Political Cartoon


Do you think that in races of people, that you don't have people residing (within a race of people), who have different character traits and intellectual IQs that soar above other's within the same race or group that is operating under the umbrella of a race of people ???

Do you think that Byran Donalds should denounce his color in order to not be used in such a way by the racist Black's who make something out of nothing along racial grounds for political purposes ??

Listen, why the bull shite always about race ? The blacks (many of them), love to call themselves "African Americans", and they love to separate themselves along racial lines. When this happens, whether it is that people do it as white people, black people or whatever, they will always draw opinions that will take any group clinging together as a race, and then analyze them within the group if they are politically active or being active in other ways be it for or against their so called opposition.

He could have meant that he's one of the very smart one's amongst his generation, his class, his culture, his gender, his peers, and etc.

Until Black's and White's start calling themselves "Americans" who are either male or female (no race profiling required), then it will be that both white and black people will be recognized for who they wish to be recognized as.

Either they can relate as a race or ethnicity that is living in America or they can relate or refer to themselves as American's.
Yeah how damned stupid is that ?

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