Political Expert Larry Sabato. The Dems will get Shellacked in 2014.

Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.

Larry also predicted Obama would win Virginia in 2012, which was one of the closest races in the Country. He is not an overt partisan. If I were a Dem, I would take what he says very seriously.

I'm curious. Republicans are 90% white. Where is the "coalition"?

Why are you so racist? Does it trouble you that 95% of black voters vote Democrat?

welllllll.., yes and no, it bothers me because it proves that most black voters are ignorant or in many cases, STUPID !! the blacks seem to suck up all the democRAT/liberal propaganda of a free ride of welfare checks, food stamps etc., so, if blacks were truly educated about the American political system they would never vote for a democRAT...., EVER ! :up:
I'm curious. Republicans are 90% white. Where is the "coalition"?

Why are you so racist? Does it trouble you that 95% of black voters vote Democrat?

According to rdean and his fellow liberal, the 95% of blacks who vote Democrat are clever, politically astute people, while the blacks who dare to vote Republican are nothing but race-traitors, white-wannabe Uncle Toms.

According to conservatives, the 95% of blacks who vote democrat are only looking for a handout. Ignoring the millions of hardworking and wealthy blacks who would never vote Republican
Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.

Larry also predicted Obama would win Virginia in 2012, which was one of the closest races in the Country. He is not an overt partisan. If I were a Dem, I would take what he says very seriously.

I also predicted Obama would win in 2012 and have successfully predicted every presidential election for the last 50 years (Bush beating Dukakis was a tough one)

Want to know what I think?

I really don't care what you predict for the 2014 and 2016 elections, but seeing that you are so unfailingly correct all the time, would you mind sending me a PM with the winning numbers for the next $300 million Power Ball?
Guess what?

Employers were dumping insurance even before Obamacare. Health insurance costs too much and is a drain on the bottom line. Who wants their employer to make health insurance decisions for them anyway?
But we can't have single payer can we? Righties scream Socialism. We can't even have a Government option. Government takeover of insurance
So we are stuck with employers and mega rich insurance corporations

Single Payer is your plan and the ultimate plan of the left.

Which is why they created this dismal law............

A law that will cause chaos and problems, so you can say, the only option to fix this law is the single payer option. That's the ultimate goal, and why your side don't really give a shit that you passed a Fucked up law.

Private Health Insurance is just a patch. Our healthcare problems are much bigger than that. Healthcare costs so much and somebody has to pay. We need to control costs and increase competition.

Hmmm, can you explain how single payer increases competition?

how about allowing interstate competition between insurance companies?
As long as the far right continues the tirade against women and minorities, the country will vote nationally against the GOP.

Gotta change, far right, if you want to win nationally.
Single Payer is your plan and the ultimate plan of the left.

Which is why they created this dismal law............

A law that will cause chaos and problems, so you can say, the only option to fix this law is the single payer option. That's the ultimate goal, and why your side don't really give a shit that you passed a Fucked up law.

Private Health Insurance is just a patch. Our healthcare problems are much bigger than that. Healthcare costs so much and somebody has to pay. We need to control costs and increase competition.

Hmmm, can you explain how single payer increases competition?

how about allowing interstate competition between insurance companies?

Good points, but far too late, when we could have done it in the late 1990s and early 2000s but sold out to pharma, medical, and insurance.
Why are you so racist? Does it trouble you that 95% of black voters vote Democrat?

According to rdean and his fellow liberal, the 95% of blacks who vote Democrat are clever, politically astute people, while the blacks who dare to vote Republican are nothing but race-traitors, white-wannabe Uncle Toms.

According to conservatives, the 95% of blacks who vote democrat are only looking for a handout. Ignoring the millions of hardworking and wealthy blacks who would never vote Republican

the only place that comment has ever been made is on some slimey left wing website.

BTW, many hardworking and wealthy blacks are republicans and tea party members.

