Political Correctness Kills

“If you see something, say something,” right? So why didn’t Carlos Batista report this suspicious activity to police? The Los Angeles Times reporter Barbara Demick doesn’t appear to have asked him that. Could it be because Bastista was afraid that to alert authorities to something like that would be “Islamophobic”? There have been many other instances of people fearing to report suspicious activity by Muslims for fear of being labeled “Islamophobic.”

The article says in so many words that it is considered Islamophobic to report Muslims. Why do you think that is? Why is guilt attached to civic action that should remain confidential? Personally I would rather be called an Islamophobe as opposed to seeing more dead.

Neighbor of NYC jihad mass murderer noticed suspicious activity, did not report it - FITNAPHOBIA

Personally I think we should start profiling white guys after Las Vegas and now Texas.

76 killed and almost 600 wounded...
“If you see something, say something,” right? So why didn’t Carlos Batista report this suspicious activity to police? The Los Angeles Times reporter Barbara Demick doesn’t appear to have asked him that. Could it be because Bastista was afraid that to alert authorities to something like that would be “Islamophobic”? There have been many other instances of people fearing to report suspicious activity by Muslims for fear of being labeled “Islamophobic.”

The article says in so many words that it is considered Islamophobic to report Muslims. Why do you think that is? Why is guilt attached to civic action that should remain confidential? Personally I would rather be called an Islamophobe as opposed to seeing more dead.

Neighbor of NYC jihad mass murderer noticed suspicious activity, did not report it - FITNAPHOBIA

Personally I think we should start profiling white guys after Las Vegas and now Texas.

76 killed and almost 600 wounded...

Personally, that problem has not been identified with anything more than crazy, Islam has.
I can read, but sometimes people write stuff that just doesn't make much sense, like your last post. You think you're being smart, reality is something different.

It is not about being smart it is about the problem of Islamic terror. You can make all the excuses you wish, but imagined guilt and social cat calls when reporting on a suspicious activity is going to kill people.

Fine, there's a problem with Islamic terrorism.

Does this mean that every Muslim is an Islamic terrorist? Does this mean everyone who sees a Muslim must think "must be an Islamic terrorist, must report if they're eating something strange, like ketchup"?

Hey, 10,000 people are killed a year by people with guns, most of these people are MALES. Should we put a Stasi type police force in place so everyone can tell on their MALE neighbor doing something slightly strange?
It is a fact that any Muslim could be a terrorist. It is a perk their religion give them and we have to figure it out. Certainly any religion that says lies and deceit is pious if it advances Islam.

Actually it is quite an unfair advantage. Why even allow it. Our lives should not depend on a guessing game.

Your second thought about males, do they have a common belief system? You fail with that comparison.

It's a fact that any human being could be a terrorist then. The US needs to quickly deport every single human from the country just in case they carry out a terrorist act.

Yes, any religion that says lies should be kicked out of the US, get rid of Christianity, Islam, Judaism..... out, OUT, OUT.

Do males have a common belief system? Yes, they all breathe oxygen, they all eat food, they all pee and poo, most will move with their arms and legs, most will want to fuck women, most will do many things similar.
It is a fact terror is a sanctioned act of the Islamic faith. We can monitor mosques and we should. If peaceful Muslims do not understand why it is their problem.

You have given nothing but excuses to do nothing about a problem when we know its source. Typical.

So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.
It is not about being smart it is about the problem of Islamic terror. You can make all the excuses you wish, but imagined guilt and social cat calls when reporting on a suspicious activity is going to kill people.

Fine, there's a problem with Islamic terrorism.

Does this mean that every Muslim is an Islamic terrorist? Does this mean everyone who sees a Muslim must think "must be an Islamic terrorist, must report if they're eating something strange, like ketchup"?

Hey, 10,000 people are killed a year by people with guns, most of these people are MALES. Should we put a Stasi type police force in place so everyone can tell on their MALE neighbor doing something slightly strange?
It is a fact that any Muslim could be a terrorist. It is a perk their religion give them and we have to figure it out. Certainly any religion that says lies and deceit is pious if it advances Islam.

Actually it is quite an unfair advantage. Why even allow it. Our lives should not depend on a guessing game.

Your second thought about males, do they have a common belief system? You fail with that comparison.

It's a fact that any human being could be a terrorist then. The US needs to quickly deport every single human from the country just in case they carry out a terrorist act.

Yes, any religion that says lies should be kicked out of the US, get rid of Christianity, Islam, Judaism..... out, OUT, OUT.

