Political Parties & Their Media Mouthpieces & Working Class Values

FCC was deregulated under Clinton, Six major multinational corporations bought it all up, the entire thing is nothing but a corporate state propaganda tool.
So you're saying it's a knife that can cut both ways depending on who is in power? I agree. MSNBC should enjoy their perversion parade while it lasts. But then again like I said, since everyone understands 'those types of networks' that air those ads are affiliated with democrats, in only increases the collective disgust and vote-reap for the conservatives. Though they do run the risk while turning a blind eye to those things on air...of yet another generation raised under the big-perverted dem tent...and those rigid loyalties....from daily seeing such perversions normalized for hours and hours while their parents plop them in front of the tube.

Seems the GOP should punish via the FCC and remove smut from air, if they want another generation to not be numbed to the outrages of the left...loyal even to those outrages.. The cult of LGBT will find a hundred other ways to let the world know they've surgically attached themselves at the hip to the democratic party..
FCC was deregulated under Clinton, Six major multinational corporations bought it all up, the entire thing is nothing but a corporate state propaganda tool.
So you're saying it's a knife that can cut both ways depending on who is in power? I agree. MSNBC should enjoy their perversion parade while it lasts. But then again like I said, since everyone understands 'those types of networks' that air those ads are affiliated with democrats, in only increases the collective disgust and vote-reap for the conservatives. Though they do run the risk while turning a blind eye to those things on air...of yet another generation raised under the big-perverted dem tent...and those rigid loyalties....from daily seeing such perversions normalized for hours and hours while their parents plop them in front of the tube.

Seems the GOP should punish via the FCC and remove smut from air, if they want another generation to not be numbed to the outrages of the left...loyal even to those outrages.. The cult of LGBT will find a hundred other ways to let the world know they've surgically attached themselves at the hip to the democratic party..

It's all the same shyte to me pard. We turned the media over to corporate power, just like we did with the economic system and the politcal system.
I am sure the FCC will get to work right away stopping advertisements geared towards gays and those in energy sector. :lol:
No, idiot, the FCC will be manned by conservatives. So the pro-oil ads will have their skids greased while the pro homosexual ads will be ...well....let's just say probably encouraged to be aired on MSNBC (that everyone knows is the mouthpiece of the democratic party). Worked so well in 2016, why stop the vote-hemorrhage from the left to the right?

And when none of that happens you'll look even more foolish then you already do.
It's OK, we know. No need to spin or deny. Every single person on earth knows that Fox News is the mouthpiece of the republican party. Every single person on earth knows that MSNBC is the mouthpiece of the democratic party.

Just stop. Stop yourself before you even start. It's futile. Give it up.

That being said, I've noticed a slew of disgusting ads on MSNBC that show men snuggling, kissing or in obvious homosexual "married" relationships; even around children. So, I no longer watch the network.

You can call me a bigot. You can say anything you like. It's falling on deaf ears. But what I will do for you is to describe the feeling an average person gets when they view content like that. I see it and a wave of shock sets in, then immediately "wait, did I just see that? Did I just see two guys kissing in an ad on MSNBC? Then a visceral feeling of being punched in the stomach. Then a lingering feeling of being ill. Then...anger. Anger that they would be exposing children to this cult and grooming them on TV like pedophiles do when they want the kiddies to join in their behavior.

That's it. That's how the average person of the working class value system feels when they view that content. It goes without saying that the channel is immediately changed and avoided thereafter. Word to other advertisers on MSNBC...

To be fair, I get the same reaction on Fox News network when I see those ads of women saying "let's do fracking and mining of oil sands here in North America! It's great! It creates jobs! Teaching kids that "it's OK if your tapwater catches on fire and climate change continues to wreak havoc in increasingly dangerous storms and rising tides". It's the same exact physical chain-reaction of symptoms. And, the channel change.

Yeah, working class people want jobs, but not as whores. Gay wedding jobs? No thanks. Jobs fouling the rivers and streams near my home town? Yeah, not for me thanks. And that's how we vote too. Word to the wise...
I can't wait until they show one guy blowing his load in another fags mouth for Christmas dinner.

Be sure to brush your teeth afterwards.
Since when do us Trumptards have teeth?

The OP voted for Hillary b/c Trump was too pro-gay. lol
FCC was deregulated under Clinton, Six major multinational corporations bought it all up, the entire thing is nothing but a corporate state propaganda tool.
So you're saying it's a knife that can cut both ways depending on who is in power? I agree. MSNBC should enjoy their perversion parade while it lasts. But then again like I said, since everyone understands 'those types of networks' that air those ads are affiliated with democrats, in only increases the collective disgust and vote-reap for the conservatives. Though they do run the risk while turning a blind eye to those things on air...of yet another generation raised under the big-perverted dem tent...and those rigid loyalties....from daily seeing such perversions normalized for hours and hours while their parents plop them in front of the tube.