I know that you libtardians have to keep americans divided, but its not working. Americans are not as dumb as you libs think they are.
Private Health Insurance is just a patch. Our healthcare problems are much bigger than that. Healthcare costs so much and somebody has to pay. We need to control costs and increase competition.

Hmmm, can you explain how single payer increases competition?

how about allowing interstate competition between insurance companies?

Good points, but far too late, when we could have done it in the late 1990s and early 2000s but sold out to pharma, medical, and insurance.

Its never too late to do the right thing.
As long as the far right continues the tirade against women and minorities, the country will vote nationally against the GOP.

Gotta change, far right, if you want to win nationally.

the "right" is not who and what you make it out to be. The "right" includes millions of women and minorities.

women and minorities want freedom as much as anyone else, maybe more.
Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.

Larry also predicted Obama would win Virginia in 2012, which was one of the closest races in the Country. He is not an overt partisan. If I were a Dem, I would take what he says very seriously.

I also predicted Obama would win in 2012 and have successfully predicted every presidential election for the last 50 years (Bush beating Dukakis was a tough one)

Want to know what I think?

I really don't care what you predict for the 2014 and 2016 elections, but seeing that you are so unfailingly correct all the time, would you mind sending me a PM with the winning numbers for the next $300 million Power Ball?

Picking Presidential elections are easy. They are usually runaways
Powerball is hard
It isn't the website that is so bad even though the website is an in your face exhibit of government incompetence, it's what happens when people can finally get through and finds out that the only way they can pay their premiums is to not eat two weeks out of every month.

Ah, you mean Americans are finally realizing that health care is not free, and that we are paying close to $9000 per year per every single living person in the US? You mean people are finally starting to understand that our current model of insurance based healthcare is unsustainable?

Here are the two biggest problems with healthcare. The first is how much we are paying, which is between $8500 and $9000 per year per person. That isn't per working person, it is for every single living person, insured or not, legal or not, and to determine the current lifetime cost per person all you need do is multiply that amount by 78 years. The total is pushing $700,000 per person over their entire lifetime. Now that is the biggest problem by far. The second biggest problem is much more simple, and that is the simple fact that the vast majority of Americans cannot afford to pay $700,000 for healthcare over their lifetime, and this is why we have such a big problem.

What is now happening is that a lot of people are finally beginning to understand just how expensive healthcare is. We can't spend $700,000 per person over their lifetime and expect to get health insurance that covers 100% of our medical needs for $150 per month. The math just doesn't add up.

Well said. I could not agree with you more. But Obamacare is not the solution. It isn't even close. Care will have to be rationed, doctors will need to make a little less money, and drug companies will have to reigned in big time, and lawyers cannot continue to feed off the system like vultures.

The Problem: Both political parties are bought and paid for by Big Pharma, trial lawyers, doctors and hospitals. Which means the system will never really change until it completely collapses.

Pharmaceuticals are a huge problem money wise. Because we have so many different companies bargaining for rates, there is no real way to pressure these companies into accepting less money. With a single payer system, caps could be placed on all pharmaceuticals. This would not be a bad thing even though most conservatives would scream foul for multiple reasons. Here is the thing about the drug companies; every other country in the world caps how much they can charge for each drug. These companies accept much less from every other country except the US, because everything they sell outside of the US is just gravy to them. They have already made their profit on US sales. In other words, Americans are subsidizing the rest of the world when it comes to pharmaceuticals. By telling drug companies that we will only pay the average worldwide rate for any given drug, this would force these drug companies to reevaluate how they charge everyone for their drugs. What would happen is that these companies would have to go to all these other countries who place caps on them and tell them that they will either have to pay more or they will no longer be able to sell them those drugs. In other words, everyone will pay the same amount worldwide, but Americans would no longer be subsidizing the rest of the world.

