Political Cartoon

racist kkk dems.jpg
This is funny, because the trial was based upon a get Trump time period when he was president and even before he held the nuclear codes.

Well imagine that, Trump didn't start world War three, so before you dumb aces out do yourselves once again, why don't you sit for a spell before you open your pie holes... 🤣
Do you really want another 4 years of this godless filth?

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Look at the kid's in that picture, and then think to yourself about "what the hell kind of parent's think that it's ok for them to attend something like that" ???????

Our WW2 soldier's are beating the lids off their coffins trying to get back out, just so they can help to change things for the better in this world once again. They need to bring those parent's in for a talking too, and possibly some mental health suggestions/session's..

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