Polish Greatness

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‘Were We All People?’
‘The Auschwitz Volunteer,’ by Witold Pilecki

One man volunteered for Auschwitz, and now we have his story. In September 1940 the 39-year-old Polish cavalry officer Witold Pilecki deliberately walked into a German roundup in Warsaw, and was sent by train to the new German camp. His astounding choice was made within, and for, Poland’s anti-Nazi underground.

Poland had been destroyed a year earlier by its two powerful neighbors: eastern Poland had been annexed by the Soviet Union; the western half, including Warsaw, was taken by Nazi Germany. The Soviets overwhelmed Polish attempts at resistance in their zone, but under the Germans, officers like Pilecki managed to establish confidential networks that would come to be known as the Underground State and the Home Army. Auschwitz was set up to render Polish opposition to German rule impossible, and the first transport from Warsaw, in August 1940, had included two of Pilecki’s comrades. He went to Auschwitz to discover what had become of them, and what the camp meant for Poland and the world. This he learned and conveyed.

Pilecki’s report on Auschwitz, unpublishable for decades in Communist Poland and now translated into English under the title “The Auschwitz Volunteer,” is a historical document of the greatest importance. Pilecki was able to smuggle out several brief reports from Auschwitz in 1940, 1941 and 1942, and wrote two shorter reports after his escape in 1943. The long report that constitutes this book dates from 1945 and summarizes what he noted along the way: the brutality of Auschwitz as a German concentration camp for Poles in 1940 and 1941, and its transformation into something worse over the course of the war.

In the beginning, Poles in the camp were killed in public, in improvised and quite brutal ways; in time, deliberate exposure to the elements, concealed shootings and phenol injections became the rule. By the end of the war, Poles would be the third-largest victim group at Auschwitz, after Hungarian Jews and Polish Jews. But during Pilecki’s first year they were most of the prisoners and most of the victims.

‘The Auschwitz Volunteer,’ by Witold Pilecki

And poles were done in by another group of whites. On top of that it did not happen in America.

Ethnocentrism is not racism. Understand that.

Mediterranean DNA is more prevalent in Western Europe, than in Poland.

I'm not getting that from the material you posted.. Maybe YOU should read it again. Because what I GOT from your material was that the Poles WERE victims and tools of the Irish and other Whites who APPARENTLY just tried to convince them that they were not white. But EVENTUALLY -- SOMEHOW --- it all worked out that they were white after all. Or maybe they aren't. But the IMPORTANT point to YOU was --- Poles were NOT black..

Do I have right now? Was there RACIAL discrimination against the Poles? Against the Irish? Are those even "races"???

You cannot call whites discriminating against whites racial discrimination. This is ethnic discrimination. What happened to the Polish, Irish, Italians, etc., was ethnocentrism not racism. They did this among themselves. Blacks did to do this to them. This is where whites get things conflated in their attempt to lecture us on how we didn't have it so hard and how we weren't the only ones that were victims of racism. Whites were not victims of racism. Ethnocentrism is not racism. Not saying it's a good thing, but it is not racism. And at the same time while whites were doing this to each other, every white group practiced discrimination against blacks and other non whites. Notice the last sentence because THAT is my point, not the simplistic conclusion that Poles were not black.

It was YOU and your source that made it about skin color. Go back and read the (supposed) accusations from the Irish. Therefore the analysis sucks. Because Poles are a culture. They might have some uniquely identifying DNA for long-time Poles -- but that has nothing to do with skin color or race.

Your source made a BIG F'ing deal about the drama of whites arguing over their OWN racial purity. Only to end up at --- the "us" vs "them" conclusion that you like to see.

You .need to pay attention to what the article was about. The article was titled, How do you become “white” in America?. The first 2 sentences say this, Here it is important to understand how, exactly, Americans ‘become white’. The history of Polish-Americans is an illuminating example. After this, the article went into detailing the history of the polish in America. You ignored to first two sentences which set the premise for the rest of the article. The source did not make any drama about anyone arguing over racial purity.The accusations from the Irish is not the point of the article, it was an illustration of what poles went though, but the reality still mains that they dropped all that to practice racism against blacks because they decided much like the Irish did, that it was more important be white, than to be polish.

