Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

There is a huge sense that the extreme right wingers are oppressed and victimised. Mainly because they get called out on times they act like arseholes.

My favourite "victims" are the right-wing fundamentalists who claim that being forced to treat homosexuals with respect, violates their right to right religious freedom. And that they need protection from these gays who just want to do business with them.

Or Trump himself. The King of the Victims. The MSM treated him so badly when they gave him 2 billion dollars worth of free media time, which he used to get himself elected. And when they called him on his lies (which were endless and which continue until this day), he called the media "liars".

I have come to recognize that if Donald calls someone out for something, it's because he's pointing and saying "Look over there! Crooked Hillary is going to bring people from Goldman Sachs, because she's in their pockets. She took money from them to make a speech.". But look who's the new Treasury Secretary. Goldman Sachs.

The Education Secretary, is a woman who never attended a public school, and whose children have never attended a public school. She's in favour of a voucher program for Charter Schools. Watch the US drop another 10 ranking points in education over the next 10 years.

When the US had an entirely public education system, and parents couldn't design their own ciricculum to suit their religious and political beliefs, the US lead the world in public education. Once Reagan came in and started giving Americans "choice" in education, Americans have chosen to raise their children in ignorance and superstition, and the results can be seen in corporations choosing not to locate in the US because the workers are not well educated, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the government is more interested in playing politics than running the country.

New scientific breakthroughs aren't coming from the US, but rather Europe and Asia, and Canada. Americans are too fixated on profits and taxes.

This century does not belong to the United States.
That is NOT what affirmative action did or still does in some cases. It is done on a points system, If you have a minority that has a score of 45 on the test you give them, and you have a WHITEY that has a 49 on the test the minority gets 5 points just for being whatever color, sect, or social group that qualifies them as a minority and gives them a total score of 50 so they get the job. AND how the hell do you KNOW that the white male is NOT the disadvantaged of the two? You are clearly racist and sexist.

A study a few years ago done in Toronto showed that white males make up 45% of the applicants for available jobs in the City, and received those jobs 55% of the time. It's hard to believe that white men are that much better than everybody else.

Do you think that if George W. Bush had applied to Yale based on his marks and standard acceptance criteria, he would have been accepted on merit. Or do you think that he got into Yale because his Daddy was a graduate of Yale, and had just been elected to the House of Representatives, when his son applied?

Do you ever wonder what bright young mind missed out on a Yale education so George W. Bush could attend?
Political Correctness is really a Misnomer it is really just Leftist Stupidity. The idea that some faction of misbehaving piles of dogshit have the right to act like scum, and then not be called out on it is STUPID as hell just like all of the things they do and vomit out. My advice for you leftie igmos is that >>> We are tired of your damn threats, we are tired of your damn lies, we are tired of your damn intimidation, we are tired of the vile shit you try to force us to accept, we are tired of seeing you, we are tired of hearing you, we are tired of letting you exist, That is what the change is all about, If you can't grasp how badly you are despised by the vast MAJORITY of people in this country all I can do to help you is suggest all you pukeheads keep quiet, and stay away from lighted places. If not we can't be responsible for what may happen to you. After all there are a lot of fire ant hills springing up, and you never know when you may happen to cut your belly open and find yourself lying across one with the ants already eating your guts when you come to. Think you have any idea how bad things can get< GUESS AGAIN !!!! I have seen some animals that had the enlightening experience of getting covered with those fire ants, Hard to tell what happened to a skeleton if there are no holes or any scrap of anything else on it. You know there are some really bad people out there, I happen to know some of them personally and they make the worst thugs in the hood look like monks. They are getting tired of being fucked with by leftist shit, and being called vile names by the lowest scum on earth. <<<<<<Guess I can't help you since your ego, vanity and perceived superiority won't let you accept reality<<<<<< Just be careful in the REAL WORLD I would hate to hear the world had been cleared of the best jokes out there.

