Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy

Political correctness: how the right invented a phantom enemy | Moira Weigel

Throughout an erratic campaign, Trump consistently blasted political correctness, blaming it for an extraordinary range of ills and using the phrase to deflect any and every criticism. During the first debate of the Republican primaries, Fox News host Megyn Kelly asked Trump how he would answer the charge that he was “part of the war on women”.

“You’ve called women you don’t like ‘fat pigs,’ ‘dogs,’ ‘slobs,’ and ‘disgusting animals’,” Kelly pointed out. “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees …”

“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct,” Trump answered, to audience applause. “I’ve been challenged by so many people, I don’t frankly have time for total political correctness. And to be honest with you, this country doesn’t have time either.”

Surely PC is another word for good manners ?

Just like Farage, massively against PC until some school kid made an APP and then Farage blasted the kid for being non-PC, then never mentioned PC stuff again.
Good manners is saying please and thank you political correctness is refusing to use the term radical Islamic terrorist because some might be offended by it.

I always thought good manners was not calling people ni***ers, sand monkeys, kikes, etc.

But you guys seem to think that's all PC.

Um .. he said that where? Your head hit the headboard too many times earning a living, huh? Remember how you thought my wanting to pay for my charities was greedy and you thinking taxpayers paying you to spread your legs was greed? Not exactly clicking with reality, are you my dear?

Don't tell me you held your breath until you turned blue again. Must of have been quite an effort trekking that sack of lies into this thread. OCD much?

Please, tell us how wonderfully unPC it is when your President-Elect talks about grabbing women by the crotch. How it's "telling it like it is" instead of cloaking it in PC.

Yeah, I'm a Trump supporter! And you're an airhead, Blondie. What the hell, here you go ...

Nothing is "sealed". That's conspiracy theory hokey pokey.

They're treated the same as any one else's academic record.

Or Trump's tax returns.

Really? And just what was DumBama's academic record anyway?

No idea. Who cares?

You do realize that privacy laws protect everyone's academic records?

Yes, that's exactly what I thought. Thank you for advancing my point.

Staying on topic, what is PC? We recently had a Somalian immigrant run his car into a bunch of people at Ohio State. Not pleased with the injuries, he exited the vehicle and started to knife the remaining people he didn't run over. He was disturbed by the way (he thought) others would look at him for being a Muslim.

At a news conference today, they still refused to call this act Islamic terrorism in spite of his complaint and Facebook rant about the deaths of Muslims by Americans around the world. There are even liberals that are berating the college police officer that stopped even more assaults by shooting the SOB and bringing him to his rightful death. That's PC.
And the latest example of this phantom enemy. There is a move to drive a couple off a TV show on HGTV because they don't go to a faghadist approved church. The Gains' show has been very popular for years, now suddenly the faghadist are attempting to paint them as pariahs because faghadist don't like their pastor.

Good job regressives, keep it up, the midterms will be a blast.
There is a huge sense that the extreme right wingers are oppressed and victimised. Mainly because they get called out on times they act like arseholes.

My favourite "victims" are the right-wing fundamentalists who claim that being forced to treat homosexuals with respect, violates their right to right religious freedom. And that they need protection from these gays who just want to do business with them.

Or Trump himself. The King of the Victims. The MSM treated him so badly when they gave him 2 billion dollars worth of free media time, which he used to get himself elected. And when they called him on his lies (which were endless and which continue until this day), he called the media "liars".

I have come to recognize that if Donald calls someone out for something, it's because he's pointing and saying "Look over there! Crooked Hillary is going to bring people from Goldman Sachs, because she's in their pockets. She took money from them to make a speech.". But look who's the new Treasury Secretary. Goldman Sachs.

The Education Secretary, is a woman who never attended a public school, and whose children have never attended a public school. She's in favour of a voucher program for Charter Schools. Watch the US drop another 10 ranking points in education over the next 10 years.

When the US had an entirely public education system, and parents couldn't design their own ciricculum to suit their religious and political beliefs, the US lead the world in public education. Once Reagan came in and started giving Americans "choice" in education, Americans have chosen to raise their children in ignorance and superstition, and the results can be seen in corporations choosing not to locate in the US because the workers are not well educated, the infrastructure is crumbling, and the government is more interested in playing politics than running the country.

New scientific breakthroughs aren't coming from the US, but rather Europe and Asia, and Canada. Americans are too fixated on profits and taxes.

This century does not belong to the United States.

Desire for profits drive research.

Do you have anything to back up that claim that we are not making new scientific breakthroughs anymore?
No. PC is another word for ignoring the Truth to protect the feelings of some group that no longer wants to accept their place or failings in life.

What "Truth" is that, buddy? What place should people 'accept"?

Do enlighten us.
And the latest example of this phantom enemy. There is a move to drive a couple off a TV show on HGTV because they don't go to a faghadist approved church. The Gains' show has been very popular for years, now suddenly the faghadist are attempting to paint them as pariahs because faghadist don't like their pastor.

