Political Naiveness, epidemic in the New Right?

Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
Roughly 10 IQ points:

That's funny. Here is a list I found. Seems your list is as full of crap as you are.... And funnily enough I see you didn't post a link to your BS list either. Color me unsurprised it's from a progressive glad hander website and there is no evidence to support their assertions. It is their opinion. How precious!

1. Massachusetts: 104.3
2. New Hampshire: 104.2
3. North Dakota: 103.8
4. Vermont: 103.8
5. Minnesota: 103.7
6. Maine: 103.4
7. Montana: 103.4
8. Iowa: 103.2
9. Connecticut: 103.1
10. Wisconsin: 102.9
11. Kansas: 102.8
12. New Jersey: 102.8
13. South Dakota: 102.8
14. Wyoming: 102.4
15. Nebraska: 102.3
16. Virginia: 101.9
17. Washington: 101.9
18. Ohio: 101.8
19. Indiana: 101.7
20. Colorado: 101.6
21. Pennsylvania: 101.5
22. Idaho: 101.4
23. Oregon: 101.2
24. Utah: 101.1
25. Missouri: 101
26. New York: 100.7
27. Michigan: 100.5
28. Delaware: 100.4
29. N. Carolina: 100.2
30. Texas: 100
31. Illinois: 99.9
32. Maryland: 99.7
33. Rhode Island: 99.5
34. Kentucky: 99.4
35. Oklahoma: 99.3
36. Alaska: 99
37. W. Virginia: 98.7
38. Florida: 98.4
39. S. Carolina: 98.4
40. Georgia: 98
41. Tennessee: 97.7
42. Arkansas: 97.5
43. Arizona: 97.4
44. Nevada: 96.5
45. Alabama: 95.7
46. New Mexico: 95.7
47. Hawaii: 95.6
48. California: 95.5
49. Louisiana: 95.3
50. Mississippi: 94.2

[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]List of Average IQ By Country and American States | BrandonGaille.com[/FONT]
Its all in the genes.

Conservatives are less intelligent than left wingers, says controversial study - and right wing politics lead people to be racist

Right-wingers are less intelligent than left wingers, says study

  • Children with low intelligence grow up to be prejudiced
  • Right-wing views make the less intelligent feel 'safe'
  • Analysis of more than 15,000 people

How much less intelligent?
It isnt something I could quantify for you, but anecdotally I suspect that the gap is wider than the ocean. Certainly people I grew up with and went to the dark side were generally needing extra help in class.

Like you? In my experience it is the loudest progressives who know the least about science (supported by a Yale study which showed conservatives had a better grasp of science than progressives...oooops for you..) progressives are also overwhelmingly childish in their argumentation, as you are so ably demonstrating here, and amazingly enough they seem incapable of learning from well known historical fact repeating the same failed social and governmental experiments over, and over, and over again.

So, you all are either crazy, good possibility, or incredibly stupid.
I was crap at science in school. But to be honest the majority of right wing types would have struggled to spell science.
I was crap at science in school. But to be honest the majority of right wing types would have struggled to spell science.

Science would be being interested in the SIZE of the gap.

Science would be interested in their methods.

Science would wonder if they are measuring a cause or an effect, and of what.

Simply gloating that you think you are smarter than people you don't like is not science.

That's being a naive dupe of a media that is pandering to you.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

I agree with this post ^^^ but missing from it is in my opinion the callous disregard for many of our citizens by the far right. It appears to me to be a rejection of the teaching of Christ, which I learned from the Catechism as a child, and the selfish disregard for others in the Novels of Ayn Rand.
The callous disregard for others common to most on the right is the consequence of the bane of Social Darwinism – still very much a fundamental component of conservative dogma.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

I agree with this post ^^^ but missing from it is in my opinion the callous disregard for many of our citizens by the far right. It appears to me to be a rejection of the teaching of Christ, which I learned from the Catechism as a child, and the selfish disregard for others in the Novels of Ayn Rand.
Christ rejected evil. He never taught among His people to embrace evil and become evil in order to make demonic entities feel better about themselves.

JC tossed the money changers from the temple. One must presume that if he did he found the money changers evil.

Don't you wonder why Bernie Sanders is enjoying overwhelming support?
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

I agree with this post ^^^ but missing from it is in my opinion the callous disregard for many of our citizens by the far right. It appears to me to be a rejection of the teaching of Christ, which I learned from the Catechism as a child, and the selfish disregard for others in the Novels of Ayn Rand.
Christ rejected evil. He never taught among His people to embrace evil and become evil in order to make demonic entities feel better about themselves.

