Police State: Woman Jailed For Holding Up Sign Warning Drivers Of Police Speed Trap


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
This should make all the Nanny/Police Staters happy. Surprised they didn't invoke the NDAA on her.

A woman in Houston, Texas, was arrested and jailed for 12 hours after she held up a make-shift sign to warn drivers about a speed trap.

Natalie Plummer was officially charged with walking in the roadway -- jaywalking, essentially -- though she says the police officers who arrested her were just angry that she had tipped off speeders.

Miss Plummer was riding her bicycle along a road near downtown Houston on Thursday when she spotted police officers pulling drivers over.

She told KTRK that it looked like the officers were targeting cars at random, so she recorded some the activity on her cell phone.
Then, she said, she turned around and wrote 'Speed Trap!!' in large letters on a piece of grocery bag to warn oncoming traffic.

'I was simply warning citizens of a situation ahead,' she told the TV station.

The officers didn't see it that way. Shortly after she took up her post, a squad car pulled up to Miss Plummer and an officer grabbed her backpack off her shoulder and began rifling through it. Then, he handcuffed her and told her she was under arrested for felony obstruction of justice and that she would spent three to five years in jail, at minimum.

She ended up being charged with misdemeanor 'walking in the road where a sidewalk is present,' through she was in jail 12 hours before she was able to bail out.

Miss Plummer said she wasn't obstructing justice, and she wasn't in the roadway, either -- she was on the sidwalk. 'He couldn't take me to jail for holding up this sign or he would have. So all he could do was make up something fake about it,' she said...

Read more: Natalie Plummer arrested for holding sign warning drivers about police speed trap | Mail Online
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Wow good job texas, really had to pull those charges out of your asses

Our Police have just about unlimited powers at this point. They can arrest or 'detain' anyone for almost anything. We need revolutionary changes in our Police Force. They no longer serve the People. The People now serve them. But i don't blame them. It's the Big Government Nanny/Police Staters who i blame.
Wow good job texas, really had to pull those charges out of your asses

Our Police have just about unlimited powers at this point. They can arrest or 'detain' anyone for almost anything. We need revolutionary changes in our Police Force. They no longer serve the People. The People now serve them. But i don't blame them. It's the Big Government Nanny/Police Staters who i blame.

Pissing off police may not be wise, but it isn't illegal.
This was Texas?

Who'd a thunk it?

Don't delude yourself. This happens everyday all across the country.

Texas is undoubtedly a police state. Not all states are, though I'm sure that every state will end up having a municipality that is particularly bad. But in Texas, it's pretty much the entire state. Texas is pretty much a lost cause, a horribly failed experiment is conservatism. Sell it back to Mexico.
Wow good job texas, really had to pull those charges out of your asses

Our Police have just about unlimited powers at this point. They can arrest or 'detain' anyone for almost anything. We need revolutionary changes in our Police Force. They no longer serve the People. The People now serve them. But i don't blame them. It's the Big Government Nanny/Police Staters who i blame.

Pissing off police may not be wise, but it isn't illegal.

In the past, i would have said you're right. But it's a new day in America. Keep in mind, "911 Changed Everything."
This was Texas?

Who'd a thunk it?

Don't delude yourself. This happens everyday all across the country.

Texas is undoubtedly a police state. Not all states are, though I'm sure that every state will end up having a municipality that is particularly bad. But in Texas, it's pretty much the entire state. Texas is pretty much a lost cause, a horribly failed experiment is conservatism. Sell it back to Mexico.

Our entire Nation is a Police State. It's not just Texas.

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