Political Expert Larry Sabato. The Dems will get Shellacked in 2014.

This is exactly what I've been saying for the past month. Nobody is going to give a shit about the shutdown this time next year when they've got ObamaCare destroying their lives. Why else do you think six red state / swing state Democrat Senators up for reelection next year are now in agreement for delaying the mandate? They aren't stupid.

Guv's former spokeswoman censures Utah's Mike Lee over Obamacare | The Salt Lake Tribune

A cancer survivor and long-time member of the working class, Welling’s mom, Beckie Clarkson, has been uninsured off and on over the past 16 years, because her cancer, or pre-existing condition, has prevented her from obtaining comprehensive coverage.

"About once a week, Mom wakes up in the middle of the night, choking and gagging. She usually spends the rest of the night vomiting, and the entire next day recuperating. She thinks she has something called a hiatal hernia, but isn’t sure because the diagnostic tests are too expensive," wrote Welling, previously a reporter for the LDS-Church-owned Deseret News and a registered Republican.

"Today, God willing, Mom will sign up for health insurance on the federal health exchange. She will finally have coverage.



Perhaps you could write to this woman and tell her you hope her mother dies. Perhaps even add in a "bitch"? As in "Die bitch". I suspect it would make you feel awfully "good".

That's a nice story. Who will pay for her coverage...you? These are the only people signing up for Obamacare, the incredibly old and sick, which means it will not be financially viable and will fail. Health insurance is not a Constitutional Right, and Obamacare is not a viable solution. Next.

In other words, "Die Bitch", right? Just come out and say it.
The underlying premises of Sabato are false or hopeful without reason.

:lol: Cuz your record of predictions is so much better, Jake. :lol:

The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

The predictions I made about the primaries in 2012 across the board?

All of those predictions, Taz? :lol: Where I have been more accurate than you?

Sabato is wrong, period. Watch.
Last edited:
"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

This is exactly what I've been saying for the past month. Nobody is going to give a shit about the shutdown this time next year when they've got ObamaCare destroying their lives. Why else do you think six red state / swing state Democrat Senators up for reelection next year are now in agreement for delaying the mandate? They aren't stupid.

Guv's former spokeswoman censures Utah's Mike Lee over Obamacare | The Salt Lake Tribune

A cancer survivor and long-time member of the working class, Welling’s mom, Beckie Clarkson, has been uninsured off and on over the past 16 years, because her cancer, or pre-existing condition, has prevented her from obtaining comprehensive coverage.

"About once a week, Mom wakes up in the middle of the night, choking and gagging. She usually spends the rest of the night vomiting, and the entire next day recuperating. She thinks she has something called a hiatal hernia, but isn’t sure because the diagnostic tests are too expensive," wrote Welling, previously a reporter for the LDS-Church-owned Deseret News and a registered Republican.

"Today, God willing, Mom will sign up for health insurance on the federal health exchange. She will finally have coverage.



Perhaps you could write to this woman and tell her you hope her mother dies. Perhaps even add in a "bitch"? As in "Die bitch". I suspect it would make you feel awfully "good".

Guv's former spokeswoman censures Utah's Mike Lee over Obamacare | The Salt Lake Tribune

A cancer survivor and long-time member of the working class, Welling’s mom, Beckie Clarkson, has been uninsured off and on over the past 16 years, because her cancer, or pre-existing condition, has prevented her from obtaining comprehensive coverage.

"About once a week, Mom wakes up in the middle of the night, choking and gagging. She usually spends the rest of the night vomiting, and the entire next day recuperating. She thinks she has something called a hiatal hernia, but isn’t sure because the diagnostic tests are too expensive," wrote Welling, previously a reporter for the LDS-Church-owned Deseret News and a registered Republican.

"Today, God willing, Mom will sign up for health insurance on the federal health exchange. She will finally have coverage.



Perhaps you could write to this woman and tell her you hope her mother dies. Perhaps even add in a "bitch"? As in "Die bitch". I suspect it would make you feel awfully "good".

That's a nice story. Who will pay for her coverage...you? These are the only people signing up for Obamacare, the incredibly old and sick, which means it will not be financially viable and will fail. Health insurance is not a Constitutional Right, and Obamacare is not a viable solution. Next.

In other words, "Die Bitch", right? Just come out and say it.

Why so angry? Chill out, bro. :) I don't know the woman. I wish her no ill will, but her health problems are not my problem...or yours. If she's smart, she'll figure something out. I always do.
Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.

Larry also predicted Obama would win Virginia in 2012, which was one of the closest races in the Country. He is not an overt partisan. If I were a Dem, I would take what he says very seriously.