Good job regressives, keep it up, the midterms will be a blast.

The midterms are goign to be a disaster for your side. Trump will be so massively unpopular by that point the reddest districts will be electing Democrats.

Oh, yeah, when you appear on a network that caters to a certain demographic, it's usually NOT a good idea to piss that demographic off.
In one breath, Tommy bemoans the war on women (and, yes, Trump is a complete cad ). In the next breath, however, he defends absolutely repulsive acts of Islamic violence against women including the rape gangs operating throughout Britain targeting under age British girls.Those who oppose the nature of that are called names.

Where did Tommy defend any of that?

And 'He did something worse" is an excuse a six year old comes up with for his bad behavior.
And the latest example of this phantom enemy. There is a move to drive a couple off a TV show on HGTV because they don't go to a faghadist approved church. The Gains' show has been very popular for years, now suddenly the faghadist are attempting to paint them as pariahs because faghadist don't like their pastor.

Good job regressives, keep it up, the midterms will be a blast.

The midterms are goign to be a disaster for your side. Trump will be so massively unpopular by that point the reddest districts will be electing Democrats.

Oh, yeah, when you appear on a network that caters to a certain demographic, it's usually NOT a good idea to piss that demographic off.

Rrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttt, and Trump will never be president. LMAO I guess you haven't learned to stop listening to the voices in your head yet.
And the latest example of this phantom enemy. There is a move to drive a couple off a TV show on HGTV because they don't go to a faghadist approved church. The Gains' show has been very popular for years, now suddenly the faghadist are attempting to paint them as pariahs because faghadist don't like their pastor.

Good job regressives, keep it up, the midterms will be a blast.

The midterms are goign to be a disaster for your side. Trump will be so massively unpopular by that point the reddest districts will be electing Democrats.

Oh, yeah, when you appear on a network that caters to a certain demographic, it's usually NOT a good idea to piss that demographic off.

This is the case typically. Bammer got hammered during his, but he had plenty of republicans who were glad to pass Obama care. I would agree, but this election year has been so weird. We literally had to choose between the two worst choices which were a chronic liar, huckster who has been derelict throughout her political career. The other a spastic old fart with honesty issues of his own. Mid terms may not be good for trump, but ill bet the democrats dont do much better.
Rrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttt, and Trump will never be president. LMAO I guess you haven't learned to stop listening to the voices in your head yet.

Guy, Trump is going to be a party-ending event for you guys.

Just remember... Nixon won 49 states in 1972.... and was forced to resign in 1974. By his own party.
Rrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttt, and Trump will never be president. LMAO I guess you haven't learned to stop listening to the voices in your head yet.

Guy, Trump is going to be a party-ending event for you guys.

Just remember... Nixon won 49 states in 1972.... and was forced to resign in 1974. By his own party.
Clinton has more in common with Nixon, except she will never be president.
This is the case typically. Bammer got hammered during his, but he had plenty of republicans who were glad to pass Obama care. I would agree, but this election year has been so weird. We literally had to choose between the two worst choices which were a chronic liar, huckster who has been derelict throughout her political career. The other a spastic old fart with honesty issues of his own. Mid terms may not be good for trump, but ill bet the democrats dont do much better.

I think it's quite the contrary.

Now, the Senate might be a challenge because there are almost no Republican seats up. The Dems did very good in 2006 and 2012. But they were supposed to lose seats in 2012 and they gained seats.

I think Trump falls into a special chase. What I think Republicans fail to realize is that not only did a majority vote against him, but a lot of people who did vote for him did so because the media told them there was no possible way he could win, so why not give the middle finger to the establishment.
This is the case typically. Bammer got hammered during his, but he had plenty of republicans who were glad to pass Obama care. I would agree, but this election year has been so weird. We literally had to choose between the two worst choices which were a chronic liar, huckster who has been derelict throughout her political career. The other a spastic old fart with honesty issues of his own. Mid terms may not be good for trump, but ill bet the democrats dont do much better.

I think it's quite the contrary.

Now, the Senate might be a challenge because there are almost no Republican seats up. The Dems did very good in 2006 and 2012. But they were supposed to lose seats in 2012 and they gained seats.

I think Trump falls into a special chase. What I think Republicans fail to realize is that not only did a majority vote against him, but a lot of people who did vote for him did so because the media told them there was no possible way he could win, so why not give the middle finger to the establishment.

wont matter much. he is already waffling on his platform. looks like he will keep ACA, that with his evolving stance in immigration and his paling around with the swamp critters will cost him if anything does.
Rrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiigggghhhhttttt, and Trump will never be president. LMAO I guess you haven't learned to stop listening to the voices in your head yet.

Guy, Trump is going to be a party-ending event for you guys.

Just remember... Nixon won 49 states in 1972.... and was forced to resign in 1974. By his own party.

Just keep grasping at those ever disappearing straws, you folks are great entertainment. Also keep in mind that the backlash from your regressive BS is just beginning, much of what you think you've accomplished will vanish like a puff of smoke.

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