Political Expert Larry Sabato. The Dems will get Shellacked in 2014.

The young are the very people most harmed by obamacare. They have the highest premiums. It is upon the young that paying for the health care for the old and sick falls. That's why there is a mandate. Without a mandate the young will not sghn up in sufficient numbers to pay for the sick.
Sabato was on MSNBC about an hour ago reaming the tea party and saying how the GOP needed to move towards the center to win in 2014;

that's your new conservatives' favorite expert.
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

The IRS will merely garnish your wages each year by taking it out of your refund.
Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years. His record regarding mid-term elections is among the best of anyone in the Nation. Here is what he says about the upcoming mid-term election in 2014.

"You look at the 17 days of the shutdown and compare that to how many days we’re gonna be watching these critical ObamCare rollout stories -- something tells me the critical stories about ObamaCare rollout are going to last a lot longer than 17 days," University of Virginia Professor Larry Sabato said.

He said 2014 will be worse for Democrats and the administration. "That sixth-year election tends to unite the opposition because there are so many vulnerable spots for the incumbent president’s party, that's what brings them back together. There's nothing like the smell of victory in a lot of different places to pull a coalition together," Sabato said.

Larry also predicted Obama would win Virginia in 2012, which was one of the closest races in the Country. He is not an overt partisan. If I were a Dem, I would take what he says very seriously.

I also predicted Obama would win in 2012 and have successfully predicted every presidential election for the last 50 years (Bush beating Dukakis was a tough one)

Want to know what I think?
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This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

You file a tax return?
This just in ... a model from the University of Colorado that has NEVER BEEN WRONG predicts the landslide victory of Mitt Romney.
This just in ... a model from the University of Colorado that has NEVER BEEN WRONG predicts the landslide victory of Mitt Romney.

Republicans are STILL waiting for that horse to come in
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

You file a tax return?

I don't wife does. :) We should get well over 10k back this year. If dictatorcare thinks they are going to take that..there are ALWAYS ways around that.
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

As a father of three young children, I suggest you don't get healthcare coverage for your wife and kids

That will show Obama
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

As a father of three young children, I suggest you don't get healthcare coverage for your wife and kids

That will show Obama

Sounds good! :lol:
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

As a father of three young children, I suggest you don't get healthcare coverage for your wife and kids

That will show Obama

they are eligible for medicaid.

so stop spewing hatred.
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

As a father of three young children, I suggest you don't get healthcare coverage for your wife and kids

That will show Obama

they are eligible for medicaid.

so stop spewing hatred.


God, do I ever love conservatives. The gift that keeps on giving
The elections of 2014 and 2016 will be the turning point as the libertarian and TeaP philosophies are dropped overboard as the USS America sails on in to the 21st century.

These folks are as daffy as the followers of Taft and Bryan were more than a century ago.
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

This ignorance must be common among the right.

No one ‘signs up’ for the ACA. The Act merely creates a marketplace to purchase policies from private insurance companies, the same private insurance companies that sell policies to individuals and employers.

Those who can’t afford to purchase private policies will be eligible for Medicaid if their state expanded that program; persons who live in states that did not expand Medicaid and can’t afford insurance won’t be required to pay a fee or have their income tax refund garnished.

The Act forbids the placing of ‘liens’ or other punitive measures save that of garnishing one’s income tax refund.
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

This ignorance must be common among the right.

No one ‘signs up’ for the ACA. The Act merely creates a marketplace to purchase policies from private insurance companies, the same private insurance companies that sell policies to individuals and employers.

Those who can’t afford to purchase private policies will be eligible for Medicaid if their state expanded that program; persons who live in states that did not expand Medicaid and can’t afford insurance won’t be required to pay a fee or have their income tax refund garnished.

The Act forbids the placing of ‘liens’ or other punitive measures save that of garnishing one’s income tax refund.

He s on Medicaid

He doesn't need that big Government Healthcare program
Larry Sabato, a political scientist at the University of Virginia, is one of the most renowned political experts in the Country...accurately predicting Obama would win in 2012, and accurately predicting every Presidential election over the last 30 years.
Have you ever noticed that when the Right agrees with someone they suddenly become the foremost expert in the universe, infallible and a Democrat?

He accurately predicted every presidential election in the last 30 years.....except for the ones he got wrong, like predicting Kerry would win easily in 2004.
Sabato was on MSNBC about an hour ago reaming the tea party and saying how the GOP needed to move towards the center to win in 2014;

that's your new conservatives' favorite expert.

I'm glad you watch MSNBC...you must be their viewer for the day. :)
The folks who are getting the free stuff don't like the folks who are paying for the free stuff, because the folks who are paying for the free stuff can no longer afford to pay for both the free stuff and their own stuff.

And the folks who are paying for the free stuff want the free stuff to stop.

And the folks who are getting the free stuff want even more free stuff on top of the free stuff they are already getting!

Now... The people who are forcing the people who pay for the free stuff have told the people who are RECEIVING the free stuff that the people who are PAYING for the free stuff are being mean, prejudiced, and racist.

So...the people who are GETTING the free stuff have been convinced they need to hate the people who are paying for the free stuff by the people who are forcing some people to pay for their free stuff and giving them the free stuff in the first place.

We have let the free stuff giving go on for so long that there are now more people getting free stuff than paying for the free stuff.

Now understand this.
All great democracies have committed financial suicide somewhere between 200and 250 years after being founded.
The reason?

The voters figured out they could vote themselves money from the treasury by electing people who promised to give them money from the treasury in exchange for electing them.

The United States officially became a Republic in 1776, 236 years ago. The number of people now getting free stuff outnumbers the people paying for the free stuff. Failure to change that spells the end of the United States as we know it.


A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
This young person won't be signing up for dictatorcare....no thanks. Oh and I have no house he can put a lien against and he can have my 21 year old car if they want it...still won't sign up nor will I pay their fines.

Does the phrase cutting off your nose to spite your face ring any bells?

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