Political Sharpshooter? A Tale of Two Rachael Maddows... Sex, Lies & Garbled Motive..

Maddow did a great job exposing the Governor of Michigan for poisoning citizens with water contaminated with lead.

Was it the Governor that ordered the City of Flint to change from Detroit water? I didn't watch Maddow.
Pretty sure the Governor isn't daily involved with municipal issues like water pipes and such. Though Maddow will try to tie him to that. She has this "thing" for unseating republican governors by any means necessary.

I actually think she is becoming addicted to the power of her pulpit..

What the Flint deal is about is an impoverished community working on a shoestring budget, no doubt, failing to believe it was necessary to involve smart people like engineers to go check out the condition and physical makeup of the pipes and things like new water Ph and what dangers that might cause when the new source was turned on.

You see entrenched incompetence like this everywhere across the US. This is when cronies with little to no education in hard science grab the reins of control and fancy themselves superior to scholarly types (and besides, they're too expensive to hire, skim the funds instead and wing it on a prayer). I suspect this is the all-too common situation in Flint.

Between Tiny Hands & the Waxen Puppet going at each other's throats in spectacle, to gross incompetence in municipalities ...we really are devolving into Mike Judge's "Idiocracy"
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I don't know how that bitch can sleep at night. she spews so many lies and spins mistruths. Thankfully the only people who watchers her are people who don't care to hear the truth, that's why her ratings are in the toilet.
I don't know how that bitch can sleep at night. she spews so many lies and spins mistruths. Thankfully the only people who watchers her are people who don't care to hear the truth, that's why her ratings are in the toilet.
Well if that were true she'd be harmless. However as a direct result of her reporting, there was an investigation launched into the Cruz affairs last year and as a result of that, the National Enquirer ran its bit on that. And a lot of people do read that rag so her pulpit is farther reaching than you think.

Now she's gone silent about the Cruz affairs because apparently she hadn't thought that far ahead at the time? Maybe just on another blind "I'm taking down as many republicans as I can" rampages? Anyway, probably has figured out since then that getting the GOP to commit election-suicide by nominating a man with a proven, bona fide Canadian birth certificate and all the embarrassment she may have in store on that "scoop" late this Summer, she's not going to help unseat the one guy who if nominated, will assure a GOP defeat this Fall...
You know the world is upside down when a lesbian activist feigns shock and outrage at examples of consenting heterosexual acts. The hypocrisy is more shocking when left wing activists ignore adultery and sexual abuse in the democrat party
Yes, we know that those of you on the Right don't get what's so bad about hypocrisy.
I don't know how that bitch can sleep at night. she spews so many lies and spins mistruths. Thankfully the only people who watchers her are people who don't care to hear the truth, that's why her ratings are in the toilet.
Tell about the lies and mistruths she has spun.
I don't know how that bitch can sleep at night. she spews so many lies and spins mistruths. Thankfully the only people who watchers her are people who don't care to hear the truth, that's why her ratings are in the toilet.
Tell about the lies and mistruths she has spun.
For one I can say anyway that this thread is less about her lying than running with allegations before they're tried in public, and selectively so. She hits only certain targets like a laser while completely ignoring others who happen to be left of center. Far left as in the case of Terry Bean's sex scandal.
I don't know how that bitch can sleep at night. she spews so many lies and spins mistruths. Thankfully the only people who watchers her are people who don't care to hear the truth, that's why her ratings are in the toilet.
Tell about the lies and mistruths she has spun.
For one I can say anyway that this thread is less about her lying than running with allegations before they're tried in public, and selectively so. She hits only certain targets like a laser while completely ignoring others who happen to be left of center. Far left as in the case of Terry Bean's sex scandal.
And you think Fox and Breitbart are fair and balanced, I'm sure.
And you think Fox and Breitbart are fair and balanced, I'm sure.
Not at all. When they had Glenn Beck foaming at the mouth I was the one saying he should be brought up on charges of helping Sarah Palin "inspire" Gabby Giffords shooting. Not long after that Beck was asked by Fox to pack his things and go. They've toned down their scene. Another thing I called for was that Rupert Murdoch have his conditional citizenship revoked if he was going to use his media outlet to whip up civil unrest and violence. There's a federal law that says you can't own a US media outlet and not be a US citizen. Thank God they figured that one out....even though Murdoch is an "American" in name only and one of the larger controlling owners of that media outlet's parent company is I believe Prince Talal of Saudi Arabia. They might have a deal where the Saudi Prince exerts his influence over American politics (repeat after me, "OIL"), using Murdoch's wobbly US citizenship loophole as his surrogate.

I've seen the name "Brietbart" in a few of my searches and I know vaguely that he's some kind of righty guru. But that's all I know about the publication.

I'm an equal-opportunity critic.
I don't know how that bitch can sleep at night. she spews so many lies and spins mistruths. Thankfully the only people who watchers her are people who don't care to hear the truth, that's why her ratings are in the toilet.
Tell about the lies and mistruths she has spun.
For one I can say anyway that this thread is less about her lying .

Of course it isn't about what Maddow has said or hasn't said.

This is just another of your attacks on homosexuals- in this case a TV entertainment personality.
Of course it isn't about what Maddow has said or hasn't said.

This is just another of your attacks on homosexuals- in this case a TV entertainment personality.
No, I can tell you for a fact that when I saw her trying to unseat another governor, which is very taxing on a state and upsetting to the governed, for yet another of her petty reasons which do not outweigh putting a state through a recall or off season appointment and all the other upsets, I said to myself "enough is enough!" Either she gets it together and covers ALL sex scandals of prominent political figures, including Terry Bean, or I'm calling her out on it.

