Political observation—please comment:


Apr 13, 2015
Sedona, AZ
Life gives us what we concentrate on. If we concentrate on electing candidates to public office who preach hatred of government, then they will concentrate on giving us government worthy of hatred.
It's the chicken-or-the-egg scenario. Are people elected who preach hatred of government, or does the government behave in ways that make some people hate it?

One end of the spectrum displays an almost emotional attachment to government, the other displays an overly simplistic knee-jerk hatred of it.

What we really need is for each end to find another fucking hobby.

Life gives us what we concentrate on. If we concentrate on electing candidates to public office who preach hatred of government, then they will concentrate on giving us government worthy of hatred.

Lucky for you, you don't have to "concentrate" to make a lousy OP.
Life gives us what we concentrate on. If we concentrate on electing candidates to public office who preach hatred of government, then they will concentrate on giving us government worthy of hatred.
If we listen to, and vote for those that are pro-America, against government corruption, against the selling of America, against injustice, against wasteful spending of tax dollars, against illegal immigration, against unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, against senseless deadly costly wars, against subsidies, against poverty and homelessness, against importing labor, against off-shore out-sourcing labor, against unfair taxation, and against the selling of votes on the floors of Congress, we'll have a representative government seated in Washington.

But, as long as we vote for professional politicians to serve in government, we'll have exactly what we have now. As long as voters play the game of party politics, we can expect no more from government than we're getting now. As long as we continue to place the well-being of this once great nation and her citizens in the hands of self-serving egotistical power hungry politicians, we'll continue the decline and ruin experienced today. It's common knowledge that once elected to office, professional politicians exert their will and not the will of the people. Once we elect them, we basically give them Carte Blanche until the next election.

Remember that campaign rhetoric is no indicator of what a candidate will actually do if elected. Campaign rhetoric is nothing more than "vote getting words", and is usually meaningless in reality. Also remember that politicians are nothing more than puppets for the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential. Legislation and policy is bought and sold on the floors of Congress. In addition, the oval office is likewise bought and paid for.

In my opinion, it's not hatred of government, rather it's hatred for what government does. We need government, but not a non-representative government like we've had for many decades now.
It's the chicken-or-the-egg scenario. Are people elected who preach hatred of government, or does the government behave in ways that make some people hate it?

One end of the spectrum displays an almost emotional attachment to government, the other displays an overly simplistic knee-jerk hatred of it.

What we really need is for each end to find another fucking hobby.


Name someone with "an almost emotional attachment" to government. Thanks.

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