Political Discussion Last Night....


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
While visiting with friends last night, we were discussion the GOP candidates and who would get the nod.

One of our friends who is an attorney, felt that Rubio would most likely get the nomination
Said no way Trump would get it or Carson, and an outside chance for Cruz, but not likely.

He also said Rubio would be the only one that could possible beat Hillary.

Agree or not?
I like Rubio the best for the pick, he may be right but predicting politics is like predicting dice rolls. I don't think Trump can increase support much more than he has now from the right, and he won't be bringing in the "moderates", fence sitters or totally out of touch voters. Rubio would.
Rubio was part of the "gang of eight" who tried to get amnesty passed.

So he's out.

Rubio's Gang of Eight Bill Would Have Rewarded Sanctuary Cities Harboring Illegals

Agreed and I think it's going to haunt him for the rest of his career.

As far as beating Hillary, I don't think anybody has a better chance than (I hate to say it) Chris Christie. I don't care for his politics, but I also realize he's a Republican in a liberal state. He may lead the country in a more conservative direction than he led his state where he needed to keep his job.

Hillary doesn't stand a chance in hell at debating a guy that thinks so quick on his feet and doesn't back down.

As much as I'm entertained by Trump, he simply doesn't know enough about politics and world issues to be the President. I like his thoughts though about the immigration problems we are having in this country and I also believe that even if he can't do the things he's talking about now, he will give it the best try that he can, and then inform us as to who is stopping the process.
I'm pulling the lever for Carson even though I don't think he'll win the primaries.

Cruz will more than likely get the nod.

I'm pulling the lever for Carson even though I don't think he'll win the primaries.

Cruz will more than likely get the nod.


By the time it gets here to Ohio, there will probably be only three or four candidates left, so I don't make any plans on who I will vote for. It's another thing I hate about primaries. Primaries should be held on one day for the entire country so we all have a choice.
While visiting with friends last night, we were discussion the GOP candidates and who would get the nod.

One of our friends who is an attorney, felt that Rubio would most likely get the nomination
Said no way Trump would get it or Carson, and an outside chance for Cruz, but not likely.

He also said Rubio would be the only one that could possible beat Hillary.

Agree or not?

Rubio is the Establishment Candidate, he's for La Reconquista. I fear for Trumps life
I'm pulling the lever for Carson even though I don't think he'll win the primaries.

Cruz will more than likely get the nod.


By the time it gets here to Ohio, there will probably be only three or four candidates left, so I don't make any plans on who I will vote for. It's another thing I hate about primaries. Primaries should be held on one day for the entire country so we all have a choice.
I agree...........Should be a one day affair..................but you know how the media likes to drag things out for ratings........

Cruz, and here is why-------> after Iowa and New Hampshire, the GOP is going to lose Santorum, Huckabee, and possibly 1 more. None of those will go to Trump, most will go to Cruz and Rubio.

Trump is at his saturation point. He will get few more voters, but Cruz and Rubio will pick up the voters of those who drop.

Watch what happens! Trump supporters like Hillary supporters are going to be shocked, it is just they are going to be shocked 1st-)
Trump is going to win. There are millions of Americans who are tired of being slapped around like a disobedient Muslim wife, and voting for Trump would be their best revenge.
Insuring Hillary for the presidency. All the Democrats have to do is play Trump's sound bites and the middle roaders will vote for the aging but says nice shit nominee.
trump knows how to work the media and is the perfect example of 'there's no such thing as bad press.'

I mean, whodufuck says they would date their own daughter and still have freinds let alone lead for the Pres nom
trump knows how to work the media and is the perfect example of 'there's no such thing as bad press.'

I mean, whodufuck says they would date their own daughter and still have freinds let alone lead for the Pres nom

Correct. Candidates should never have a sense of humor.
I'm a Cruz fan but I think Rubio will get the nomination. In my opinion he's on the wrong side of the immigration issue as evidenced by his work with the gang of 8. I think Trump is at his highest point and with more debates his numbers will drop as people realize he has no ideas, just bumper sticker rhetoric.
trump knows how to work the media and is the perfect example of 'there's no such thing as bad press.'

I mean, whodufuck says they would date their own daughter and still have freinds let alone lead for the Pres nom

Correct. Candidates should never have a sense of humor.
there's certain things you don't talk about or joke about in public
I'm a Cruz fan but I think Rubio will get the nomination. In my opinion he's on the wrong side of the immigration issue as evidenced by his work with the gang of 8. I think Trump is at his highest point and with more debates his numbers will drop as people realize he has no ideas, just bumper sticker rhetoric.

Maybe, but what Trump stands for many Americans do as well. Cruz? He always struck me as a phony. It seems he's always trying to put on an act or something. There is no acting with Trump. Trump is Trump.
Rubio was part of the "gang of eight" who tried to get amnesty passed.

So he's out.

Rubio's Gang of Eight Bill Would Have Rewarded Sanctuary Cities Harboring Illegals

Agreed and I think it's going to haunt him for the rest of his career.

As far as beating Hillary, I don't think anybody has a better chance than (I hate to say it) Chris Christie. I don't care for his politics, but I also realize he's a Republican in a liberal state. He may lead the country in a more conservative direction than he led his state where he needed to keep his job.

Hillary doesn't stand a chance in hell at debating a guy that thinks so quick on his feet and doesn't back down.

As much as I'm entertained by Trump, he simply doesn't know enough about politics and world issues to be the President. I like his thoughts though about the immigration problems we are having in this country and I also believe that even if he can't do the things he's talking about now, he will give it the best try that he can, and then inform us as to who is stopping the process.
I am close to where you are. Christie is blunt, articulate, tough, informed...has gravitas that trump lacks. Cruz and Rubio seem flat to me...not quite ready to deal with international leadership. Big task:

Lead the world
Rebuild military
Create jobs
Unite party
Get Dems to cooperate
Defeat Isis...push Muslim reform

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