Political Cartoon


Evangelicals weren’t voting for a preacher,
and, what does Jesus have to do with it?

Separation of church and state....right asshole?

Hillary is for same sex marriage,
and fine with men fuck*ing other men in the ass,

So, according to your logic, aka, propaganda,
Evangelicals shouldn’t have voted for her either,
regardless of whether or not, she knew even 1 Bible verse

So, what, Evangelicals shouldn’t have voted?

You people make me sick!!!!

When it comes to Jesus and religion.....
You whine, cry, complain and are outraged,
when anyone stands against SOMETHING,
based on religious principles, rooted in Jesus
and pull the “separation of church and state” card.....

Then, whine, cry, complain and are criticizing,
those same people for not standing against SOMEONE,
based on religious principles, rooted in Jesus,
and hold on to the “separation of church and state” card!


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