Do males have a common belief system? Yes, they all breathe oxygen, they all eat food, they all pee and poo, most will move with their arms and legs, most will want to fuck women, most will do many things similar.
It is a fact terror is a sanctioned act of the Islamic faith. We can monitor mosques and we should. If peaceful Muslims do not understand why it is their problem.

You have given nothing but excuses to do nothing about a problem when we know its source. Typical.

So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.

Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?
The article says in so many words that it is considered Islamophobic to report Muslims. Why do you think that is? Why is guilt attached to civic action that should remain confidential? Personally I would rather be called an Islamophobe as opposed to seeing more dead.

Neighbor of NYC jihad mass murderer noticed suspicious activity, did not report it - FITNAPHOBIA

Because like every other person that ever existed they don' want to accuse or send the police to someone and end up being wrong.

Take for example the Las Vegas shooter and his stockpile of weapons. What would you say if someone thought that was suspicious? Would you and the NRA cry like bitches for sending the police over to a nice white man' home for questions?

Now tell me more about PC killing...please

Yes, it's funny the whole PC thing.

UKIP in the UK they were like "we hate PC, we hate PC" up until some kid made an app basically pounding on UKIP and UKIP were like "this is wrong, people shouldn't be making apps like this" and they dropped their whole approach to being PC after that. It bit them on the ass.

And you consider those in the UKIP bigots. Did you know no one ideology/religion is more intolerant than Islam?

You can't make a point without trying to tear down someone else. Sad.
What I said about Islam is a fact. Islam is proud of that fact. Try reading something about it.

How is Islam proud of anything? Islam isn't a physical thing and doesn't have a brain to be proud. Some Muslims might be proud of it.

However if you go have a look at the modern Jihad you'll find the ONLY reason it exists in the modern era is because the WESTERN COUNTRIES went over to Muslim countries and fucked with them. They found that Jihad was the ONLY effective tool in dealing with strong militaries.

You want to see all the Muslim countries that the west invaded?

Maldives, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Iraq, Morocco, Yemen, Somalia, Mayotte, Turkey, Comoros, Niger, Algeria, Palestine, Djibouti, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Libya, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Kosovo, Gambia, Mali, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh, Egypt.

Muslim countries not invaded.

Iran, Saudi Arabia.

These are all the countries with 90% or more Muslims. I could go on, there are plenty of other countries there.

That most Muslim countries suffered under Colonialism, and that they're angry the US is carrying on this tradition shows that no matter what the Koran says, the West is still getting involved and causing problems and some Muslims are using WHAT WORKS in the war the US is waging.

You want to stop the war, you have to stop fighting.
Fine, there's a problem with Islamic terrorism.

Does this mean that every Muslim is an Islamic terrorist? Does this mean everyone who sees a Muslim must think "must be an Islamic terrorist, must report if they're eating something strange, like ketchup"?

Hey, 10,000 people are killed a year by people with guns, most of these people are MALES. Should we put a Stasi type police force in place so everyone can tell on their MALE neighbor doing something slightly strange?
It is a fact that any Muslim could be a terrorist. It is a perk their religion give them and we have to figure it out. Certainly any religion that says lies and deceit is pious if it advances Islam.

Actually it is quite an unfair advantage. Why even allow it. Our lives should not depend on a guessing game.

Your second thought about males, do they have a common belief system? You fail with that comparison.

It's a fact that any human being could be a terrorist then. The US needs to quickly deport every single human from the country just in case they carry out a terrorist act.

Yes, any religion that says lies should be kicked out of the US, get rid of Christianity, Islam, Judaism..... out, OUT, OUT.

Do males have a common belief system? Yes, they all breathe oxygen, they all eat food, they all pee and poo, most will move with their arms and legs, most will want to fuck women, most will do many things similar.
It is a fact terror is a sanctioned act of the Islamic faith. We can monitor mosques and we should. If peaceful Muslims do not understand why it is their problem.

You have given nothing but excuses to do nothing about a problem when we know its source. Typical.

So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.

Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Because like every other person that ever existed they don' want to accuse or send the police to someone and end up being wrong.

Take for example the Las Vegas shooter and his stockpile of weapons. What would you say if someone thought that was suspicious? Would you and the NRA cry like bitches for sending the police over to a nice white man' home for questions?

Now tell me more about PC killing...please

Yes, it's funny the whole PC thing.