25% of eligible voters voted in favour of the orange clown. 54% of those who voted, voted AGAINST the orange clown.

He's not all that and a bag of peanuts, and your victory, aside from being as hollow as your brain, will get you NOTHING.
The same percentage voted AGAINST the corrupt criminal Hillary. You seem to object to the way democracy works. That's what leftwing douche bags always do when they lose.

No, Hillary won the popular vote. She received the majority of votes cast.

I find it very funny that in New York, Trump's home state, 88% of the people voted for Hillary. Even people in his home state hate his guts. And they're the ones who know him best.
There is a huge sense that the extreme right wingers are oppressed and victimised. Mainly because they get called out on times they act like arseholes.

My favourite "victims" are the right-wing fundamentalists who claim that being forced to treat homosexuals with respect, violates their right to right religious freedom. And that they need protection from these gays who just want to do business with them.

Or Trump himself. The King of the Victims. The MSM treated him so badly when they gave him 2 billion dollars worth of free media time, which he used to get himself elected. And when they called him on his lies (which were endless and which continue until this day), he called the media "liars".

I have come to recognize that if Donald calls someone out for something, it's because he's pointing and saying "Look over there! Crooked Hillary is going to bring people from Goldman Sachs, because she's in their pockets. She took money from them to make a speech.". But look who's the new Treasury Secretary. Goldman Sachs.

The Education Secretary, is a woman who never attended a public school, and whose children have never attended a public school. She's in favour of a voucher program for Charter Schools. Watch the US drop another 10 ranking points in education over the next 10 years.

When the US had an entirely public education system, and parents couldn't design their own ciricculum to suit their religious and political beliefs, the US lead the world in public education. Once Reagan came in and started giving Americans "choice" in education, Americans have chosen to raise their children in ignorance and superstition, and the results can be seen in corporations choosing not to locate in the US because the workers are not well educated, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the government is more interested in playing politics than running the country.

New scientific breakthroughs aren't coming from the US, but rather Europe and Asia, and Canada. Americans are too fixated on profits and taxes.

This century does not belong to the United States.
Charter schools have their equivalent over here. they exist in order to profit the owners rather than benefit the kids. They should be destroyed.
Yeah, time was when the popular puritans were right wingers, and the left was all about freedom of speech. Now the right wing's screamin about being censored, and all the popular puritanism is coming from the left. Times they be a-changing!

Come gather around people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept that new leftists
Their cover is blown
As they stand fierce as censors deranging
Then you better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changing
You dont change though.You are still a lying fuck.

Oh, you poor, delusional troll, you.

I would have said "poor delusional little troll", but just look at you. It's time to step away from the buffets, Mr Taint.
Hmmm. Game over.
Next time you make accusations then at least make an effort to back them up. You will then avoid looking like a total twat.

I am not the only poster here who has seen you in action, Mister Taint.

For those who haven't,I would suggest a perusal here. http://www.usmessageboard.com/search/10993558/?q=rotherham&o=relevance&c[user][0]=56584
What are we looking at ? I am looking for some indication that, as you claimed, I support rape gangs.

Perhaps you would be best served by retiring to your cave and wanking off to pictures of your choice. You are a piece of shit.
Political Correctness is really a Misnomer it is really just Leftist Stupidity. The idea that some faction of misbehaving piles of dogshit have the right to act like scum, and then not be called out on it is STUPID as hell just like all of the things they do and vomit out. My advice for you leftie igmos is that >>> We are tired of your damn threats, we are tired of your damn lies, we are tired of your damn intimidation, we are tired of the vile shit you try to force us to accept, we are tired of seeing you, we are tired of hearing you, we are tired of letting you exist, That is what the change is all about, If you can't grasp how badly you are despised by the vast MAJORITY of people in this country all I can do to help you is suggest all you pukeheads keep quiet, and stay away from lighted places. If not we can't be responsible for what may happen to you. After all there are a lot of fire ant hills springing up, and you never know when you may happen to cut your belly open and find yourself lying across one with the ants already eating your guts when you come to. Think you have any idea how bad things can get< GUESS AGAIN !!!! I have seen some animals that had the enlightening experience of getting covered with those fire ants, Hard to tell what happened to a skeleton if there are no holes or any scrap of anything else on it. You know there are some really bad people out there, I happen to know some of them personally and they make the worst thugs in the hood look like monks. They are getting tired of being fucked with by leftist shit, and being called vile names by the lowest scum on earth. <<<<<<Guess I can't help you since your ego, vanity and perceived superiority won't let you accept reality<<<<<< Just be careful in the REAL WORLD I would hate to hear the world had been cleared of the best jokes out there.

