Political Cartoon

Okay, say it was 388K imports as slaves.
The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807 ban more imports.
"by 1860, the nation’s black population had jumped from 400,000 to 4.4 million, of which 3.9 million were slaves.
Most were on southern plantations in America,"

"Slavery itself was never widespread in the North, though many of the region's businessmen grew rich on the slave trade and investments in southern plantations. Between 1774 and 1804, all of the northern states abolished slavery, but the so-called “peculiar institution” of slavery remained absolutely vital to the South.".

The Red States need to pay 90% restitution for slavery in America.
And 200% in restitution for the Civil war cost. Everythang wrong and bad in America can be traced back to red states.


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Omar should get the same punishment House Republicans meted out in January to Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, for his remarks defending white nationalism and white supremacy. Just as Republicans stripped King of all his committee assignments, Democrats should keep Omar from serving on any House committee.
Stripping a representative of his or her committee assignments is a serious punishment. And it sends an unmistakable message to the American public that there still are red lines in our national discourse.

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