UKIP in the UK they were like "we hate PC, we hate PC" up until some kid made an app basically pounding on UKIP and UKIP were like "this is wrong, people shouldn't be making apps like this" and they dropped their whole approach to being PC after that. It bit them on the ass.

And you consider those in the UKIP bigots. Did you know no one ideology/religion is more intolerant than Islam?

You can't make a point without trying to tear down someone else. Sad.
What I said about Islam is a fact. Islam is proud of that fact. Try reading something about it.

How is Islam proud of anything? Islam isn't a physical thing and doesn't have a brain to be proud. Some Muslims might be proud of it.

However if you go have a look at the modern Jihad you'll find the ONLY reason it exists in the modern era is because the WESTERN COUNTRIES went over to Muslim countries and fucked with them. They found that Jihad was the ONLY effective tool in dealing with strong militaries.

You want to see all the Muslim countries that the west invaded?

Maldives, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Iraq, Morocco, Yemen, Somalia, Mayotte, Turkey, Comoros, Niger, Algeria, Palestine, Djibouti, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Libya, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Kosovo, Gambia, Mali, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh, Egypt.

Muslim countries not invaded.

Iran, Saudi Arabia.

These are all the countries with 90% or more Muslims. I could go on, there are plenty of other countries there.

That most Muslim countries suffered under Colonialism, and that they're angry the US is carrying on this tradition shows that no matter what the Koran says, the West is still getting involved and causing problems and some Muslims are using WHAT WORKS in the war the US is waging.

You want to stop the war, you have to stop fighting.
Because like every other person that ever existed they don' want to accuse or send the police to someone and end up being wrong.

Take for example the Las Vegas shooter and his stockpile of weapons. What would you say if someone thought that was suspicious? Would you and the NRA cry like bitches for sending the police over to a nice white man' home for questions?

Now tell me more about PC killing...please

Yes, it's funny the whole PC thing.

UKIP in the UK they were like "we hate PC, we hate PC" up until some kid made an app basically pounding on UKIP and UKIP were like "this is wrong, people shouldn't be making apps like this" and they dropped their whole approach to being PC after that. It bit them on the ass.

And you consider those in the UKIP bigots. Did you know no one ideology/religion is more intolerant than Islam?

You can't make a point without trying to tear down someone else. Sad.
What I said about Islam is a fact. Islam is proud of that fact. Try reading something about it.

How is Islam proud of anything? Islam isn't a physical thing and doesn't have a brain to be proud. Some Muslims might be proud of it.

However if you go have a look at the modern Jihad you'll find the ONLY reason it exists in the modern era is because the WESTERN COUNTRIES went over to Muslim countries and fucked with them. They found that Jihad was the ONLY effective tool in dealing with strong militaries.

You want to see all the Muslim countries that the west invaded?

Maldives, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Iraq, Morocco, Yemen, Somalia, Mayotte, Turkey, Comoros, Niger, Algeria, Palestine, Djibouti, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Libya, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Kosovo, Gambia, Mali, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh, Egypt.

Muslim countries not invaded.

Iran, Saudi Arabia.

These are all the countries with 90% or more Muslims. I could go on, there are plenty of other countries there.

That most Muslim countries suffered under Colonialism, and that they're angry the US is carrying on this tradition shows that no matter what the Koran says, the West is still getting involved and causing problems and some Muslims are using WHAT WORKS in the war the US is waging.

You want to stop the war, you have to stop fighting.

A lot of those countries were invaded by Islam. The reason they are Islamic. Islam terrorized the world for quite a while. To make us the bad guy is tripe. And that you advocate jihad for Islam shows a lot about you. Should we do that instead?
Yes, it's funny the whole PC thing.

UKIP in the UK they were like "we hate PC, we hate PC" up until some kid made an app basically pounding on UKIP and UKIP were like "this is wrong, people shouldn't be making apps like this" and they dropped their whole approach to being PC after that. It bit them on the ass.

And you consider those in the UKIP bigots. Did you know no one ideology/religion is more intolerant than Islam?

You can't make a point without trying to tear down someone else. Sad.
What I said about Islam is a fact. Islam is proud of that fact. Try reading something about it.

How is Islam proud of anything? Islam isn't a physical thing and doesn't have a brain to be proud. Some Muslims might be proud of it.

However if you go have a look at the modern Jihad you'll find the ONLY reason it exists in the modern era is because the WESTERN COUNTRIES went over to Muslim countries and fucked with them. They found that Jihad was the ONLY effective tool in dealing with strong militaries.

