Political Cartoon


Ukraine?? Israel?? All the other countries sucking us dry??
Oh, so your tribe did NOT in fact try to conquer any others? That's interesting and I'd be interested in knowing how you know that.

Now, you can claim mindreading powers, but you don't really have them. There's no justifying genocide going on, because two wrongs don't make a right. That doesn't, however, absolve your tribe from responsibility for the things it's done.

My people did war with other tribes. What we did not do is burn women and children to death and call it a holiday. We did not steal children and force them to act a certain way. We did not strip these children of their dignity and language. We did not cram Christianity down children’s throats and torture them. That was all you.
The only reason you brought up what my ancestors did is to justify what yours did.

Yes, I am also Indian (Chickasaw). Indian tribes actually did commit various atrocities against one another.

The Illinois, for instance, took prisoners and tribal members would beat them upon arrival to the camp. More tortuous pain included cutting out fingernails, cutting off ears, and cutting off fingers.

The Huron would cut out a prisoner's heart. If the prisoner was considered heroic, then his heart was cut and fed to the young warriors. They thought this gave them strength.

The Aztecs famously cut out hearts. Another S American tribe sacrificed women by throwing them in volcanos.

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