Political Naiveness, epidemic in the New Right?

Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
Roughly 10 IQ points:

YOu are comparing states, that often go one way in an election by very small percentages and trying to make a partisan point with differences of just a few points.

And you libs have the nerve to attack our intelligence?

Forget the colors, read the numbers. Smarter people are liberals, and usually better educated, which goes hand in glove. This isn't news, or partisan in the way I'm approaching it.

The way you are trying to use it, to show the difference in intelligence between the right and the left, doesn't work considering the mixing of parties within all states AND the small differences measured.

That you think it does, ironically, reflects very poorly on your intelligence.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....

Your attempt to spin away from reality is noted. This isn't a new thing, it's just worse here now because as the problems of the nation and world get worse the true nature of reactionaries comes out as they seek shelter from the storms. In good times conservatives tend not to speak of their stupidity quite so loudly. In the bad times we get people like Trump, and those screaming about the evil Sand ******* and unfairly treated white man.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....


Being trusting is one thing that has always held me back.In the UK the extreme right are accepted as being of lower intelligence.I will find some links for you. They generally struggle so much to form sentences that they then have nothing left to form opinions. Limited vocabulary,no qualifications and struggle to process information.Their political journey takes them from football hooligan to right wing demo and no further. There they meet other like minded types and find comfort.

I dont want to generalise on here but I have been shocked at the amount of ignorance and prejudice I have found. Americans I have met have always been polite and well educated. I would never have believed that views that I see as borderline fascist would get such traction.The view of Europe, in particular, seems to be totally warped. There isnt going to be a holy war over here and people do not live in fear of muslim "rape gangs".Its an extreme view that is based on bullshit information.

And then you have the popularity of Trump. Almost to a man, or woman, his support seems to be drawn from the uneducated masses who find thinking a chore. Nobody thinks he will win because Americans are a bit too smart for that. The worry that you should have is that the Republicans cannot find someone who looks like they came from this planet to oppose him.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....


Being trusting is one thing that has always held me back.In the UK the extreme right are accepted as being of lower intelligence.I will find some links for you. They generally struggle so much to form sentences that they then have nothing left to form opinions. Limited vocabulary,no qualifications and struggle to process information.Their political journey takes them from football hooligan to right wing demo and no further. There they meet other like minded types and find comfort.

I dont want to generalise on here but I have been shocked at the amount of ignorance and prejudice I have found. Americans I have met have always been polite and well educated. I would never have believed that views that I see as borderline fascist would get such traction.The view of Europe, in particular, seems to be totally warped. There isnt going to be a holy war over here and people do not live in fear of muslim "rape gangs".Its an extreme view that is based on bullshit information.

And then you have the popularity of Trump. Almost to a man, or woman, his support seems to be drawn from the uneducated masses who find thinking a chore. Nobody thinks he will win because Americans are a bit too smart for that. The worry that you should have is that the Republicans cannot find someone who looks like they came from this planet to oppose him.

The UK? Hell, all it took to beat you idiots were a bunch of backwoods squirrel hunters.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....

Your attempt to spin away from reality is noted. This isn't a new thing, it's just worse here now because as the problems of the nation and world get worse the true nature of reactionaries comes out as they seek shelter from the storms. In good times conservatives tend not to speak of their stupidity quite so loudly. In the bad times we get people like Trump, and those screaming about the evil Sand ******* and unfairly treated white man.
Thats the other thing. These types only thrive when people are feeling the pinch in some way. Hitler came to power during a depression and the reason is that it must be someones fault. And usually a minority of some kind.
Damn, there's so much regressive projection in this thread, one would think you were in a 24 screen cinaplex. LMAO

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....

Your attempt to spin away from reality is noted. This isn't a new thing, it's just worse here now because as the problems of the nation and world get worse the true nature of reactionaries comes out as they seek shelter from the storms. In good times conservatives tend not to speak of their stupidity quite so loudly. In the bad times we get people like Trump, and those screaming about the evil Sand ******* and unfairly treated white man.

The article on the study reports an IQ gap but does not mention the size of the gap.

And you libs swallowed that without blinking.

