Police Training Sucks

Policing in a city is a very dangerous job. I don't blame cops for their actions, I blame criminals for not following commands.
This is unsurprisingly idiotic and wrong.

Those suffering from mental health or substance abuse issues often are incapable of ‘following commands.’

As a consequence of arrogance, incompetence, and a lack of training, sworn officers often needlessly escalate such encounters resulting in the injury or death of citizens; encounters where no crimes were committed and where the public was in no manner in danger.
Sworn officers are poorly equipped to address the issues they often encounter, such as homelessness, substance abuse, and mental illness.
Because a SuperLib in cyberspace says so?
Much of the criminal abuse by sworn officers is the result of their lack of training and experience with dealing with such issues having nothing to do with law enforcement.
Because a SuperLib in cyberspace says so?
Mental health and social services professionals need to be available to respond to those suffering from substance abuse or mental health problems, not law enforcement.
Hahaha….but isn’t it the bottom feeders with substance abuse issues and mental illness committing the majority of the crime in the trenches?
Remember before the SuperLib movement when NONE of this backwards-ass shit existed?

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