The problem is that this will never happen unless we have a one payer system. Obviously that is not the only problem we are facing but it is one of many that should must be addressed if we are to ever reduce the amount we spend for our own health.
First it was
Just wait till Obamacare is in place

Now it is
Just wait until the website is running

Lower the bar enough
Papa Obamacare might look good
What a surprise, the left has to lower expectations for Papa Obama

What month is it suppose to be working?

Obamacare is not in place. It will not be till January

Just wait till Republicans try to take away insurance from people who finally got it under Obamacare

Republcans can run ads about a lousy websites and Democrats can run ads with parents who have a child with cancer and Republicans want to take away her insurance

And those who lost their Insurance will vote how.................

Those that are now working Part Time will vote how.............

The economy and Obamacare will play a role in the election. The Dems will lose seats again. The only question is whether or not they will retain control the Senate. The GOP defenses are mostly easy victories with their seats up for grabs. Half of the Dems positions can be challenged. They can afford to lose 5 of those, but not 6.

The Dems may lose a couple of seats in the Senate, but they are likely to pick up a lot in the House. It probably won't be enough to take back control of the House, but it will set the table for 2016 when Hillary sweeps to victory. 2016 is the target year for Dems.
Ah, you mean Americans are finally realizing that health care is not free, and that we are paying close to $9000 per year per every single living person in the US? You mean people are finally starting to understand that our current model of insurance based healthcare is unsustainable?

Here are the two biggest problems with healthcare. The first is how much we are paying, which is between $8500 and $9000 per year per person. That isn't per working person, it is for every single living person, insured or not, legal or not, and to determine the current lifetime cost per person all you need do is multiply that amount by 78 years. The total is pushing $700,000 per person over their entire lifetime. Now that is the biggest problem by far. The second biggest problem is much more simple, and that is the simple fact that the vast majority of Americans cannot afford to pay $700,000 for healthcare over their lifetime, and this is why we have such a big problem.

What is now happening is that a lot of people are finally beginning to understand just how expensive healthcare is. We can't spend $700,000 per person over their lifetime and expect to get health insurance that covers 100% of our medical needs for $150 per month. The math just doesn't add up.

Well said. I could not agree with you more. But Obamacare is not the solution. It isn't even close. Care will have to be rationed, doctors will need to make a little less money, and drug companies will have to reigned in big time, and lawyers cannot continue to feed off the system like vultures.

The Problem: Both political parties are bought and paid for by Big Pharma, trial lawyers, doctors and hospitals. Which means the system will never really change until it completely collapses.

Pharmaceuticals are a huge problem money wise. Because we have so many different companies bargaining for rates, there is no real way to pressure these companies into accepting less money. With a single payer system, caps could be placed on all pharmaceuticals. This would not be a bad thing even though most conservatives would scream foul for multiple reasons. Here is the thing about the drug companies; every other country in the world caps how much they can charge for each drug. These companies accept much less from every other country except the US, because everything they sell outside of the US is just gravy to them. They have already made their profit on US sales. In other words, Americans are subsidizing the rest of the world when it comes to pharmaceuticals. By telling drug companies that we will only pay the average worldwide rate for any given drug, this would force these drug companies to reevaluate how they charge everyone for their drugs. What would happen is that these companies would have to go to all these other countries who place caps on them and tell them that they will either have to pay more or they will no longer be able to sell them those drugs. In other words, everyone will pay the same amount worldwide, but Americans would no longer be subsidizing the rest of the world.

The problem is that this will never happen unless we have a one payer system. Obviously that is not the only problem we are facing but it is one of many that should must be addressed if we are to ever reduce the amount we spend for our own health.

Again, I agree. I am aware of how Big Pharma prices in America versus the rest of the World. R & D is paid on the backs of the U.S. consumer. We will eventually go to a single payer system with a lot of pricing control and rationing. It is the only way to make the system work.

Now since I've conceded to your points several times, can you at least concede to my point that Obamacare is not the answer, and will likely make the problems worse. It's only fair. :)
Well said. I could not agree with you more. But Obamacare is not the solution. It isn't even close. Care will have to be rationed, doctors will need to make a little less money, and drug companies will have to reigned in big time, and lawyers cannot continue to feed off the system like vultures.

