Political Correctness Kills

Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

So did the Founders screw up by including religious rights and freedoms in the Constitution?
Oh, how fucking convenient.

A Christian goes to war "it's not Christianity", a Muslim goes to war "it's the whole of Islam"


I get the feeling you're cherry picking things to fit your agenda.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Christian country, and that's one constantly at war.
“If you see something, say something,” right? So why didn’t Carlos Batista report this suspicious activity to police? The Los Angeles Times reporter Barbara Demick doesn’t appear to have asked him that. Could it be because Bastista was afraid that to alert authorities to something like that would be “Islamophobic”? There have been many other instances of people fearing to report suspicious activity by Muslims for fear of being labeled “Islamophobic.”

The article says in so many words that it is considered Islamophobic to report Muslims. Why do you think that is? Why is guilt attached to civic action that should remain confidential? Personally I would rather be called an Islamophobe as opposed to seeing more dead.

Neighbor of NYC jihad mass murderer noticed suspicious activity, did not report it - FITNAPHOBIA
To some people just seeing a Muslim is considered suspicious behaviour.
It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Muslim country, and that's one constantly at war.
How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Muslim country, and that's one constantly at war.

It's going to take more than one word for me to know what you're talking about.
It's because of political correctness that you can't even say merry Christmas anymore in certain places without offending someone.
No one ever gets offended, that's an urban myth. I've seen people get offended when you say happy holidays though.
It's because of political correctness that you can't decorate your house for Halloween in some places without it being offensive or too frightening to certain sensitive pussy types.
Actually, we just had a group try and shut down Halloween here. They were Evangelical Christians.

It's because of political correctness that we have millions of illegals in this country sponging off our services.
Don't forget the Cuban Americans and they even get more money.

It's because of political correctness that it's considered racist to speak the truth about blacks and other minorities who commit crimes and don't contribute much of anything positive to American society.
Yes it is racist because white people do it too.

It's because of political correctness that we now have to give transgenders their own bathrooms.
Well a poll was taken and many men and many women didn't want transgenders using their bathroom. Unless you want them taking a dump in the middle of the sidewalk where else would they go?

It's because of political correctness that white people who founded this country and made it the successful prosperous nation it is are now looked down on as hateful, racist, and inferior.
No, they are still celebrated but we've come to realize some had faults and should not be worshipped like god'like heroes.

It's because of political correctness that referring to a terrorist's extremist muslim ties is off limits.
No, we just don't think you should paint a picture of all Muslims as terrorists.

It's because of political correctness that complimenting a woman's attractiveness is considered sexual harassment.
Depends on the content and the delivery.

It's because of political correctness that overpaid NFL players can disrespect the national anthem and the American flag, and get by with it.
That's called freedom of speech.
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Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Muslim country, and that's one constantly at war.

It's going to take more than one word for me to know what you're talking about.
I bolded it. Last sentence
It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Christian country, and that's one constantly at war.
Are you totally ignorant of Christian doctrine. Those are not Christian acts. You cannot link any violence to the Christian doctrine. You can read it for yourself.
How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Christian country, and that's one constantly at war.
Are you totally ignorant of Christian doctrine. Those are not Christian acts. You cannot link any violence to the Christian doctrine. You can read it for yourself.

Right, so... in the Bible it doesn't say:

Genesis 19
"13 For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it."

And before you go on about the old testament and not the new testament, in Revelations

"15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."

But the problem here is that whatever the Bible says, the worshipers of the Bible have a tendency to do really fucking bad things.

The Iraq War, the Vietnam War, WW1, the Boer War, the US Civil War, I could list hundreds and hundreds of wars started by Christians. Take the Spanish Conquistadors, they were from a Catholic country. They became rich off of the whole war. Come on...
It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

Enough Muslims?

Well, seeing as the most violent countries in the world are all Christian...

Murder rate ranking
1 - El Salvador
2 - Honduras
3 - Venezuela
4 - Jamaica
5 - Lesotho
6 - Belize
7 - South Africa
8 - St Kitts and Nevis
9 - Guatamala

In fact you have to go to number 27 to find a Christian country, and that's one constantly at war.
Are you totally ignorant of Christian doctrine. Those are not Christian acts. You cannot link any violence to the Christian doctrine. You can read it for yourself.

It is the "best deed" in Islam, jihad. So yes, all of Islam. and no not all Muslims.

How fucking convenient. How much bullshit.

You're still cherry picking.

Every President of the US has been a Christian. To say that these Christians are peaceful is massive bullshit. Yes, they might not be going after religious war, but surely they shouldn't be making wars for oil and fear if they, as Christians, wanted peace.

Or maybe it's like the Chinese peace. "We want peace, peace with you doing what we tell you, if you don't do what we tell you, then you are starting this war and we'll get peace by defeating you and taking all your land"

Again, not a 1400 year old doctrine that says to advance Islam, Communism is far more tolerant than Islam and much newer.

So, your whole argument is "the Koran says this, therefore this is what Muslims do, but the Bible says this but Christians don't do this"?

Enough Muslims do it. It is killing people. Terror comes with Islam. And what Islam says will tell you the same thing I am.

So did the Founders screw up by including religious rights and freedoms in the Constitution?

The founders were not dealing with Islam, and you know it.
Political Correctness let the Texas shooter blast away in his back yard . No one called the police onhim .

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