You always want to argue when race is bought up. That is a tell tale symptom that you are not colorblind but I fact you have a severe racial bias. There are whites who I have held such discussion with who do not deny racism at every turn like you and most of these guys do. And not all of them are liberals. I live in a republican state so I can say that. Now I'm sure you will tell me how you do not deny that racism exists but you have refused to see how the poles practiced racism against blacks and that what they faced was not racism as is being asserted here.

So, Poles weren't White when being White had advantages?

Now, that being White holds disadvantages Poles are White?

I think it stinks that a Pole who has the same SAT scores as a Black, would most of the time be denied college.

There is no disadvantage to being white and poles are not denied college based on SAT scores while blacks aren't. SAT scores are no indicator of qualification and has never been the only criteria used by colleges for admission. Besides the article says that poles decided it was better to be white than polish and used it to discriminate against blacks.

If Poles were Black skinned, would it be okay to call them as a dumb Polak on TV?
Polish-made scientific instruments have taken part in a number of space missions. They have been installed on such probes as Huygens/Cassini, Mars/Venus Express or Herschel. Polish engineers have become specialists in several sectors of the space industry, where today they are a class in itself.
Launched into orbit during the last two years, the Lem, Hevelius and PW-Sat satellites do not close the list of space devices designed in our country. Polish engineers from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences have been working with different space agencies since the 1970s.

It all began with Interkosmos, a Soviet programme that enabled Eastern Bloc countries to engage in space exploration, General Mirosław Hermaszewski participated in a space flight in 1978, and Polish instruments to measure plasma waves were put into orbit on board the Kopernik 500 satellite under this programme.

“Close to 70 different devices made at the Centre have been launched into outer space so far,” Professor Marek Banaszkiewicz, Director of the Space Research Centre, told Polska.pl. Starting in the early 1990s, Poland has been cooperating with members of the European Space Agency. This allowed our scientists and engineers to carry out joint space experiments with colleagues from the UK, Italy, Germany and France. “Foreign contractors realized that we have extensive know-how when it comes to designing specific types of instruments, and that we are much cheaper and oftentimes more reliable than Western firms. All this has won us new customers” added Professor Banaszkiewicz.

© ESA–C.Carreau/ATG medialab">

Polish scientists were involved in preparations for such acclaimed space missions as Huygens/Cassini, Venus/Mars Express or Rosetta. They designed special sensors to measure temperature and heat conduction. The apparatus was subsequently installed on the Huygens probe, which set off towards Saturn as part of the Cassini mission. Satellites heading for Mars and Venus are also equipped with Polish-made planetary Fourier spectrometers that measure infrared radiation. The Rosetta mission, whose task is to land on the Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet in 2014, features a Polish device for taking and analysing the comet’s soil samples.

“In the course of over forty years, Poland has specialized in building instruments for exploring the Sun with x-rays. Our second area of expertise is measuring plasma waves, which involves studying the impact of plasma on the terrestrial magnetic field,” said Professor Banaszkiewicz.

The research focuses on analysing solar flares, a potentially dangerous phenomenon that generates streams of high-energy particles. They can put at risk both astronauts at the International Space Station and people down on Earth. A case in point is the magnetic storm that was caused by a coronal mass ejection in March 1989, leading to a massive power grid shutdown in the Canadian province of Quebec. The blackout, which lasted up to nine hours, affected six million people. Satellites can also break in a similar way.

The Sun is the destination of two missions that will be launched soon: the European Solar Orbiter and the Russian InterHelio-Zond. Both will be equipped with Polish measuring instruments.

“There are fields where our technologies are a cut above international competitors. We should find our own niches in the space industry, invest in them and become global leaders,” emphasized Professor Banaszkiewicz.

Poland has been a member of the European Space Agency since 2012. After joining the organization, our country has gained access to funds for implementing ESA projects and developing space technologies by Polish companies. Plans are afoot to establish a Polish Space Agency, which will coordinate those initiatives.

Polish technology in outer space
Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and astronomer, I believe.

Probably the smartest Pole that ever lived.

He figured out how the Solar System (ours -- when you capitalize it) works simply from math and a few night observations of the planets.

Smart guy.
Which is the only nation with a worse military record than Poland?


Poland actually has one of the best military records.
Not for the past 100 years however.

Like in the Battle of Komarow in 1920 when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviets?

Keep in mind that's being more outnumbered than Texans who brag about losing the Alamo.
In 1920 the Russians had been bled white by the Kaiser.

So what ?!
Which is the only nation with a worse military record than Poland?