25% of eligible voters voted in favour of the orange clown. 54% of those who voted, voted AGAINST the orange clown.

He's not all that and a bag of peanuts, and your victory, aside from being as hollow as your brain, will get you NOTHING.
The same percentage voted AGAINST the corrupt criminal Hillary. You seem to object to the way democracy works. That's what leftwing douche bags always do when they lose.

No, Hillary won the popular vote. She received the majority of votes cast.

I find it very funny that in New York, Trump's home state, 88% of the people voted for Hillary. Even people in his home state hate his guts. And they're the ones who know him best.
If Trump could deliver New York(state) to Republicans, they would literally change the Republican platform to Trump's permanently, and change the party name to Trumplican.

Trump is actually a lot more popular in New York than the polls indicate, he was hurt far more by being the Republican nominee in New York than he was for being himself as a candidate.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

Tell the girls in Rotherham how PC isn't real.

YOu know that thousand plus who were raped becaue political correctness prevented the cops from shutting down the massive child sex slave ring.

IN your country.

Funny how little that bothers you.
You don't buy that any white guy who kills anyone is a Christian terrorist like Boo does? Hmm ... me either ...

Poor Kaz still listening to the voices in his head that tell him I said every white guy who goes on a killing spree is a Christian. So Roof wasn't a Christian?

I don't know, but a Christian terrorist is someone who does it FOR RELIGON. He did it for racism. You think non-Christian McVeigh who did it for Waco and Ruby Ridge was a Christian terrorist too, don't you? I mean he was white, that means he did it for Christianity. It's just a lame attempt to make Christians sound like Muslims when they aren't remotely. Moron

Why are you so upset at a Christian serial killer being called a terrorist?

Are you unable to read or you just do it selectively? Obviously you're trying to equate Christian extremism with Muslim extremism, which is a stupid comparison. Dylann and McVeigh were both terrorists. However, neither did it for Christianity. That is what I am arguing. I mean duh, I've repeated it over and over. You're just a dimwit.

I do like your stance against bigotry though in saying any white who commits a crime is a Christian terrorist. No bigotry there ...

Again, you're just making stuff up. I called him a Christian Terrorist not because he claimed he killed those people in church for his lord and savior. I never mentioned McVeigh. Many peaceful Muslims are likewise upset when the term is used because they don't believe ISIS or Al Qaeda represents Islam any more that Dylan represents Christianity.

You did say a racist who killed blacks because they are black is equivalent to Muslims who kill infidels because they aren't Muslim. You also equated Muslim extremists who kill hundreds of thousands to millions a year to Christian terrorists who kill ones to tens a year.

So what is your point, liar boy?
Trump's new PC is all about channeling anger and frustration. Saying really stupid and nasty things just to appeal to people's sense of anger.

But he's a false messiah of the angered and frustrated. He's a New York mogul, a globalist and an elitist that's laughing at all the angered and frustrated.

Mirror! :lmao:
Trump's new PC is all about channeling anger and frustration. Saying really stupid and nasty things just to appeal to people's sense of anger.

But he's a false messiah of the angered and frustrated. He's a New York mogul, a globalist and an elitist that's laughing at all the angered and frustrated.
You really don't see that the angry one in the current equation is you, do you? Fascinating
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

I always thought good manners was not calling people ni***ers, sand monkeys, kikes, etc.

