Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Burden of proof is on you. With no list and the manager saying he wasn't on it evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of Moore
There are more than 12 people who contradict the mall manager, they lead 12+ to 1.

Are they recalling reality or rumors?

Reality, as you well know.

How do I know, didn't you post this? my bold

Well you are ignoring a dozen mall people so why can't we ignore one??/
The New Yorker reported that more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in the state—who said that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since. These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees.

Run the numbers for me, how many claim actually hearing it at the time? If you note, no one in your paragraph reports actually seeing it with their own eyes, so it's all hearsay. Since there are no contemporary written records, there is nothing to back up your hearsay. That wouldn't even be admissible in a civil court.

From the same report:
[Former mall worker Greg] Legat says that he saw Moore there a few times, even though his understanding then was that he had already been banned. “It started around 1979, I think,” Legat said. “I know the ban was still in place when I got there.” Legat recalled a Gadsden police officer named J. D. Thomas, now retired, who worked security at the mall. “J. D. was a fixture there, when I was working at the store,” Legat said. “He really looked after the kids there. He was a good guy. J. D. told me, ‘If you see Roy, let me know. He’s banned from the mall.’ ” Legat recalled Thomas telling him, “If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him.’ ”

Wow, someone said they saw him at the mall, what was he doing? It doesn't say here. And it doesn't seem that the officer took care of much since there are no public records of arrest or even official warnings. If true Moore could have been charged with trespass after warning, but no charges have surfaced. The Post wants us to believe that the whole criminal justice system was aware of what Moore was doing yet no records, could it be he wasn't doing anything illegal?

Fighting for the Ten Commandments.
By defiling the Constitution he swore on the bible to uphold.

Nothing in the Constitution says you can't have the 10 commandments in a court house. They are in the US supreme court, and outside. That's something unelected judges decided.

And these should be in a public secular courtroom why exactly?

Are a lot of people before the judge for not keeping the Sabbath holy?
Fighting for the Ten Commandments.
By defiling the Constitution he swore on the bible to uphold.

Nothing in the Constitution says you can't have the 10 commandments in a court house. They are in the US supreme court, and outside. That's something unelected judges decided.

And these should be in a public secular courtroom why exactly?
View attachment 162136
Are a lot of people before the judge for not keeping the Sabbath holy?

Because they are an integral part of this countries laws and traditions, that's why they haven't been removed from the US supreme court. Ever heard of Blue Laws, many cities and States still have them.

Fighting for the Ten Commandments.
By defiling the Constitution he swore on the bible to uphold.

Nothing in the Constitution says you can't have the 10 commandments in a court house. They are in the US supreme court, and outside. That's something unelected judges decided.

And these should be in a public secular courtroom why exactly?
View attachment 162136
Are a lot of people before the judge for not keeping the Sabbath holy?

Because they are an integral part of this countries laws and traditions, that's why they haven't been removed from the US supreme court. Ever heard of Blue Laws, many cities and States still have them.

Many cities and states do have them, and they shouldn't. And such a funny thing, God is all over the Ten Commandments but they forgot to mention him when they founded this secular nation. I know, it's part of your faith so you like to see the government promote Jesus no matter what.

It's nice that the Supreme Court also included Muhammad as well. That surely warms your heart? They even have him holding a weapon. Your kind of guy.

10 Commandments FAQ: Did You Know - Freedom From Religion Foundation
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Fighting for the Ten Commandments.
By defiling the Constitution he swore on the bible to uphold.

Nothing in the Constitution says you can't have the 10 commandments in a court house. They are in the US supreme court, and outside. That's something unelected judges decided.

And these should be in a public secular courtroom why exactly?
View attachment 162136
Are a lot of people before the judge for not keeping the Sabbath holy?

Because they are an integral part of this countries laws and traditions, that's why they haven't been removed from the US supreme court. Ever heard of Blue Laws, many cities and States still have them.

Many cities and states do have them, and they shouldn't. And such a funny thing, God is all over the ten Commandments but they forgot to mention him when they founded this secular nation. I know, it's part of your faith so you like to see the government promote Jesus no matter what.

Except they did mention him, and it was never the intent to found a secular nation, in fact their intent was to found a Godly nation. Only freaks and lawyers think otherwise, try reading the writings of the founders, you might actually get a clue. Why do you think they prohibited congress from screwing with religion in the first amendment, they should have included the courts, of course they didn't anticipate a court that would just make up shit as they went along.

To be a judge in the US, you have to act in accordance with laws that actually break many of the Commandments.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.

How much do you want to bet this guy is a loyal Democrat?

He already has a hole in his story: the mall manager says there was no such ban.
He is a she: the retired police officer is a woman. Your bias against women is showing by you assuming it is a man. Did you even read the article?

"A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls."
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
Read the article! It was unofficial.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

Gary did not clarify who issued the warnings, saying they “were just rumors” that circulated both at the local police department and courthouse."
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.

Explain how all this, if it was true, was kept out of the news papers at the time. Seems like this kind of story about an ADA would have been on the front page.


It's Alabama and Moore is a right wing religious republican, thats how.

In the real world that would be more reason to go public. But then you regressives always seem to be form another planet, your skewed logic never does not compute.


Not in bama, because they fo not live in the real world there. Try and keep up.
From the linked article:
B.L. Shirley is a Republican woman from a Republican county who always—always—votes Republican. And yet, on a windy, grey morning last weekend, the Talladega, Alabama, retiree found herself in, of all places, a Democrat’s campaign office, wondering just what she could do to defeat the GOP candidate running for a seat in the U.S. Senate from her state.

“I think Roy Moore is an impostor. I am a Christian and I don’t want to be counted in his camp. He’s a divisive person.”....She considers Roy Moore “an abomination.”
Ms. Shirley exhibits the kind of consistency and integrity I would expect of any self-declared Christian.
A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Oh good. She should be able to produce the written order that they were to enforce a restraining order.
Read the article! It was unofficial.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

Gary did not clarify who issued the warnings, saying they “were just rumors” that circulated both at the local police department and courthouse."

"Unofficial," meaning there's no record of it. How conveeeeeenient!
More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.
Whomever had told the police to harassed Senator Moore can be sued. That is straight up harassment. And so, who has given the order to harassed the Senator?

Sounds like the DA told the police.
Just like how the story about him being banned from the mall was made up, and so is this story was conjured up by the lefties.

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