Political Cartoon

Clarence has been waiting decades to break his large black cock off in Plugs' ass. OMG, the patience he showed.... I'm happy for the gentleman. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

prochoicers not being killed.jpg

Here is an exercise for the butchers:

Conception ---------------------------------------- 9 Months

Draw a vertical line where YOU contend that this baby in utero can be butchered and discarded on the left side, and is a human being, sacred and alive, on the right side of your vertical line. Give your reasons for splitting this precise second.
If it's "not human," then why are butchers selling its unborn body parts, hmmmm?

Why have fathers not been able to bring their child home and love it if they so chose, for decades? Why must they pay child support for 18 years if the woman "CHOSE" to have it?

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