The Problem: Both political parties are bought and paid for by Big Pharma, trial lawyers, doctors and hospitals. Which means the system will never really change until it completely collapses.

Pharmaceuticals are a huge problem money wise. Because we have so many different companies bargaining for rates, there is no real way to pressure these companies into accepting less money. With a single payer system, caps could be placed on all pharmaceuticals. This would not be a bad thing even though most conservatives would scream foul for multiple reasons. Here is the thing about the drug companies; every other country in the world caps how much they can charge for each drug. These companies accept much less from every other country except the US, because everything they sell outside of the US is just gravy to them. They have already made their profit on US sales. In other words, Americans are subsidizing the rest of the world when it comes to pharmaceuticals. By telling drug companies that we will only pay the average worldwide rate for any given drug, this would force these drug companies to reevaluate how they charge everyone for their drugs. What would happen is that these companies would have to go to all these other countries who place caps on them and tell them that they will either have to pay more or they will no longer be able to sell them those drugs. In other words, everyone will pay the same amount worldwide, but Americans would no longer be subsidizing the rest of the world.

The problem is that this will never happen unless we have a one payer system. Obviously that is not the only problem we are facing but it is one of many that should must be addressed if we are to ever reduce the amount we spend for our own health.

Again, I agree. I am aware of how Big Pharma prices in America versus the rest of the World. R & D is paid on the backs of the U.S. consumer. We will eventually go to a single payer system with a lot of pricing control and rationing. It is the only way to make the system work.

Now since I've conceded to your points several times, can you at least concede to my point that Obamacare is not the answer, and will likely make the problems worse. It's only fair. :)

The ACA is seriously flawed since it embraces the same profit driven model that resulted in the medical cost crisis that still exists to this day. The problem is that politicians are basically cowards and will tinker around the edges of the ACA rather than replacing it with single payer. The reason for this is because if they kick the can down the road the baby boomers will end up in the Medicare single payer system anyway and the HMO's will continue to make profits off the backs of hardworking Americans. Scrapping the ACA is unlikely and the "tinkering" won't alter the flawed fundamentals. It is going to take another crisis in about 2 decades before anyone takes an axe to the profit driven business model of healthcare.
As long as the far right continues the tirade against women and minorities, the country will vote nationally against the GOP.

Gotta change, far right, if you want to win nationally.

the "right" is not who and what you make it out to be. The "right" includes millions of women and minorities.

women and minorities want freedom as much as anyone else, maybe more.

That is not the point. The point is that your marketing to all minorities and women is off dreadfully or they would not be voting your butts out of office.
women and minorities want freedom as much as anyone else, maybe more.

15 trillion spent on social programs and the Great Society since 1965
this is all the reactionary left and their failed programs have to show

Worse than apartheid: Black in Obama's American

Black South Africans under apartheid had a median net worth about 6.8% that of white South Africans.

The average white household iin the US has a net worth of $110,729.
Black Americans’ median net worth is less than 5 percent that of white Americans.

$4,955 to be exact

h/t Kevin D. Williamson
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As long as the far right continues the tirade against women and minorities, the country will vote nationally against the GOP.

Gotta change, far right, if you want to win nationally.

the "right" is not who and what you make it out to be. The "right" includes millions of women and minorities.

women and minorities want freedom as much as anyone else, maybe more.

That is not the point. The point is that your marketing to all minorities and women is off dreadfully or they would not be voting your butts out of office.

You're probably right about the "marketing" angle, but it implies the Dems are getting over on women and minorities. It really is a sad commentary. Democrat policies have not improved the lives of minorities at all. It has just been a giant lie that has destroyed Black families. And abortion rights did not start with legislation, it started with the courts.

