Political Cartoon

Just watched this:

You’re just jerking yourself off, Abdul. That didn’t exactly happen, your beloved Hamas subhuman animals ran and hid in tunnels under hospitals. That’s after they put babies in ovens, raped women, and slaughtered kids.
Every time I walk into a casino I remember the native Americans, without them it would not be possible.
Native American remembrance day he says ? 😂.. Uhhh last I checked the American native Americans were still here, and they are working and living American lives just like the rest of us productive Americans are.

Now recognizing certain individual American's and their contribution's is an idea, ohh wait we already do that. Hmmm maybe we could erect statues in memory of heroic individual American's, otherwise that played a role in American history(?), ohhh wait, yep we already do that too. WTH is he talking about ?

Oh I know, he just wants yet another federal holiday that the private sector Americans who don't work for the federal government has to foot the bill for. Screw that. We are taxed enough out here for the bums wanting to sit on their ace's.

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