Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.

Explain how all this, if it was true, was kept out of the news papers at the time. Seems like this kind of story about an ADA would have been on the front page


They didn't say anything out of fear of reprisals, coming from a district attorney. Moore being a district attorney in Alabama could probably do whatever he wanted and clearly he did. No cop is going to turn him in.
And there it is again, there is NO list from the 1970s and 1980s, so Moore's name not being on a list that doesn't exist means nothing except the mall manager is dishonest if he claims to have such a list from the 70 and 80s, but it does show the desperation of Trumpists.

Burden of proof is on you. With no list and the manager saying he wasn't on it evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of Moore
There are more than 12 people who contradict the mall manager, they lead 12+ to 1.

Are they recalling reality or rumors?

Reality, as you well know.

How do I know, didn't you post this? my bold

Well you are ignoring a dozen mall people so why can't we ignore one??/
The New Yorker reported that more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in the state—who said that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since. These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees.

Run the numbers for me, how many claim actually hearing it at the time? If you note, no one in your paragraph reports actually seeing it with their own eyes, so it's all hearsay. Since there are no contemporary written records, there is nothing to back up your hearsay. That wouldn't even be admissible in a civil court.

From the same report:
[Former mall worker Greg] Legat says that he saw Moore there a few times, even though his understanding then was that he had already been banned. “It started around 1979, I think,” Legat said. “I know the ban was still in place when I got there.” Legat recalled a Gadsden police officer named J. D. Thomas, now retired, who worked security at the mall. “J. D. was a fixture there, when I was working at the store,” Legat said. “He really looked after the kids there. He was a good guy. J. D. told me, ‘If you see Roy, let me know. He’s banned from the mall.’ ” Legat recalled Thomas telling him, “If you see Moore here, tell me. I’ll take care of him.’ ”
The mall manager at the time has already said it never happened. They even have a list of people who are banned from the mall, and Moore's name wasn't on it.
Well that's a lie, so that discredits your phony mall manager. What the Gadsden Mall spokesperson actually said was, “We still have an active ban list, But it doesn’t go back that far.” So Moore's name isn't on it because it doesn't go back to the 1980s.

But notice how carefully crafted that lie is, they DO have a banned list and Moore's name isn't on it, but not because he wasn't banned as the professional liars would lead you to believe, but because their records don't go back to the years Moore was banned. Only the most professional liars are able to deceive you with a half-truth.

The best liar is he who makes the smallest amount of lying go the longest way.

Samuel Butler

In other words, there is no documentation of Moore being banned.
IOW, you lied when you said he wasn't banned because his name was not on the list.

That's what the mall manager says, asshole. You obviously lied when you said he was banned.
And the current mall officials say there are NO records from the 70 and 80s, so there is NO list, therefore the mall manager saying he HAS the list proves he is lying.
Get it now???
Yeah, let's just ignore the word of the former mall manager, right?
Well you are ignoring a dozen mall people so why can't we ignore one??/
The New Yorker reported that more than a dozen people—including a major political figure in the state—who said that they had heard, over the years, that Moore had been banned from the mall because he repeatedly badgered teen-age girls. Some say that they heard this at the time, others in the years since. These people include five members of the local legal community, two cops who worked in the town, several people who hung out at the mall in the early eighties, and a number of former mall employees.
No names were given, eh? That's worth about as much as the charges of "collusion" against Trump.
Actually they do give names in the article of those who did not ask to have their names kept out. They gave mall worker Greg Legat and police officer J. D. Thomas, for example.
What difference does it make what I said? .

My point. You talk out of your ass, so what difference does it make what you say.
You're running away from defending your idiot claims.

My claim is you're an ass when it comes to law. You say hearsay wasn't admissible in court. With two dozen exceptions you were obviously wrong. Which is what got your tighty whities in a bunchl
If you had a good argument, you wouldn't be harping on this piddly shit.
Gardner was not charged or cited for the incident.

Regardless of the lack of punishment, it was made public. Not so with Moore. Go figure.

It was made public as a viral video. The police should have thrown the book at the Mayor, but instead let him skate, because he was the mayor. And you claim the police would have preferred to arrest Moore, rather than keep him away from the high school cheerleaders.

This clearly shows you don't know the souths "good olde boys" protecting their own.

You've clearly been watching too much Smokey and the Bandit and Dukes of Hazard.

A retired Alabama police officer said she and her colleagues were told decades ago to “make sure” Roy Moore “didn’t hang around” high school cheerleaders, and confirmed previous reports that the Republican Senate candidate was banned at the time from a local mall for predatory behavior toward teenage girls.

“The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and ... we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and ... really got into a place of where they say he was harassing,” former Gadsden police officer Faye Gary told MSNBC on Tuesday.

“We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that ... he didn’t hang around the cheerleaders,” she said.

More: Police Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders, Retired Officer Says

Wow, that is really creepy. Even the Alabama police were trying to protect high school cheerleaders from Moore.

Explain how all this, if it was true, was kept out of the news papers at the time. Seems like this kind of story about an ADA would have been on the front page


They didn't say anything out of fear of reprisals, coming from a district attorney. Moore being a district attorney in Alabama could probably do whatever he wanted and clearly he did. No cop is going to turn him in.

You might want to learn the difference between a DA and an ADA.


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