Police State: The Word Gestapo. They Are Watching...

I am trying to figure out where your emails are private in any TOA? I use gmail and assume regularly that the government can read them because when I agree to the use of the service it doesn't state that they cant. Same with posting things on Facebook and instagram. We need to make restrictions on the government to change this....Now I am all for that but very much doubt we will ever see it. Instead we have things like Obama wishing the UN to police the internet like the fucking moron he is.

That "You should have no expectation of privacy" scam is gonna sink our Nation. So many have been duped into believing that. It's a real tragedy. Unless drastic change occurs, we're doomed.
It's all Psyops (Psychological Warfare.) They floated the idea that no one should expect privacy anymore. They just wanted to see if it would sell. And guess what? It has. Many Americans have bought into it. So far, it has been a very successful Psychological Operation.
Bomb, nuke, dune coon, haji, terrorist, APAN, Jihad, FEMA, Christian, Tea party, Lyndon LaRouche, Ron Paul, revolution, bomb on an airplane, Allah, Jesus, ANFO.

That should get me on a list.

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