Police State USA

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Jun 7, 2004
Here is a fellow republican questioning Bushs security measures. If only there were more republicans like Dr Paul.


Every generation must resist the temptation to believe that it lives in the most dangerous time in American history. The threat of Islamic terrorism is real, but it is not the greatest danger ever faced by our nation. This is not to dismiss the threat of terrorism, but rather to put it in perspective. Those who seek to whip the nation into a frenzy of fear do a disservice to a country that expelled the British, fought two world wars, and stared down the Soviet empire.

Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our American heritage. America was born of protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom for long.
A point thats continuously hammered on, a point thats continuously dismissed as 'tin foil' material. A pivotal point in our nation.
dilloduck said:
lost ya on that one DK----are you saying to lose the security?

theres a subtle difference between using security measures and relinquishing your god given freedoms. the argument about losing life without security is the doomsday argument. You're saying that if we don't do this and more, we're all going to die. There have been so many threads, arguments, facts, theories, and flames about security, patriot act, losing freedoms, and the like that I'm tired of wasting my energies on it. Those who feel that they would rather give up some, or all, of their liberties for the feeling of safety, or temporary safety, are pushing it on the rest of us. I'll just sit back and watch it all go to hell.
DKSuddeth said:
theres a subtle difference between using security measures and relinquishing your god given freedoms. the argument about losing life without security is the doomsday argument. You're saying that if we don't do this and more, we're all going to die. There have been so many threads, arguments, facts, theories, and flames about security, patriot act, losing freedoms, and the like that I'm tired of wasting my energies on it. Those who feel that they would rather give up some, or all, of their liberties for the feeling of safety, or temporary safety, are pushing it on the rest of us. I'll just sit back and watch it all go to hell.

Gotcha---read what ya said about election monitoring too. I'm seeing the same things you are and waiting for the shit to hit the fan. I don't think that fine line can be obtained with the hatred going on between the major parties. I have been hoping cooler heads might prevail but I'm beginning to realize that there are none. Guess I'll sit back with ya and watch the civil war begin
DKSuddeth said:
theres a subtle difference between using security measures and relinquishing your god given freedoms. the argument about losing life without security is the doomsday argument. You're saying that if we don't do this and more, we're all going to die. There have been so many threads, arguments, facts, theories, and flames about security, patriot act, losing freedoms, and the like that I'm tired of wasting my energies on it. Those who feel that they would rather give up some, or all, of their liberties for the feeling of safety, or temporary safety, are pushing it on the rest of us. I'll just sit back and watch it all go to hell.
Or we can change it. Seen Braveheart, Patriot? We do not have to settle for the erosion of our freedom, nor do we have to fight over hte principle - just need to wake a few people up to the fact that while the professional politicos are play partisan bullshit games to further their agendas, they are alos giving away the farm so to speak to do so.

It is kind of like the fuedal days, when the King would give land and title to the nobles in order to have their allegiance. Except now, we have PAC's and special interests pandering to the politicos; The PAC's and SI's get their legislation and the politicos get re-elected. Who looses? Who always looses, the paeon's.

However, we can take our country back.
Did you ever think that talk like this is what generally starts revolutions. Kinda scary when you think about it. I guess the good thing is that we are all sitting around in a virtual coffee shop instead of a real one. If we were sitting in Dunkin Donuts talking like this, it might get some legs!
freeandfun1 said:
Did you ever think that talk like this is what generally starts revolutions. Kinda scary when you think about it. I guess the good thing is that we are all sitting around in a virtual coffee shop instead of a real one. If we were sitting in Dunkin Donuts talking like this, it might get some legs!

Don't you think its getting to the point where we may need one?
freeandfun1 said:
Did you ever think that talk like this is what generally starts revolutions. Kinda scary when you think about it. I guess the good thing is that we are all sitting around in a virtual coffee shop instead of a real one. If we were sitting in Dunkin Donuts talking like this, it might get some legs!
You would be surprised.
freeandfun1 said:
I do and it is sad. What happened to the country we all grew up in?
Over the years, we have given it away under various muse's.
DKSuddeth said:
not really, I can't think of anyone but myself that has my best interests at heart right now.

Same here---leaders tend to rise to the occasion when it matters and perhaps it will happen again. HGROKIT posted a great site.
dilloduck said:
Life is lost without security----and who would be blamed? Pick you poison TP--

Giving up freedoms does not make us any more secure.

freeandfun1 said:
Did you ever think that talk like this is what generally starts revolutions. Kinda scary when you think about it. I guess the good thing is that we are all sitting around in a virtual coffee shop instead of a real one. If we were sitting in Dunkin Donuts talking like this, it might get some legs!

Then perhaps we need to get in the car and head to Dunkin Donuts?!?! :tank:
tpahl said:
Giving up freedoms does not make us any more secure.


depends on who you fear the most--libertarians seem to think it is our own govt. right now.
dilloduck said:
depends on who you fear the most--libertarians seem to think it is our own govt. right now.
As they should, to some degree at least.
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