THAT IS NAIVE OF YOU. That's the reality.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....


Being trusting is one thing that has always held me back.In the UK the extreme right are accepted as being of lower intelligence.I will find some links for you. They generally struggle so much to form sentences that they then have nothing left to form opinions. Limited vocabulary,no qualifications and struggle to process information.Their political journey takes them from football hooligan to right wing demo and no further. There they meet other like minded types and find comfort.

I dont want to generalise on here but I have been shocked at the amount of ignorance and prejudice I have found. Americans I have met have always been polite and well educated. I would never have believed that views that I see as borderline fascist would get such traction.The view of Europe, in particular, seems to be totally warped. There isnt going to be a holy war over here and people do not live in fear of muslim "rape gangs".Its an extreme view that is based on bullshit information.

And then you have the popularity of Trump. Almost to a man, or woman, his support seems to be drawn from the uneducated masses who find thinking a chore. Nobody thinks he will win because Americans are a bit too smart for that. The worry that you should have is that the Republicans cannot find someone who looks like they came from this planet to oppose him.

Well, it's good that you don't want to generalize...


That the "extreme right" is "accepted to be of lower intelligence" says nothing about them but says that you and yours are narrow minded partisans.

And you should be afraid of "rape rings" in the UK.

The policies and the political climate that led to them are still in place.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....

Your attempt to spin away from reality is noted. This isn't a new thing, it's just worse here now because as the problems of the nation and world get worse the true nature of reactionaries comes out as they seek shelter from the storms. In good times conservatives tend not to speak of their stupidity quite so loudly. In the bad times we get people like Trump, and those screaming about the evil Sand ******* and unfairly treated white man.
Thats the other thing. These types only thrive when people are feeling the pinch in some way. Hitler came to power during a depression and the reason is that it must be someones fault. And usually a minority of some kind.

Tell it to the women of Cologne.
Seriously ? Is that all you have ?

Your Hitler comparison is so ridiculous as to be difficult to address with anything other than a LOL.

The problems conservatives are speaking out against are not imaginary.

As the women victimized by the mobs in Cologne can tell you.

Or for that matter that thousands of children raped and tortured in the Rape Rings in the UK, that your government policy and Political Correctness caused.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

I agree with this post ^^^ but missing from it is in my opinion the callous disregard for many of our citizens by the far right. It appears to me to be a rejection of the teaching of Christ, which I learned from the Catechism as a child, and the selfish disregard for others in the Novels of Ayn Rand.
Christ rejected evil. He never taught among His people to embrace evil and become evil in order to make demonic entities feel better about themselves.
Ignorance, or lack of education and critical thinking, is the fertile ground where fear grows. From fear anger.

Conservative media is an intentional construction to keep the ignorant in perpetual fear so as to sell them the salve and ointments that are promised to assuage the fear.

It is no different than keeping a herd of cows on a milk farm.

And again the exact size of this claimed gap is not mentioned.

ANd the measurement of conservative seems oddly subjective.

That none of you libs noted this. Kind of makes you guys look awful trusting....

Your attempt to spin away from reality is noted. This isn't a new thing, it's just worse here now because as the problems of the nation and world get worse the true nature of reactionaries comes out as they seek shelter from the storms. In good times conservatives tend not to speak of their stupidity quite so loudly. In the bad times we get people like Trump, and those screaming about the evil Sand ******* and unfairly treated white man.

The article on the study reports an IQ gap but does not mention the size of the gap.

And you libs swallowed that without blinking.

THAT IS NAIVE OF YOU. That's the reality.
The size of the gap matters little, only the gap, which is obvious. I'm sure you do not like being lumped in with stupid people, but you are, for good reason. Fear and ignorance (as well as a lack of smarts) are what create conservatives.
Damn, there's so much regressive projection in this thread, one would think you were in a 24 screen cinaplex. LMAO
And yet you are entirely unable to respond in any rational way? Now, why is that?

So what would you consider a rational response when one is trying to project all of his own ailments on you? Me, I just laugh.
Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
Roughly 10 IQ points:

The only low IQ revealed by this post is that of the poster who is still taken in by this hoax...

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