
The police, to a large extent, are a standing military armed to the teeth, rhoided up, their ranks filled with former "freedumb fighters". Since 9-11 they've been systematically taught to believe that the average Joe is a possible terrorist. Further, too much, FAR TOO FUCKING MUCH EMPHASIS, is put on the safety of a pig in the field. Nobody put a goddamn gun to their pink shaved heads and told them it was going to be all safe but to rednecks like Lone Stooge it's of the utmost importance for these pork rinds to remain safe NO MATTER WHAT even if that involves tazing some kid or old lady to death which happens ALL the time. Better yet, just do a SWAT raid on the WRONG address, and blow everyone away. OOPs, our bad. As long as the oinker is safe that is what is important.

That does seem to be most Americans' mentality. 'The Gestapo is always right.' And if you say different, you obviously hate America and Children. You're probably an evil Al Kater too.
If cops are so dumb as to miss a tyre, they shouldn't carry a gun.

Obviously you've never shot a gun.

Oh bite me. The cop was aiming for the driver.

He wanted the kill.

And to your "never shot a gun" your teacher is going to fail you for this blatant error.

Of course the cop shot to kill, that's how they're trained. Not to shoot out tires. The rest of your blather made no sense at all.
Any so called conservatives on this board attempting to defend this action better read further into the story.

Oh and while we're at it..........

policemen tasered a step dad for trying to run in and save his three year old baby from a burning house

oh and while we're at it.........

a website is up and running over cops killing dogs I think it's every 93 minutes

Shall I continue?

Oh and a cop took out a young black man who was just trying to get help after an accident

Oh and ...........

This action by cops on a continual basis why the Panthers formed waaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when.

I am also amazed by the support of this idiocy from some who are conservatives.
No surprise that big gubimnt worshipers are all on the side of the police, but I find myself agreeing with Noomi and against her opponent.

Police is NOT your friend, it's your enemy - that what it's look like.
Common sense is fucking dead these days. No wonder people crow about "low information voters." This kid was driving his truck @ high speeds the WRONG WAY in traffic, hopped a pedestrian sidewalk and was driving through a park erratically. OF COURSE he was a dangerous threat and should have been dealt with as such. Cops dont have time to hit the pause button mid-situation and interview the fuck to see if his intention is to be the next mass killer with his crazy fucking truck as the weapon. You people are dense as fuck, my gosh seriously.
Then shoot the tyres out, not the kid.
So cops should be disarmed now?
Cops aren't trained to shoot tires out. They are trained to be accountable for every shot. what happens when they miss that small tire ricochet's off the asphalt and kills someone else?

Why shoot at all?
It hardly sounds like a reasonable response to the situation.

It was a very reasonable response. Watch the video.
They were instructed to end the pursuit. No pursuit, no senseless murder. Period, end of story.

No, not end of story. That kid had a rage problem. He was either going to end up hurting someone or he was going to end up seriously hurt or dead. The father really should have known he boy had a rage problem and dealt with this at an earlier age.

It seems like our Police have the rage problem.

It seems you have a paranoia problem.
If cops are so dumb as to miss a tyre, they shouldn't carry a gun.

Obviously you've never shot a gun.

Oh bite me. The cop was aiming for the driver.

He wanted the kill.

And to your "never shot a gun" your teacher is going to fail you for this blatant error.

He was not replying to you. He was replying to Noomi....and I agree with him: she most likely has never even HANDLED a gun.

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