JC tossed the money changers from the temple. One must presume that if he did he found the money changers evil.

Don't you wonder why Bernie Sanders is enjoying overwhelming support?

You're not making a lick of sense
I was crap at science in school. But to be honest the majority of right wing types would have struggled to spell science.

That should tell you something. According to the Yale study it is cons who are better at science and it takes higher IQ to be good at science. Funny how that works. So, according to the Yale study, it is the lefties who are the dumb ones.
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

I agree with this post ^^^ but missing from it is in my opinion the callous disregard for many of our citizens by the far right. It appears to me to be a rejection of the teaching of Christ, which I learned from the Catechism as a child, and the selfish disregard for others in the Novels of Ayn Rand.
The callous disregard for others common to most on the right is the consequence of the bane of Social Darwinism – still very much a fundamental component of conservative dogma.

Which part of the progressive dogma is responsible for the mass murders you all seem to practice so frequently? If the progressives are so smart why do they need to resort to mass murder to get their way?
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
OK so what is "Naiveness"?
I assume the OP means "naivete". So what can you say about a post that complains about the ignorance of the Right while being written on something other than English?
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
Much of what manifests on the right can be described as naïve, sophomoric, simplistic – indeed, childish.

Many of the problems and issues facing the Nation are complex and involved, requiring solutions predicated on facts and objective, documented evidence, realized through rational, critical thinking – something often anathema to conservative doctrine and dogma.

Conservative dogma is, for the most part, the product of poor reasoning, logical fallacies, and a blind adherence to beliefs and subjective perception devoid of fact or merit.

Consequently, conservatives disdain facts and evidence that conflict with rightist dogma, they ridicule and deride thoughtful discourse, critical thinking, logic and reason, and efforts to follow facts and evidence to their logical, reasonable conclusion.

This explains the contempt most on the right have for rational, logical analysis – it's not uncommon to hear conservatives make references to 'liberal elite' 'eggheads' 'ivory tower' 'Eastern establishment' – along with the right's unwarranted attack on colleges and universities as 'hotbeds of liberal activism.'

This is typical of conservatives who are, for the most part, fearful reactionaries, wishing to return to an idealized American past that never actually existed; an idealized fantasy where all an American needed to know was his job and the bible – ignorant, fearful, and contemptuous of other places, peoples, and points of view.

I agree with this post ^^^ but missing from it is in my opinion the callous disregard for many of our citizens by the far right. It appears to me to be a rejection of the teaching of Christ, which I learned from the Catechism as a child, and the selfish disregard for others in the Novels of Ayn Rand.
The callous disregard for others common to most on the right is the consequence of the bane of Social Darwinism – still very much a fundamental component of conservative dogma.

Not really.

We want to have some proportionality to what people get to what they put in.
The most vile and offensive thing I've ever read by "Progressives" (aka: Neo-Communists) is when they try to claim the teaching of Jesus as their own. It's just fucking despicable

Say, remember when Jesus told the Roman to "Pay their fair share", or when he railed against the "1%"?
I was crap at science in school. But to be honest the majority of right wing types would have struggled to spell science.

That should tell you something. According to the Yale study it is cons who are better at science and it takes higher IQ to be good at science. Funny how that works. So, according to the Yale study, it is the lefties who are the dumb ones.

But the evidence of your own experience tells you that this mysterious Yale study is wrong.
I was crap at science in school. But to be honest the majority of right wing types would have struggled to spell science.

That should tell you something. According to the Yale study it is cons who are better at science and it takes higher IQ to be good at science. Funny how that works. So, according to the Yale study, it is the lefties who are the dumb ones.

But the evidence of your own experience tells you that this mysterious Yale study is wrong.

Not mysterious at all. I have a PhD in geology. What sort of degree do you have? Here's a link to the referenced study.

Knock yourself out, though, by your own admission you may not understand it...