Seems the GOP should punish via the FCC and remove smut from air, if they want another generation to not be numbed to the outrages of the left...loyal even to those outrages.. The cult of LGBT will find a hundred other ways to let the world know they've surgically attached themselves at the hip to the democratic party..

"Remove smut from the air"? :lol:

What, mired in 19th Century fake morality isn't embarrassing enough, you want to retreat to the 18th?

By the way -- you do know the FCC's got nothing to do with MSNBC and Fox right? Those are cable channels. They're not ON the air.
I am sure the FCC will get to work right away stopping advertisements geared towards gays and those in energy sector. :lol:
No, idiot, the FCC will be manned by conservatives. So the pro-oil ads will have their skids greased while the pro homosexual ads will be ...well....let's just say probably encouraged to be aired on MSNBC (that everyone knows is the mouthpiece of the democratic party). Worked so well in 2016, why stop the vote-hemorrhage from the left to the right?

Maybe you're a slow reader. I already essplained to you that the FCC, BY LAW, can't be "manned by conservatives" or any other political faction. Commissioners are appointed for five-year terms, deliberately calculated to overlap Presidential terms. And by law they cannot be more than a 3-2 majority in any political direction.
And when none of that happens you'll look even more foolish then you already do.

Yes, I look so foolish now that the conservatives who champion the idea of moral values are as of January controlling 100% of government power.

What a "failure" I am...
Maybe you're a slow reader. I already essplained to you that the FCC, BY LAW, can't be "manned by conservatives" or any other political faction. Commissioners are appointed for five-year terms, deliberately calculated to overlap Presidential terms. And by law they cannot be more than a 3-2 majority in any political direction.

It's funny. When I was tested in school as a child I always scored above the 100% for reading comprehension. It was my strongest subject.

You have failed to see what I pointed out, which is that if there's supposed to be a balance of ideas on the FCC commission, WHY IS IT THAT WOMEN'S ORGASM ADS ARE AIRING ON PRIME TIME WHEN KIDS ARE WATCHING???? That suggests that there ISN'T a fair balance on the commission...that it currently IS OWNED by perverted far-left dem culties. And what do you know? Obama is in power!

I'm saying: expect the opposite 'SITUATION' when Trump takes Office. Bylaws don't always paint the most accurate picture of who has power of the FCC. And, if commissioners of the FCC fail to protect children in their line of duty, then they can be fired.
And when none of that happens you'll look even more foolish then you already do.

Yes, I look so foolish now that the conservatives who champion the idea of moral values are as of January controlling 100% of government power.

What a "failure" I am...

Oh, please. Hours before the polls had even closed you were already demanding Hillary put Sutton on the high court. lol
Oh, please. Hours before the polls had even closed you were already demanding Hillary put Sutton on the high court. lol
No, I was demanding either one put Sutton on the High Court. If Trump's team is smart, they'll do it.
It's funny. When I was tested in school as a child I always scored above the 100% for reading comprehension. It was my strongest subject.

You have failed to see what I pointed out, which is that if there's supposed to be a balance of ideas on the FCC commission, WHY IS IT THAT WOMEN'S ORGASM ADS ARE AIRING ON PRIME TIME WHEN KIDS ARE WATCHING???? That suggests that there ISN'T a fair balance on the commission...that it currently IS OWNED by perverted far-left dem culties.

If this was your strongest subject, you must have completely flamed out on everything else because nothing here makes a lick of sense.

What in the wide world of blue fuck does the FCC have to do with advertising? Hm?

And how can you advertise women's orgasms? That's not something you can "sell". Hell I give 'em away free.

And what the fuck would "while kids are watching" have to do with it even if it did?? Where the fuck do you think kids COME FROM?

The FCC does not regulate content. Period. Never has. Whatever weirdo comic book you're posting from, simply does not exist.

Here's the bottom line on all that which is in no way a new idea. If you don't care for what you're seeing -- CHANGE THE FUCKING CHANNEL. Better yet just toss that idiot box on the garbage heap where it belongs --- you want to buy into the world's most effective propaganda device.............. and then complain that it's got propaganda on it?

Fucking DUH. :banghead:

And no, Mass Media isn't owned by any stripe of "culties". It's owned by captialist megacorporations.