Gee, that's quite a post, since Sabato is listed as co-author of this article, dated YESTERDAY:

After the Shutdown, Republicans Sort Through the Wreckage

Democratic prospects improve in House and Senate


If the numbers look similar close to Election Day next year, Democrats would be poised for significant gains in the House, and the generic ballot would also indirectly indicate a national sentiment for retained Democratic control of the Senate.



Someone doesn't know shellac from shinola.

Funny, you pull out one quote to support your argument, but fail to tell the real story. Kinda like what Obama always does. This is the key fact from the post you cite.


Per Mr. Sabato, The Republicans have 230 seats in the House that are Republican or lean Republican versus only 197 for Dems. Numbers don't lie, do they? I guess only if your Obama

So Sabato is claiming the Democrats's chances are improving in one article, and somewhere else he's claiming they're going to get shellacked?

No wonder he has a good track record.

Where's the link to your original post?
And the game of ping pong continues...Americans are to dumb to realize to STOP VOTING FOR THE REPUBLICRATS IF YOU WANT REAL CHANGE!
With all due respect to Mr Sabato- it is WAY too early to predict an outcome. We don't even have the individual candidates names yet!

I do believe that there is an underlying discontent in the country- historically that does favor the minority party. But that doesn't mean squat at this juncture. Plus, the GOP has an uncanny ability to shoot itself in the foot.....legitimate rape anyone?

Normally I would agree, but Democrats have a tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I admit, I had to Google Larry Sabato after reading this topic. Like Nate Silver, his predictions have been pretty accurate. We do still have about a year to wait though.

My prediction? If the website is up and running properly by the end of November, as Obama claims, it will be seen as a minor glitch, and Democrats could see some gains. If it isn't, and Republicans can point to that as just another failure of Obamacare, Democrats could see some losses.

I agree for the most part. It's hard to tell how Obamacare will effect either party in 2014.
With all due respect to Mr Sabato- it is WAY too early to predict an outcome. We don't even have the individual candidates names yet!

I do believe that there is an underlying discontent in the country- historically that does favor the minority party. But that doesn't mean squat at this juncture. Plus, the GOP has an uncanny ability to shoot itself in the foot.....legitimate rape anyone?

True, if they go and nominate whack-a-doodles like Todd Aiken and Christine O'Donnell (who's not a witch) again they can very much blow it.
Normally I would agree, but Democrats have a tendency to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I admit, I had to Google Larry Sabato after reading this topic. Like Nate Silver, his predictions have been pretty accurate. We do still have about a year to wait though.

My prediction? If the website is up and running properly by the end of November, as Obama claims, it will be seen as a minor glitch, and Democrats could see some gains. If it isn't, and Republicans can point to that as just another failure of Obamacare, Democrats could see some losses.

I agree for the most part. It's hard to tell how Obamacare will effect either party in 2014.

The Web site is only a small part of the equation. The law itself is absolutely destructive and will continue hurting families whether or not the Web site is functioning properly.
The underlying premises of Sabato are false or hopeful without reason.

:lol: Cuz your record of predictions is so much better, Jake. :lol:

The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

Exactly, Jake, it took up until a month before the election for you to figure out what I and many others knew the whole fucking year.
I'm of the opinion Obamacare will be "moderately" successful and certain groups of people will see it as a positive thing while others continue to resent it.

In other words it may very well turn into a neutral issue overall.
If not enough RINOs read the wind and decide not to run then Democrats will control all of Congress. The RINOs are going to be primaried in a big way and even those appear on the final ballot will have blown all their campaign cash trying to get the nomination. In states where it's permitted, Democrats will cross over in the primaries to ensure Republicans nominate the weakest (RINO) candidate.

After all, it's not about votes; it's about money.
Guv's former spokeswoman censures Utah's Mike Lee over Obamacare | The Salt Lake Tribune

A cancer survivor and long-time member of the working class, Welling’s mom, Beckie Clarkson, has been uninsured off and on over the past 16 years, because her cancer, or pre-existing condition, has prevented her from obtaining comprehensive coverage.

"About once a week, Mom wakes up in the middle of the night, choking and gagging. She usually spends the rest of the night vomiting, and the entire next day recuperating. She thinks she has something called a hiatal hernia, but isn’t sure because the diagnostic tests are too expensive," wrote Welling, previously a reporter for the LDS-Church-owned Deseret News and a registered Republican.

"Today, God willing, Mom will sign up for health insurance on the federal health exchange. She will finally have coverage.


Perhaps you could write to this woman and tell her you hope her mother dies. Perhaps even add in a "bitch"? As in "Die bitch". I suspect it would make you feel awfully "good".