Jake, I would hope voters of any race or gender would evaluate the promises made to them by each party, and what has actually been delivered. That would be the fairest test, and one that does not require "marketing," just each individuals brain to be used.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0SgQKpWGD4]Bulworth - Movie Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
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Pharmaceuticals are a huge problem money wise. Because we have so many different companies bargaining for rates, there is no real way to pressure these companies into accepting less money. With a single payer system, caps could be placed on all pharmaceuticals. This would not be a bad thing even though most conservatives would scream foul for multiple reasons. Here is the thing about the drug companies; every other country in the world caps how much they can charge for each drug. These companies accept much less from every other country except the US, because everything they sell outside of the US is just gravy to them. They have already made their profit on US sales. In other words, Americans are subsidizing the rest of the world when it comes to pharmaceuticals. By telling drug companies that we will only pay the average worldwide rate for any given drug, this would force these drug companies to reevaluate how they charge everyone for their drugs. What would happen is that these companies would have to go to all these other countries who place caps on them and tell them that they will either have to pay more or they will no longer be able to sell them those drugs. In other words, everyone will pay the same amount worldwide, but Americans would no longer be subsidizing the rest of the world.

The problem is that this will never happen unless we have a one payer system. Obviously that is not the only problem we are facing but it is one of many that should must be addressed if we are to ever reduce the amount we spend for our own health.

Again, I agree. I am aware of how Big Pharma prices in America versus the rest of the World. R & D is paid on the backs of the U.S. consumer. We will eventually go to a single payer system with a lot of pricing control and rationing. It is the only way to make the system work.

Now since I've conceded to your points several times, can you at least concede to my point that Obamacare is not the answer, and will likely make the problems worse. It's only fair. :)

The ACA is seriously flawed since it embraces the same profit driven model that resulted in the medical cost crisis that still exists to this day. The problem is that politicians are basically cowards and will tinker around the edges of the ACA rather than replacing it with single payer. The reason for this is because if they kick the can down the road the baby boomers will end up in the Medicare single payer system anyway and the HMO's will continue to make profits off the backs of hardworking Americans. Scrapping the ACA is unlikely and the "tinkering" won't alter the flawed fundamentals. It is going to take another crisis in about 2 decades before anyone takes an axe to the profit driven business model of healthcare.


If republicans were indeed serious about ‘getting rid’ of the ACA, they need only endorse implementing a single payer system.

The ACA would be gone in a heartbeat.
Again, I agree. I am aware of how Big Pharma prices in America versus the rest of the World. R & D is paid on the backs of the U.S. consumer. We will eventually go to a single payer system with a lot of pricing control and rationing. It is the only way to make the system work.

Now since I've conceded to your points several times, can you at least concede to my point that Obamacare is not the answer, and will likely make the problems worse. It's only fair. :)

The ACA is seriously flawed since it embraces the same profit driven model that resulted in the medical cost crisis that still exists to this day. The problem is that politicians are basically cowards and will tinker around the edges of the ACA rather than replacing it with single payer. The reason for this is because if they kick the can down the road the baby boomers will end up in the Medicare single payer system anyway and the HMO's will continue to make profits off the backs of hardworking Americans. Scrapping the ACA is unlikely and the "tinkering" won't alter the flawed fundamentals. It is going to take another crisis in about 2 decades before anyone takes an axe to the profit driven business model of healthcare.


If republicans were indeed serious about ‘getting rid’ of the ACA, they need only endorse implementing a single payer system.

The ACA would be gone in a heartbeat.

Question: Why didn't Obama call for a single payer system? Why aren't any Dems calling for a single payer system now?

Answer: They're getting paid off by Big Pharma, Insurance shits like Aetna and Wellpoint, and by doctor and hospital associations. Wake up, man. Do you really think the Dems give a crap about the common man? They care about two things. Money # 1. Your vote # 2. I will never understand why seemingly intelligent people can be so blindly partisan.


I know you won't respond to this. Your partisanship won't allow it. I know it's nothing personal...it is just where you're at. :(
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