Poland actually has one of the best military records.
Not for the past 100 years however.

Like in the Battle of Komarow in 1920 when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviets?

Keep in mind that's being more outnumbered than Texans who brag about losing the Alamo.
In 1920 the Russians had been bled white by the Kaiser.

So what ?!

Poles didn't, who lost 1 million in WW1?
Polish-made scientific instruments have taken part in a number of space missions. They have been installed on such probes as Huygens/Cassini, Mars/Venus Express or Herschel. Polish engineers have become specialists in several sectors of the space industry, where today they are a class in itself.
Launched into orbit during the last two years, the Lem, Hevelius and PW-Sat satellites do not close the list of space devices designed in our country. Polish engineers from the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences have been working with different space agencies since the 1970s.

It all began with Interkosmos, a Soviet programme that enabled Eastern Bloc countries to engage in space exploration, General Mirosław Hermaszewski participated in a space flight in 1978, and Polish instruments to measure plasma waves were put into orbit on board the Kopernik 500 satellite under this programme.

“Close to 70 different devices made at the Centre have been launched into outer space so far,” Professor Marek Banaszkiewicz, Director of the Space Research Centre, told Polska.pl. Starting in the early 1990s, Poland has been cooperating with members of the European Space Agency. This allowed our scientists and engineers to carry out joint space experiments with colleagues from the UK, Italy, Germany and France. “Foreign contractors realized that we have extensive know-how when it comes to designing specific types of instruments, and that we are much cheaper and oftentimes more reliable than Western firms. All this has won us new customers” added Professor Banaszkiewicz.

© ESA–C.Carreau/ATG medialab">

Polish scientists were involved in preparations for such acclaimed space missions as Huygens/Cassini, Venus/Mars Express or Rosetta. They designed special sensors to measure temperature and heat conduction. The apparatus was subsequently installed on the Huygens probe, which set off towards Saturn as part of the Cassini mission. Satellites heading for Mars and Venus are also equipped with Polish-made planetary Fourier spectrometers that measure infrared radiation. The Rosetta mission, whose task is to land on the Churyumov–Gerasimenko comet in 2014, features a Polish device for taking and analysing the comet’s soil samples.

“In the course of over forty years, Poland has specialized in building instruments for exploring the Sun with x-rays. Our second area of expertise is measuring plasma waves, which involves studying the impact of plasma on the terrestrial magnetic field,” said Professor Banaszkiewicz.

The research focuses on analysing solar flares, a potentially dangerous phenomenon that generates streams of high-energy particles. They can put at risk both astronauts at the International Space Station and people down on Earth. A case in point is the magnetic storm that was caused by a coronal mass ejection in March 1989, leading to a massive power grid shutdown in the Canadian province of Quebec. The blackout, which lasted up to nine hours, affected six million people. Satellites can also break in a similar way.

The Sun is the destination of two missions that will be launched soon: the European Solar Orbiter and the Russian InterHelio-Zond. Both will be equipped with Polish measuring instruments.

“There are fields where our technologies are a cut above international competitors. We should find our own niches in the space industry, invest in them and become global leaders,” emphasized Professor Banaszkiewicz.

Poland has been a member of the European Space Agency since 2012. After joining the organization, our country has gained access to funds for implementing ESA projects and developing space technologies by Polish companies. Plans are afoot to establish a Polish Space Agency, which will coordinate those initiatives.

Polish technology in outer space
Copernicus was a Polish mathematician and astronomer, I believe.

Probably the smartest Pole that ever lived.

He figured out how the Solar System (ours -- when you capitalize it) works simply from math and a few night observations of the planets.

Smart guy.

Also his Polish mentor Albert Brudzewski who discovered the proper rotation of the Moon.
Which is the only nation with a worse military record than Poland?


Poland actually has one of the best military records.
Not for the past 100 years however.

Like in the Battle of Komarow in 1920 when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviets?

Keep in mind that's being more outnumbered than Texans who brag about losing the Alamo.
In 1920 the Russians had been bled white by the Kaiser.

So what ?!

In the Battle of Zadwórze in 1920 330 Poles fought 16,700 Soviets of the First Cavalry Division, killing 600 Soviets.
Which is the only nation with a worse military record than Poland?


Poland actually has one of the best military records.
Not for the past 100 years however.

Like in the Battle of Komarow in 1920 when 1,700 Poles beat 17,500 Soviets?