That's a nice story. Who will pay for her coverage...you? These are the only people signing up for Obamacare, the incredibly old and sick, which means it will not be financially viable and will fail. Health insurance is not a Constitutional Right, and Obamacare is not a viable solution. Next.

In other words, "Die Bitch", right? Just come out and say it.

Oh, give me a break with this bullshit.

EGD is covered by any insurance and if you do not have it - it will cost you about 500$ to perform the EGD for cash.

I just love how people are bullshitting all over the media their lies.

Hiatal hernia is easily diagnosed also by an old fashioned baruim contrast - and that is about 100$ for cash.
That's a nice story. Who will pay for her coverage...you? These are the only people signing up for Obamacare, the incredibly old and sick, which means it will not be financially viable and will fail. Health insurance is not a Constitutional Right, and Obamacare is not a viable solution. Next.

In other words, "Die Bitch", right? Just come out and say it.

Oh, give me a break with this bullshit.

EGD is covered by any insurance and if you do not have it - it will cost you about 500$ to perform the EGD for cash.

I just love how people are bullshitting all over the media their lies.

Hiatal hernia is easily diagnosed also by an old fashioned baruim contrast - and that is about 100$ for cash.

There you go again, Vox, confusing 'em with the facts. :lol:
Millions of voters will vote their bank accounts in 2014,,,more like lack of! Democrats dont care if the average american can't even afford to feed thier kids being they have to pay sky-high health insurance costs. So long as they have millions of tax payers money in their accounts, its pretty much,,,F the middle class, I got my millions and a home on Cape Cod/Florida.
  • Thanks
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:lol: Cuz your record of predictions is so much better, Jake. :lol:

The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

Exactly, Jake, it took up until a month before the election for you to figure out what I and many others knew the whole fucking year.

One, thank you for admitting I was right. Two, notice you dodged the entire rest of the quote. Three, so you are reported for that as a rules violation. Four, here is the rest of the quote that puts a nuance and context that puts your comment in perspective.

The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

The predictions I made about the primaries in 2012 across the board?

All of those predictions, Taz? Where I have been more accurate than you?

Sabato is wrong, period. Watch.
The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

Exactly, Jake, it took up until a month before the election for you to figure out what I and many others knew the whole fucking year.

One, thank you for admitting I was right. Two, notice you dodged the entire rest of the quote. Three, so you are reported for that as a rules violation. Four, here is the rest of the quote that puts a nuance and context that puts your comment in perspective.

The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

The predictions I made about the primaries in 2012 across the board?

All of those predictions, Taz? Where I have been more accurate than you?

Sabato is wrong, period. Watch.

Oh shut the fuck up, Jake. You're like the forum's Hermione Granger. You're an insufferable know it all, but she actually knew what she was talking about most of the time. You never have a damn clue.
Exactly, Jake, it took up until a month before the election for you to figure out what I and many others knew the whole fucking year.

One, thank you for admitting I was right. Two, notice you dodged the entire rest of the quote. Three, so you are reported for that as a rules violation. Four, here is the rest of the quote that puts a nuance and context that puts your comment in perspective.

The fact that I correctly got 2010 a month before the elections, Taz?

Go back and check those predications that I corrected a month out.

The predictions I made about the primaries in 2012 across the board?

All of those predictions, Taz? Where I have been more accurate than you?

Sabato is wrong, period. Watch.

Oh shut the fuck up, Jake. You're like the forum's Hermione Granger. You're an insufferable know it all, but she actually knew what she was talking about most of the time. You never have a damn clue.

Tough, Taz. Follow the rules. And you failed to answer the questions.

Sabato has it wrong.
When democrats lose in 2014, they will say fraud and rigged elections because no one would think that democrats were a disaster.

More people are on some kind of welfare than are working. Is it a large enough percentage to give the democrats the permanent majority they think the have? How many now getting benefits were happier working? How many people now working want to pay for the care and feeding of the downright lazy?
OP- DEPENDS ON HOW ACA works next year...



Ignorant dupes keep getting BSed on the prices- which ARE higher where Pubs can screw up the competition- insurers too...
When democrats lose in 2014, they will say fraud and rigged elections because no one would think that democrats were a disaster.

More people are on some kind of welfare than are working. Is it a large enough percentage to give the democrats the permanent majority they think the have? How many now getting benefits were happier working? How many people now working want to pay for the care and feeding of the downright lazy?

Will the brainwashed TP STOP WRECKING THE RECOVERY with phony crises so your stupid bs can become moot- what a pile of backwards pubcrappe- Sorry about helping the victims- see sig...

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