I'm saying: expect the opposite 'SITUATION' when Trump takes Office. Bylaws don't always paint the most accurate picture of who has power of the FCC. And, if commissioners of the FCC fail to protect children in their line of duty, then they can be fired.

Are you simply retarded? The FCC isn't there to "protect children".
What in the wide world of blue fuck does the FCC have to do with advertising? Hm?

Want to find out? Run an ad with two people getting it on. Then you'll find out what the FCC has to do with advertising...lol..
What in the wide world of blue fuck does the FCC have to do with advertising? Hm?

Want to find out? Run an ad with two people getting it on. Then you'll find out what the FCC has to do with advertising...lol..

Look dood, I worked under FCC regs for thirty years, trust me it's got NOTHING to do with advertising, except to the extent that you can't run a lottery or a fraud. The former is why you *always* see the words "no purchase necessary" and the latter is why you won't see commercials for Rump "University".

But as far as content and style ----- ***NOTHING***. FCC doesn't want to know what's in your commercials -- they want to know what's in your transmission signal. That is, for facilities that are actually on the air--- which, again for the slow listeners, cable channels by definition are not.
Look dood, I worked under FCC regs for thirty years, trust me it's got NOTHING to do with advertising, except to the extent that you can't run a lottery or a fraud. The former is why you *always* see the words "no purchase necessary" and the latter is why you won't see commercials for Rump "University".

But as far as content and style ----- ***NOTHING***. FCC doesn't want to know what's in your commercials -- they want to know what's in your transmission signal. That is, for facilities that are actually on the air--- which, again for the slow listeners, cable channels by definition are not.

Because fraud is illegal...

Ha ha ha... Yep.. The FCC has NO control over content on the air waves. :lmao: Did you know that sexualizing children is against the law? So if laws are being broken on the airwaves, then according to your description of their oversight, they most certainly can ban anything that appears to expose children to sex or sexualizing. Sorry. :itsok:
I am sure the FCC will get to work right away stopping advertisements geared towards gays and those in energy sector. :lol:
No, idiot, the FCC will be manned by conservatives. So the pro-oil ads will have their skids greased while the pro homosexual ads will be ...well....let's just say probably encouraged to be aired on MSNBC (that everyone knows is the mouthpiece of the democratic party). Worked so well in 2016, why stop the vote-hemorrhage from the left to the right?

And when none of that happens you'll look even more foolish then you already do.
Impossible. Silly has a perfect record already: whatever she proclaims, it is a certainty that the exact OPPOSITE will happen.
I am sure the FCC will get to work right away stopping advertisements geared towards gays and those in energy sector. :lol:
No, idiot, the FCC will be manned by conservatives. So the pro-oil ads will have their skids greased while the pro homosexual ads will be ...well....let's just say probably encouraged to be aired on MSNBC (that everyone knows is the mouthpiece of the democratic party). Worked so well in 2016, why stop the vote-hemorrhage from the left to the right?

And when none of that happens you'll look even more foolish then you already do.
Impossible. Silly has a perfect record already: whatever she proclaims, it is a certainty that the exact OPPOSITE will happen.

The instant she claimed Hilary was going to win I knew Trump was going to be our next President. lol
The instant she claimed Hilary was going to win I knew Trump was going to be our next President. lol
Well I've decided the FCC can in no way affect the content of sexualized messages to children. How's that?
The instant she claimed Hilary was going to win I knew Trump was going to be our next President. lol
Well I've decided the FCC can in no way affect the content of sexualized messages to children. How's that?

There are two things the FCC is going to do about commercials featuring gays getting married: jack and shit.
The instant she claimed Hilary was going to win I knew Trump was going to be our next President. lol
Well I've decided the FCC can in no way affect the content of sexualized messages to children. How's that?

There are two things the FCC is going to do about commercials featuring gays getting married: jack and shit.
I think rubbing it in people's faces is going to hurt the democratic vote. So maybe the bi-partisan agreement on the FCC Commission will be "tone down the gay". It's hard to bully a majority into submission mdk..
The instant she claimed Hilary was going to win I knew Trump was going to be our next President. lol
Well I've decided the FCC can in no way affect the content of sexualized messages to children. How's that?

There are two things the FCC is going to do about commercials featuring gays getting married: jack and shit.
I think rubbing it in people's faces is going to hurt the democratic vote. So maybe the bi-partisan agreement on the FCC Commission will be "tone down the gay". It's hard to bully a majority into submission mdk..

You feel bullied by a commercial?! How fucking dramatic. :lol:

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