You want to see all the Muslim countries that the west invaded?

Maldives, Mauritania, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Western Sahara, Iraq, Morocco, Yemen, Somalia, Mayotte, Turkey, Comoros, Niger, Algeria, Palestine, Djibouti, Sudan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Libya, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Senegal, Kosovo, Gambia, Mali, Jordan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh, Egypt.

Muslim countries not invaded.

Iran, Saudi Arabia.

These are all the countries with 90% or more Muslims. I could go on, there are plenty of other countries there.

That most Muslim countries suffered under Colonialism, and that they're angry the US is carrying on this tradition shows that no matter what the Koran says, the West is still getting involved and causing problems and some Muslims are using WHAT WORKS in the war the US is waging.

You want to stop the war, you have to stop fighting.

A lot of those countries were invaded by Islam. The reason they are Islamic. Islam terrorized the world for quite a while. To make us the bad guy is tripe. And that you advocate jihad for Islam shows a lot about you. Should we do that instead?

Er... what's your point here? Or is it just that I said they were invaded by the west and your brain flicked a switch which said "invade" and you though, hmm... well, they were invaded by Islam.

Fucking hell.

Would you now like to go back, consider what I've said with your brain, and make a response which is actually appropriate to what I said? Or do you want to keep deflecting?
It is a fact that any Muslim could be a terrorist. It is a perk their religion give them and we have to figure it out. Certainly any religion that says lies and deceit is pious if it advances Islam.

Actually it is quite an unfair advantage. Why even allow it. Our lives should not depend on a guessing game.

Your second thought about males, do they have a common belief system? You fail with that comparison.

It's a fact that any human being could be a terrorist then. The US needs to quickly deport every single human from the country just in case they carry out a terrorist act.

Yes, any religion that says lies should be kicked out of the US, get rid of Christianity, Islam, Judaism..... out, OUT, OUT.

Do males have a common belief system? Yes, they all breathe oxygen, they all eat food, they all pee and poo, most will move with their arms and legs, most will want to fuck women, most will do many things similar.
It is a fact terror is a sanctioned act of the Islamic faith. We can monitor mosques and we should. If peaceful Muslims do not understand why it is their problem.

You have given nothing but excuses to do nothing about a problem when we know its source. Typical.

So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.

Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.
It's a fact that any human being could be a terrorist then. The US needs to quickly deport every single human from the country just in case they carry out a terrorist act.

Yes, any religion that says lies should be kicked out of the US, get rid of Christianity, Islam, Judaism..... out, OUT, OUT.

Do males have a common belief system? Yes, they all breathe oxygen, they all eat food, they all pee and poo, most will move with their arms and legs, most will want to fuck women, most will do many things similar.
It is a fact terror is a sanctioned act of the Islamic faith. We can monitor mosques and we should. If peaceful Muslims do not understand why it is their problem.

You have given nothing but excuses to do nothing about a problem when we know its source. Typical.

So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.

Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.
It is a fact terror is a sanctioned act of the Islamic faith. We can monitor mosques and we should. If peaceful Muslims do not understand why it is their problem.

You have given nothing but excuses to do nothing about a problem when we know its source. Typical.

So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.

Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.
So, why don't all, or even most, or even 5% of Muslims carry out acts of terror? The Bible says a lot of stuff that Christians don't carry out too. Why not?

Oh, if you want me to give solutions to the problem I can.

The biggest solution is for the US to stop is warmongering.

Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"
Because Christianity advocates peace, and the choice is yours if you wish to be a Christian. It is called free will. Islam has obligations and commands, and advocates peace only after Sharia rules the world. It specifically gives permission and a blessing to those who kill unbelievers. Anything else?

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.
Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

Doesn't bible give its followers a directive to preolistize and populute the earth?
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

Doesn't bible give its followers a directive to preolistize and populute the earth?
Right after He taught them to spell.
Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

Doesn't bible give its followers a directive to preolistize and populute the earth?
Right after He taught them to spell.

Sure teach

But you get the point and conveniently passed over it.

Oh, Christianity advocates peace. Which is why the Christian George W. Bush invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, and the Christian Obama bombed Libya, and every president the US has ever had has been Christian and yet the US is the BIGGEST warmonger, the biggest threat to world peace in the world right now.

You make me laugh.
Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Bush's decisions or Obama's had nothing to do with Christianity, we are not a theocracy. You're laughing, your claim is kind of funny too.

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

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