Police state national ID card tucked in immigration bill

Depending on the data that would be used, that is not necessarily true. Even if it is true, that should mean that we work to have such records purged and prevent the government from continuing to do so in the future, not roll over and show our bellies because it's already being done.

Your reasoning here seems to be, "The government is already ignoring the fourth amendment, so let's just go along with that."
Please tell us specifically what personal information you would choose to deny government access to? And why.

The Fourth Amendment protects you against unreasonable search and seizure of your papers and effects, and rightfully so. But considering the purpose of the proposed Citizen ID Card, specifically what personal information do you believe would be unreasonable for this card to contain?
. It is unreasonable for it to contain any information beyond the information they already have on our SS card or our drivers liscense. We already have the two forms of identification, and we or the government don't need anymore. If any other is requested, then it better be a good reason for it, and what I'm seeing there is no good reason for it.
Fingerprints, retinal scans, DNA information.....none of this is anything the government should be able to demand from citizens who have not done anything wrong. The purpose of the ID should not override Constitutional protections.
This argument ultimately rests on the merits of purpose, which in this example is perfectly reasonable. I'm quite sure the majority of ordinary Americans will agree that the proposed Citizen ID Card has a broadly beneficial purpose, i.e., control of illegal immigration.
. The proposed CITIZEN ID card eh ? Doesn't sound like something to control illegal immigration to me, but rather they are being used as an excuse to try something on we the citizens in order to make us more compatible to the tech world we are being pushed towards faster than a speeding bullet. It's no different than software becoming outdated within a matter of months now, and then we are required to update or be left behind in that world now. Most are barely able to keep pace, but if the government intervenes, and levels the playing field, then it can require people to comply or participate if it wants to.

The only problem is that we aren't sure anymore on where this is going, how fast, and what the results will be.
Note the immigrant sentence followed by the hardship sentence. If not done online but rather physically visiting the SS office, the contradiction is the question of address.
Yes beagle, the forcing into screenal space of the tech world, even if the prisoner is physically standing in the SS office with the required photo ID. The address contradiction masks that the Feds and State want to technically know where the prisoner gets horizontal and unconscious at night.
‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


XXXX -- Mod Edit -- ONE TOPIC per OP.. Already too much thread noise about your 2nd topic.
Only the GOP can do this, an extremely necessary idea 2 + to end illegal immigration forever finally. The wall is a joke that won't work. Democrats tried to do this in 2010 and it was quashed because the GOP would call it communist. Now they want to do it LOL. It It is like going to China...
‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


It will be hysterical when vaccines are next, and as ppl who love their vaccines begin to watch the lights go out in their kid we'll see how much you like after that or they drop dead. The vaccines will be getting worse..

‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


It will be hysterical when vaccines are next, and as ppl who love their vaccines begin to watch the lights go out in their kid we'll see how much you like after that or they drop dead. The vaccines will be getting worse..

I just scanned 45 references to "biometric" in HR4760 and didn't find a single reference to using this as a National ID card. IN FACT --- every reference I saw was concerning VISA/PASSPORTS at Entry and Exit points for immigration..

This doesn't make me gleeful as it is. BUT --- it's NOT yet to the point of screaming false panics.

YOU go read it at https://www.congress.gov/115/bills/hr4760/BILLS-115hr4760ih.pdf and show me where this applies to education, employment and all those other things. Don't think that's real..

So an alien has a biometric visa.. Are they STUPID enough to use that as an ID for education or employment?

The only one screaming false BS is you. This has been in the works since BUSH was in office. Now it is and will be implemented .

Try telling yourself the truth and instead of fantasy bs. lol

Learn where to look .........

Back in 2013 Judicial Watch exclusively obtained droves of records documenting how, under Mueller’s leadership, the FBI purged all anti-terrorism training material deemed “offensive” to Muslims after secret meetings between Islamic organizations and the then-FBI chief. Judicial Watch had to sue to get the records and published an in-depth report on the scandal in 2013 and a lengthier, updated follow-up in 2015. As FBI director, Mueller bent over backwards to please radical Islamist groups and caved into their demands. The agency eliminated the valuable anti-terrorism training material and curricula after Mueller met with various Islamist organizations, including those with documented ties too terrorism. Among them were two organizations— Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)—named by the U.S. government as unindicted co-conspirators in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorist financing case. CAIR is a terrorist front group with extensive links to foreign and domestic Islamists. It was founded in 1994 by three Middle Eastern extremists (Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad and Rafeeq Jaber) who ran the American propaganda wing of Hamas, known then as the Islamic Association for Palestine.
As FBI Director Mueller Helped Cover Up Fla. 9/11 Probe, Court Docs Show - Judicial Watch

It's so fake RON PAUL has a PETITION to STOP IT . LMFAO!

