Political art


Wonder when we get a picture of Romney doing this..

This one needs more than just obama stomping on the constitution...quite a few presidents were nothing more than tyrants who didn't obey the constitution.
Check out the "ObamaCare" piece.

THAT is what we have now and the exact opposite of what I just wrote that I experienced in Brussels.

Artists are like everyone else - they have a right to their OPINION but that does not make it FACT.
LMAO...ok run for office and criticize Israel getting so much aid and see who comes crashing down on your party...AIPAC will make sure you never ever get near office.
Anyone that denies the overwhelming power Israel has on capitol hill is either a fool or an israel firster and in that case should be shipped to Israel since they care so much for that country and not enough about America.

My personal favorite because all to true.

You believe in fucking chemtrails? That's what those trails represent in the images. The painter is a huge believer in chemtrail conspiracy theory.

And I'm fairly sure your artist here, with all the "jews are the devil" is an Aryan supremacist.

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Those are the stripes of the flag....dear god....sigh.


The god damn image is titled "Chemtrail stripes"

Are you fucking stupid? I could deduce that without even reading the name of the image. But I do so to PROVE to you that you're dumb.

Sigh...stupidity is just to much...I don't give a shit what he believes in plus the link these pics are under is called Political Satire. I enjoy his art he may think its satire but a lot of it is truth.
Sigh...stupidity is just to much...I don't give a shit what he believes in plus the link these pics are under is called Political Satire. I enjoy his art he may think its satire but a lot of it is truth.

So you double down on being wrong then, huh?

You clearly lost. Anybody viewing that website THEMSELVES can prove that you were absolutely wrong when you thought it was a ridiculous assertion on my part that the trails represented chemtrails.

If you spent less time sighing, and more time perceiving the obvious and clearly spelled out, you wouldn't be wrong as often.
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I see exactly what it proves and you are wrong. So keep thinking you are right if it makes ya happy.

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