Keep in mind that's being more outnumbered than Texans who brag about losing the Alamo.
In 1920 the Russians had been bled white by the Kaiser.

So what ?!

Poles didn't, who lost 1 million in WW1?
The French and British were totally inept in WW1.

True that.
In the Battle of Wizna in 1939 750 Poles held off 42,000 Nazi Germans for 3 days, killing 900 Nazi Germans.

So, even in WW2, Poland didn't necessarily always do poorly, so much as it was overpowered.
Your fractured history is hilarious.

Why is it surprising that Nazi Germany outmuscled Poland, they had spent much more on military funding, had a much bigger population, they had gained a big build up by acquiring Czech Skoda tanks, and military vehicles by invading Czechoslovakia, and had massive raw materials flowing in from the German - Soviet Credit Agreement.
New Polish recipe for ultra short pulse lasers.

Incredible recipe for ultra-short laser pulses - it works! | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

New Polish invention of chitosan aerogels, which are used for growing various tissues, including human tissue.

The invention of Kraków scientists can help transplantology | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

New Polish invention of the first ever Electric Polymer laser.

Pioneering polymer laser developed by Polish scientists | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

New Polish first ever hand graft surgery on an adult.


New Polish anti-bacteria 3D printing method.

Silesian scientists have developed an antibacterial material for 3D printing | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

Polish company Zortrax invented the first 3D printing device used to operate on veins.

Zortrax 3D Printer Used to Improve Varicose Vein Removal Procedure

Pole behind Natural Killer cells to treat cancer.

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Polish first bee pollinator robot.

Poland: Scientists create robot bee to pollinate crops

Polish invention first ever 3D printing wind turbine generator.


Polish Solaris Bus, behind hybrid bus technology.

Solaris Bus & Coach - Wikipedia

Polish type 1 Diabetes vaccine.

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Polish first device used to detect alcohol before leaving the car.

New Laser Device May Be A Drunk Driver's Worst Nightmare | The Huffington Post

Polish first bike with virtually no chain, the Izzy Bike.

Bicycle without a chain among Polish inventions appreciated abroad | News | Science & Scholarship in Poland

Polish first cheap, mass produced Graphene Machine.

Polish scientists develop revolutionary graphene machine

Polish company Ammono makes the best Gallium Nitride in the World, used in blue laser manufacturing.

Polish scientists develop revolutionary graphene machine

Polish company Vigo Systems produced the Infared Sensors used on the Mars Curiosity Rover.

The World’s Best Gallium Nitride

Polish Sylwester Porowski pioneered Blue Lasers, which he made the best Blue Lasers of the pioneers.

Sylwester Porowski - Polish Academy of Sciences

Polish Paczynski's invention of Microlensing to dIscover more planets, and stars.

Bohdan Paczynski (1940 - 2007) | American Astronomical Society

Polish Nikoderm Poplawski behind the theory that every Black Hole contains another Universe.


Polish Aleksander Wolszczan's discovery of the first Pulsar planets, and planets outside of the Solar System.

Aleksander Wolszczan - Wikipedia

Polish Maciej Stachowiak behind many computer software applications.

Maciej Stachowiak - Wikipedia

Polish video games like the Witcher the best selling video game of 2015.

Note there were other high selling Polish video games like Dead Island, Dying Light, Call of Juarez, and Hatred.

The Witcher 3 is This Year's Best Selling Game So Far

Polish first emergency face transplant surgery.

Polish man receives first ‘emergency’ face transplant

Polish first surgery that used cells to save paralyzed man.

A paralyzed man walks again after miracle surgery

Polish first augmented cardiac surgery.

It's Polish the first cardiac surgery with augmented reality

Europe's best cardiac physician award to a Pole.

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Europe's #2 best coders awarded to Poland.
best coders in the world by country - Bing images

Polish wins in the IBM Battle of the Brains contest.

IBM w Polsce International Collegiate Programming Contest

Polish win in a World coding competition.

Polish team wins world coding championships with the fastest AI-driven virtual car

Polish wins in Google Code Jam.

Google Code Jam - Wikipedia

Polish wins at the University Rover Challenge.


Polish win at the Google Online Marketing Challenge.


Polish win best World building.


Polish win at the Robot Challenge extravaganza.


Polish win at the International Mathematical Competition.


Polish success in cinema.

List of Polish Academy Award winners and nominees - Wikipedia
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