View attachment 173891


But the GOP wants everyone to want everyone to have a license or ID to vote.. why not make it not fakeable? The GOP is a total p i a.
‘Police State’ National ID Card Tucked In Immigration Bill

Inserted in a sweeping House bill introduced earlier this month called Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 is the establishment of a new biometric National ID card for all Americans that has privacy activists sounding alarms. Introduced by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., H.R. 4760 encompasses issues such as education, Homeland Security and the military. Buried in the 400-page legislation is the new mandatory national identification system in which citizens would be required to carry a government-approved ID containing “biometric features.”


XXXX -- Mod Edit -- ONE TOPIC per OP.. Already too much thread noise about your 2nd topic.
The proposed CITIZEN ID card eh ? Doesn't sound like something to control illegal immigration to me,[...]
Right now the immigration officials have a major problem with fake ID. All sorts of fake documents are available to illegals and the quality is so high it's virtually impossible to detect: Birth certificates. Baptismal certificates. Military discharge. School diplomas. Driver licenses, Passports -- you name it.

If ICE pulls a raid on a factory where dozens of illegals are employed they all have fake ID. The employers know it's fake and they couldn't care less. As long as the illegals have the papers the employer can't be charged for hiring them. I've read that some of these employers actually steer illegals to the source of the documents. But the Biometric ID Card will put an abrupt end to the hiring of illegals once and for all.

The Citizen ID Card will have a major impact on the problem of illegal immigration.
The proposed CITIZEN ID card eh ? Doesn't sound like something to control illegal immigration to me,[...]
Right now the immigration officials have a major problem with fake ID. All sorts of fake documents are available to illegals and the quality is so high it's virtually impossible to detect: Birth certificates. Baptismal certificates. Military discharge. School diplomas. Driver licenses, Passports -- you name it.

If ICE pulls a raid on a factory where dozens of illegals are employed they all have fake ID. The employers know it's fake and they couldn't care less. As long as the illegals have the papers the employer can't be charged for hiring them. I've read that some of these employers actually steer illegals to the source of the documents. But the Biometric ID Card will put an abrupt end to the hiring of illegals once and for all.

The Citizen ID Card will have a major impact on the problem of illegal immigration.
It could end the illegals coming in Forever. The Democrats tried 2 do it with the 2010 immigration bill and have tried before but the GOP would them Communists laugh out loud the stupid assholes.
The proposed CITIZEN ID card eh ? Doesn't sound like something to control illegal immigration to me,[...]
Right now the immigration officials have a major problem with fake ID. All sorts of fake documents are available to illegals and the quality is so high it's virtually impossible to detect: Birth certificates. Baptismal certificates. Military discharge. School diplomas. Driver licenses, Passports -- you name it.

If ICE pulls a raid on a factory where dozens of illegals are employed they all have fake ID. The employers know it's fake and they couldn't care less. As long as the illegals have the papers the employer can't be charged for hiring them. I've read that some of these employers actually steer illegals to the source of the documents. But the Biometric ID Card will put an abrupt end to the hiring of illegals once and for all.

The Citizen ID Card will have a major impact on the problem of illegal immigration.
. Ok, so the illegal immigrants are the ones to have a specific ID or out they go. We as American's shouldn't have to change not one thing that we do or have over the issue. If we are required to change or become compromised over the issue, then we are conducting our war on illegal immigration wrongfully.

Now with that said based upon what you said, I think there is far more to this stuff than meets with the eye.
The proposed CITIZEN ID card eh ? Doesn't sound like something to control illegal immigration to me,[...]
Right now the immigration officials have a major problem with fake ID. All sorts of fake documents are available to illegals and the quality is so high it's virtually impossible to detect: Birth certificates. Baptismal certificates. Military discharge. School diplomas. Driver licenses, Passports -- you name it.

If ICE pulls a raid on a factory where dozens of illegals are employed they all have fake ID. The employers know it's fake and they couldn't care less. As long as the illegals have the papers the employer can't be charged for hiring them. I've read that some of these employers actually steer illegals to the source of the documents. But the Biometric ID Card will put an abrupt end to the hiring of illegals once and for all.

The Citizen ID Card will have a major impact on the problem of illegal immigration.
It will also impact identity theft
The proposed CITIZEN ID card eh ? Doesn't sound like something to control illegal immigration to me,[...]
Right now the immigration officials have a major problem with fake ID. All sorts of fake documents are available to illegals and the quality is so high it's virtually impossible to detect: Birth certificates. Baptismal certificates. Military discharge. School diplomas. Driver licenses, Passports -- you name it.