"Do you think this helps explain conflicts over climate change or other forms of decision-relevant science? I don't.
But if you do, then maybe you'll find this interesting. The dataset happened to have an item in it that asked respondents if they considered themselves "part of the Tea Party movement." Nineteen percent said yes.
It turns out that there is about as strong a correlation between scores on the science comprehension scale and identifying with the Tea Party as there is between scores on the science comprehension scale and Conservrepub.
Except that it has the opposite sign: that is, identifying with the Tea Party correlates positively (r = 0.05, p = 0.05) with scores on the science comprehension measure:"

cultural cognition project - Cultural Cognition Blog - Some data on education, religiosity, ideology, and science comprehension
Considering all the comments in posts made by those who claim the title of Conservative, it occurs to me that politically naive best describes the bulk of comments, opinions, hate for liberals and fear of ides which conflict with the dogma they have been inundated by and thus echo.

The posts by those self defined conservatives seem to be dominated by lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, character assassinations, sarcasm and personal attacks of those who offers differing ideas which challenges the dogma of 21st Century Conservative; it seems most of which they learned, they got from sources which disdain the MSM as biased and dishonest.

Which leaves the question, from who, what and where do they gather their information?
OK so what is "Naiveness"?
I assume the OP means "naivete". So what can you say about a post that complains about the ignorance of the Right while being written on something other than English?

Synonyms and Antonyms of naiveness

Thesaurus results for NAIVENESS

Come on Rabbi(t) you of all people should never accuse anyone of being ignorant.

Well, maybe the two who claimed your ignorant post was a winner, and CursaderFrank, the originator of the idiot-gram.
Ignorance, or lack of education and critical thinking, is the fertile ground where fear grows. From fear anger.

Conservative media is an intentional construction to keep the ignorant in perpetual fear so as to sell them the salve and ointments that are promised to assuage the fear.

It is no different than keeping a herd of cows on a milk farm.

It's the Orwellian motif practiced by conservatives to contrive an 'enemy' to deflect from the fact that conservative dogma is useless in addressing real problems.

If there's an 'enemy' to focus on and fear – be it gays, minorities, Muslims, immigrants – actual issues will go unnoticed.
The most vile and offensive thing I've ever read by "Progressives" (aka: Neo-Communists) is when they try to claim the teaching of Jesus as their own. It's just fucking despicable

Say, remember when Jesus told the Roman to "Pay their fair share", or when he railed against the "1%"?
Mark 12:17King James Version (KJV)

17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.
(He was speaking to the Pharisees, not a Roman.)

Luke 18:24-27New International Version (NIV)

24 Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! 25 Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
26 Those who heard this asked, “Who then can be saved?”
27 Jesus replied, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”
Ignorance, or lack of education and critical thinking, is the fertile ground where fear grows. From fear anger.

Conservative media is an intentional construction to keep the ignorant in perpetual fear so as to sell them the salve and ointments that are promised to assuage the fear.

It is no different than keeping a herd of cows on a milk farm.

It's the Orwellian motif practiced by conservatives to contrive an 'enemy' to deflect from the fact that conservative dogma is useless in addressing real problems.

If there's an 'enemy' to focus on and fear – be it gays, minorities, Muslims, immigrants – actual issues will go unnoticed.

Meanwhile in the real world, libs keep comparing Trump to Hitler.
The most vile and offensive thing I've ever read by "Progressives" (aka: Neo-Communists) is when they try to claim the teaching of Jesus as their own. It's just fucking despicable

Say, remember when Jesus told the Roman to "Pay their fair share", or when he railed against the "1%"?

I don't remember Jesus, I only know about him by the teaching of the Nuns. Here is one I found on the Master and Servant:

"Will any one of you, who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep, say to him when he has come in from the field, `Come at once and sit down at table'?

Imagine a coal miner seated at the table of David Koch, or Carnige's man Henry Clay Frick asking a Steel worker to sit at Carnige's table.
Ignorance, or lack of education and critical thinking, is the fertile ground where fear grows. From fear anger.

Conservative media is an intentional construction to keep the ignorant in perpetual fear so as to sell them the salve and ointments that are promised to assuage the fear.

It is no different than keeping a herd of cows on a milk farm.

It's the Orwellian motif practiced by conservatives to contrive an 'enemy' to deflect from the fact that conservative dogma is useless in addressing real problems.

If there's an 'enemy' to focus on and fear – be it gays, minorities, Muslims, immigrants – actual issues will go unnoticed.

Meanwhile in the real world, libs keep comparing Trump to Hitler.

And Trump is calling the other members of the clown car fascists. Who cares. It's liars, like people who claim libs call Trump Hitler and can never post evidence, who are most despicable.

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