But you guys seem to think that's all PC.
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

I always thought good manners was not calling people ni***ers, sand monkeys, kikes, etc.

But you guys seem to think that's all PC.

Um .. he said that where? Your head hit the headboard too many times earning a living, huh? Remember how you thought my wanting to pay for my charities was greedy and you thinking taxpayers paying you to spread your legs was greed? Not exactly clicking with reality, are you my dear?
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

I always thought good manners was not calling people ni***ers, sand monkeys, kikes, etc.

But you guys seem to think that's all PC.

Um .. he said that where? Your head hit the headboard too many times earning a living, huh? Remember how you thought my wanting to pay for my charities was greedy and you thinking taxpayers paying you to spread your legs was greed? Not exactly clicking with reality, are you my dear?

Don't tell me you held your breath until you turned blue again. Must of have been quite an effort trekking that sack of lies into this thread. OCD much?

Please, tell us how wonderfully unPC it is when your President-Elect talks about grabbing women by the crotch. How it's "telling it like it is" instead of cloaking it in PC.
Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

Trump played the PC card every time he got called on something obnoxious.

Time was when the so-called moral majority on the Right despised people like Howard Stern; now they've elected a Howard Stern wannabe as president.
So PC is Trumps "race card" ?

No it is just an excuse for you losers who had a lot more cards. The Race, the victim, the sexist, the entitlement card. And Trump beat you with one.:lmao:
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

I always thought good manners was not calling people ni***ers, sand monkeys, kikes, etc.

But you guys seem to think that's all PC.
First who are you guys? Second if you're including me as part of whoever you guys are show some examples of me calling anyone any of the names you listed if you can't piss off.
No, Hillary won the popular vote. She received the majority of votes cast.

I find it very funny that in New York, Trump's home state, 88% of the people voted for Hillary. Even people in his home state hate his guts. And they're the ones who know him best.

They don't know him any better than we do in the rest of the US. It's a liberal state that would support any Democrat including Trump if he ran as a Democrat himself.
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

I always thought good manners was not calling people ni***ers, sand monkeys, kikes, etc.

But you guys seem to think that's all PC.
First who are you guys? Second if you're including me as part of whoever you guys are show some examples of me calling anyone any of the names you listed if you can't piss off.

Fair enough. I don't think you've done that.
A study a few years ago done in Toronto showed that white males make up 45% of the applicants for available jobs in the City, and received those jobs 55% of the time. It's hard to believe that white men are that much better than everybody else.

Do you think that if George W. Bush had applied to Yale based on his marks and standard acceptance criteria, he would have been accepted on merit. Or do you think that he got into Yale because his Daddy was a graduate of Yale, and had just been elected to the House of Representatives, when his son applied?

Do you ever wonder what bright young mind missed out on a Yale education so George W. Bush could attend?

And somebody didn't get cheated because DumBama attended quality colleges? We still don't know how somebody from a family of his income attended Harvard. Speculation of course, but no evidence since all envelopes are sealed.
A study a few years ago done in Toronto showed that white males make up 45% of the applicants for available jobs in the City, and received those jobs 55% of the time. It's hard to believe that white men are that much better than everybody else.

Do you think that if George W. Bush had applied to Yale based on his marks and standard acceptance criteria, he would have been accepted on merit. Or do you think that he got into Yale because his Daddy was a graduate of Yale, and had just been elected to the House of Representatives, when his son applied?

Do you ever wonder what bright young mind missed out on a Yale education so George W. Bush could attend?

And somebody didn't get cheated because DumBama attended quality colleges? We still don't know how somebody from a family of his income attended Harvard. Speculation of course, but no evidence since all envelopes are sealed.

Nothing is "sealed". That's conspiracy theory hokey pokey.

They're treated the same as any one else's academic record.

Or Trump's tax returns.

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