If ICE pulls a raid on a factory where dozens of illegals are employed they all have fake ID. The employers know it's fake and they couldn't care less. As long as the illegals have the papers the employer can't be charged for hiring them. I've read that some of these employers actually steer illegals to the source of the documents. But the Biometric ID Card will put an abrupt end to the hiring of illegals once and for all.

The Citizen ID Card will have a major impact on the problem of illegal immigration.
It will also impact identity theft
. Wouldn't have to worry about that if only one form of identity is excepted by the feds from the immigrants who are here temporarily. Illegals without ID's are deported. Simple. There is absolutely no reason to reinvent anything that has been put in place over the years in which American's have made use of over the very long periods in which we had perfected these things.
So now I gotta carry a driver's license, a VA ID card and a National Identity card? Who's buying me a bigger wallet?
So now I gotta carry a driver's license, a VA ID card and a National Identity card? Who's buying me a bigger wallet?
. No, I think they are suggesting to take all of those and combine them into one. The thing is though, is that we don't need anything changed for us as American's, but rather that only one form of ID should be accepted from temporary migrant workers who are given this ID when here, and if any are found with other forms of ID, then of course they are deported immediately.
So now I gotta carry a driver's license, a VA ID card and a National Identity card? Who's buying me a bigger wallet?
. No, I think they are suggesting to take all of those and combine them into one. The thing is though, is that we don't need anything changed for us as American's, but rather that only one form of ID should be accepted from temporary migrant workers who are given this ID when here, and if any are found with other forms of ID, then of course they are deported immediately.
They just told us a new ID would be coming from the VA...
So now I gotta carry a driver's license, a VA ID card and a National Identity card? Who's buying me a bigger wallet?
. No, I think they are suggesting to take all of those and combine them into one. The thing is though, is that we don't need anything changed for us as American's, but rather that only one form of ID should be accepted from temporary migrant workers who are given this ID when here, and if any are found with other forms of ID, then of course they are deported immediately.
They just told us a new ID would be coming from the VA...
. It figures that government is punishing us for it's failures. When will we learn that we are friend and not foe to the American government and nation ?
I'm all for a national ID with fingerprint recognition and a photo, with some caveats...

1. It also acts as a drivers license, firearms license, social security card,voter ID, passport, and any other state or federal license/ID required by law.

2. It would not be attached to any financial, employment, or other private information, including medical insurance.

3. It could only be issued to US Citizens.

4. It would be required to be carried on your person at all times, and could be demanded to be presented to any LEO at any time. Failure to have or present the card would result in immediate deportation.
I'm all for a national ID with fingerprint recognition and a photo, with some caveats...

1. It also acts as a drivers license, firearms license, social security card,voter ID, passport, and any other state or federal license/ID required by law.

2. It would not be attached to any financial, employment, or other private information, including medical insurance.

3. It could only be issued to US Citizens.

4. It would be required to be carried on your person at all times, and could be demanded to be presented to any LEO at any time. Failure to have or present the card would result in immediate deportation.
. Wait a minute, it appears you are talking about American's in the beginning, but then you end in deportation at the end ? So which do you require to have this ID, the temps or the American's ?? If only one ID is required of the temps to identify them, then they having any other form of ID does them no good. The only thing missing from the current system is enforcement on employers who had been working these immigrants by way of allowing them to use stolen or fake ID's. These employers knew who was here illegally, and they in the interest of their own bottom lines ignored the problem. Now we have to pay for the problems by changing our system as if it was our fault ?? Pathetic.
Wait a minute, it appears you are talking about American's in the beginning, but then you end in deportation at the end ? So which do you require to have this ID, the temps or the American's ?? If only one ID is required of the temps to identify them, then they having any other form of ID does them no good. The only thing missing from the current system is enforcement on employers who had been working these immigrants by way of allowing them to use stolen or fake ID's. These employers knew who was here illegally, and they in the interest of their own bottom lines ignored the problem. Now we have to pay for the problems by changing our system as if it was our fault ?? Pathetic.

The ID woild be issued to US Citizens. Failure to have it on your person and/or to present it to ANY LEO on demand would be considered as not having the national ID.

Anyone not having a national ID who is found to be involved in any criminal activity, from jaywalking to murder would be immediately and permanently expelled from the country.

You wanna play thst "I don't have my ID" of the "I don't have to show you my ID" game with the cops - go directly to GTFO of this country. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200 (or any personal property left behind.)

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