Inflation is not cooperating with the trump narrative

So you want deflation?
Inflation is cumulative. This 2.2% that Crapitus crows about may not seem to be a pain if the focus is narrow, but this is on top of the currency devaluation of the past. Currency continues to lose purchasing ability. The odd item may come down in the short term but what a dollar will buy continues to shrink.
Deflation allows the dollar to buy more than it did before.
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Inflation is cumulative. This 2.2% that Crapitus crows about may not seem to be a pain if the focus is narrow, but this is on top of the currency devaluation of the past. Currency continues to lose purchasing ability. The odd item may come down in the short term but what a dollar will buy continues to shrink.
Deflation allows the dollar to but more than it did before.
Deflation will destroy the economy.
Two bags of groceries should not cost two hundred bucks... but here comes the next media trick... gas light the people to not believe their own wallet....
35 Days before an election. If it is to work against Trump Americans would have to forget the 3.75 years prior.
It’s been coming down for a long time jackass.
Know why?
Because they solved the supply chain problems and back ups at the ports and all that Stimulus money Trump and Biden poured into the economy has worked its way out of the system
The siren song of the money printer. Giving people the ability to do more with less is always a bad thing.
You have no clue as to what you are talking about.

Deflation is really really bad for the economy
The siren song of the money printer. Giving people the ability to do more with less is always a bad thing.
It leads to less investment, less profit, less wages and less economic growth.

Better to keep inflation and raise wages, which is what we are doing.

No way, that's gotta be fake news!!

Isn't it supposed to be "skyrocketing"?

But the economy seems to get going great.

What are the republicans gonna run on now?

Who cares if inflation has finally moderated.
It was up tremendously for 3 years.

Tried to buy a house lately?
A car?
Send a kid to college?
Pay daycare bills?
Pay for any type of insurance?

And I'm not saying Biden's regime is responsible for all of the misery but they own a lot of it!
Who cares if inflation has finally moderated.
It was up tremendously for 3 years.

Tried to buy a house lately?
A car?
Send a kid to college?
Pay daycare bills?
Pay for any type of insurance?

And I'm not saying Biden's regime is responsible for all of the misery but they own a lot of it!
As does Trump and as does COVID.

Yeah. Life is tough sometimes. Man up.

I lived through 12% inflation , 18% interest rates, 10% unemployment

Trying to buy a house in the 80s was incredibly hard… but we did it.

Quit whining
As does Trump and as does COVID.

Yeah. Life is tough sometimes. Man up.

I lived through 12% inflation , 18% interest rates, 10% unemployment

Trying to buy a house in the 80s was incredibly hard… but we did it.

Quit whining
I'm not whining. My house is paid off!

It's the younger generations that are screwed, and again, it's not only Biden's fault. It's both parties, who sold us down the river, beginning in 1992 with NAFTA.
Ross Perot had it figured out, and should have been our president.
As does Trump and as does COVID.

Yeah. Life is tough sometimes. Man up.

I lived through 12% inflation , 18% interest rates, 10% unemployment

Trying to buy a house in the 80s was incredibly hard… but we did it.

Quit whining
I dealt with all that when I was in my 30s. I suspect you did as well if your house is paid off.

That’s life. No one ever said it was easy
And I grew up in a time when the memory of the Depression was still pretty fresh.

That was even tougher. Life ain’t easy
As does Trump and as does COVID.
What was different with that period of inflation is that it was global. It was not domestic policies. It was a combination of screwed up manufacturing, screwed up supply chain, and when COVID eased, pent up demand with not enough goods available. It has now settled to the level inflation should be at, around 2%.

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