Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Team Roy Moore’s closing argument: If Doug Jones is elected, transgender illegal immigrants will pour into Alabama bathrooms and perform illegal abortions—while kneeling for the national anthem & burning the American flag.

Of course you do. There is no conversing with an extremist like you, you are a kook. Extremism from both sides is the reason this country is so fucked up. Please carru on with your bullshit delusion that you are some how better than others. What a small, sad world you live in.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The extremest in this country are the far Left Wing assholes that are trying to turn this country into another Venezuela or some European style socialists shithole. .

The greedy little bastards that are curtailing free speech, attempting to do away with our Constitutional rights, rioting in the streets, tearing down our historical monuments, shooting up Congressmen, congregations and police,killing the children and destroying our economy.

Liberals are the scum of this country. We all know it. Alabama is blessed by not having as many Libtards as some other states.

Instead you have people that hide behind the bible and say it is not only ok to molest children, but it is biblical. Congratulations it sounds like a perfect state for you and Roy Moore!
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So one police officer says this decades after the fact, and you just gobble it up and run with it.

Tell me: Were you leading the charge to have Ted Kennedy denied his Senate seat after he left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown and then tried to cover it up? You were, of course, outraged by such conduct, right? And you of course pointed out that such conduct should disqualify a person from serving in any government position, right? Right?
mikeg uses one of his poorly crafted out of time fallacies of false equivalency.

Kennedy is dead while Moore is very much alive and a danger to American democracy.
So one police officer says this decades after the fact, and you just gobble it up and run with it.

Tell me: Were you leading the charge to have Ted Kennedy denied his Senate seat after he left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown and then tried to cover it up? You were, of course, outraged by such conduct, right? And you of course pointed out that such conduct should disqualify a person from serving in any government position, right? Right?

Snowflakes only get outraged about the sex crimes of their politicians 20 years after they leave office.
25 years of investigating Hillary and spending a $100 million to find something on her ...it must be deeply disappointing ...specially since Trump had to pay back $25 million he stole from Rubes with a "University" Lol
The State Department misplaced and lost some $6 billion due to the improper filing of contracts during the past six years, mainly during the tenure of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, according to a newly released Inspector General report.

The $6 billion in unaccounted funds poses a “significant financial risk and demonstrates a lack of internal control over the Department’s contract actions,” according to the report. State Dept. misplaced $6B under Hillary Clinton: IG report

CNN commentator Van Jones ripped the Clinton campaign and the DNC during his speech at The People's Summit in Chicago on Saturday for wasting money and failing to reach out to working-class and minority voters.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign did not spend their money on white workers, and they did not spend it on people of color. They spent it on themselves," Jones told a packed house at McCormick Place in Chicago. "They spent it on themselves, let's be honest.""Let's be honest," Jones continued. "They took a billion dollars, a billion dollars, a billion dollars, and set it on fire, and called it a campaign!" Van Jones: Clinton campaign set a billion dollars 'on fire'

Michael Cohen, the executive vice president of the Trump Organization and special counsel to Donald Trump, made this accusation while answering questions about Trump’s donations to veterans’ groups. He blamed the news media for asking questions about Trump’s donations, yet letting Hillary Clinton’s allegedly squandered hospital promise go unquestioned. Did the Clinton Foundation raise ‘hundreds of millions of dollars’ for a hospital in Haiti that was never built?

A 70-year person with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy, not transformational, with a husband still di**ing bimbos at home (according to the NYP),' Powell wrote to wealthy private equity investor Jeffrey Leeds. Colin Powell's opinions about Bill and Hillary Clinton laid bare in leaked emails | Daily Mail Online

Read more: Colin Powell's opinions about Bill and Hillary Clinton laid bare in leaked emails | Daily Mail Online
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25 years of investigating Hillary and spending a $100 million to find something on her ...it must be deeply disappointing ...specially since Trump had to pay back $25 million he stole from Rubes with a "University" Lol

That proves that Republicans are inept, not that Hillary is innocent.

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