She's not just fucking with the actual (GOP only) governors, she's fucking with all the people who voted for them and want them in place. She's trying to usurp democracy because she has a radical difference of opinion with them on yes, gay marriage. She figures her platform of her show on MSNBC is more powerful than millions of voters and she's using it to take away the power of their vote....by precise and biased political attacks.

Most people assume their male governors are getting some on the side. Most people assume that their governors might get some perks now and then. Most people assume their governors people might make mistakes and life goes on. But I'll bet you that they're definitely NOT OK when their voted representative and governor is axed by a gay activist who is quite obviously using her TV program to assassinate people's political careers because they aren't walking lockstep with the LGBT agenda..

cue 7:37-8:42 Listen to her go. Listen to the sound of her voice, like a high powered rifle with a scope.. And don't forget she's a hypocrite who believes in a free-love society, but uses that to tear apart the careers of others when it suits her.

She is a GOP wrecking ball who fancies her power so unlimited that she can use her voice to exterminate the votes of tens of millions of people and their Will expressed through the representatives they chose KNOWING FULL WELL THEIR STANCE ON GAY MARRIAGE.. (Virginia, Alabama, New Jersey...) She fancies that her show is the Uber-Veto on the votes cast by tens of millions that she personally disagrees with.

And if I'm wrong, she can prove me wrong by covering the Terry Bean story as exhaustively and in an equally "shocked!" fashion as she did the other night with the Alabama governor. Until then, the eye of suspicion is upon her and her producers at MSNBC. They're treading on the knife's edge of sedition over there..
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Governors are representative of the millions of people who elected them. These hits because of their stance on gay marriage (known to their voters who elected them...no surprise...) are hits on democracy itself. She has to stop. Either that or she has to be fair across the board when an LGBT prominent political figure like Terry Bean gets caught barebacking a 16 year old. The witness who spoke about that revealed alleged attempted murder by sex act of a minor child.

Pretty sure if the Alabama (or Virginia, or New Jersey) Governor did that, Maddow would cover it.
First there's this report, posted March 24, 2016 from which Maddow launches one of her trademark hypocritical "sex scandal" hits on a GOP politician. (Remember, she's for open and free sexual expression otherwise)...
The alleged "smoking gun" sex tape putting crosshairs this time on the Alabama Governor (cue 3:48) is so garbled and incoherent that Maddow presents as her "shocking" "evidence" that it's a wonder how her producers gave her the green light on this.

But bear in mind, she prefaced the hit piece with a statement that this governor has an anti-gay stance...so...you know...gloves off... Listen to the tone of her voice and its inflection as she announces what I believe to be the core of her willingness to use her show as a platform to attempt to unseat yet another GOP governor: (cue 7:37-8:42) And, bearing in mind that Ms. Maddow is all about the "free love" utopia, she has the hubris and audacity to say that the Gov of Alabama should be taken down because of his...hypocrisy... You can't make this stuff up:

Then there's this from the Maddow Show about GOP candidate (potentially president) Ted Cruz alleged mistress scandal *Updated* – The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs…:


Could it be that Maddow uses selective sex scandals to laser-point her hits on targets who only get in the way of the Gay Agenda? Why wouldn't she attack Ted Cruz? Surely he is more visible than the Alabama Governor right now? And the evidence for each (Alabama Gov. & Ted Cruz) alleged sex scandal holds roughly the same credible viability (mostly highly-suspect rumor and little fact). In the case of Alabama, a guy the governor just fired "as key witness" (getting even?). With Cruz, interviews with numerous call-girls. So why not Ted Cruz?

A simple explanation might be that Maddow is hoping either Tiny Hands or Cruz get the GOP nomination: because she believes neither of them would prevail against Hillary. In other words, she believes neither of them would prevail against the Gay Agenda. Ah, so there might be the explanation for her weird silence on the Ted Cruz allegations... Why knock out the candidate you know will lose against yours? She's almost certainly seen Cruz's Canadian birth certificate. He can be excised later at the right and precise moment for a left-victory.

I could be wrong. I used Google and came up with nothing on Maddow confronting the Ted Cruz sex scandal rumors. If any of you have Maddow covering that, post a link, OK? Otherwise it is beginning to look like MSNBC anchor Rachael Maddow is less than an "equal-coverage" journalist and more like a sharpshooting political assassin working for an Agenda...

For one I found this.

Did Rachel Maddow Stumble Last Year Across a Key Piece of Evidence of Hush Money Paid in the #CruzSexScandal?

And I'd like to see the Maddow Show do a follow up on it. Maddow uncovered this around August 2015. Since then has anyone heard her follow up? Recent re-bubblings of these allegations are popping up everywhere. But where is the famous "if it's sex and scandal and GOP I'm covering it!" Maddow segment on Cruz's alleged infidelities recently?

August, 2015...There is speculation that a Ted Cruz related SuperPAC may have paid hush money last year to the Carly Fiorina campaign to keep it from disclosing a Cruz sex scandal.
..One name emerging is Amanda Carpenter, though, she has denied any sexual involvement with Cruz.
..Last August, Rachel Maddow devoted an entire segment to reporting on the odd payment. Could she have stumbled on to a key piece of hush money Did Rachel Maddow Stumble Last Year Across A Key Piece Of Evidence Of Hush Money Paid In The #CruzSexScandal? | NewZSentinel

Rachael's good at what she does, when properly motivated. Just ask the Governor of Virginia who made the mistake of coming out against gay marriage just before the Maddow Show began heavy coverage on getting him removed from office..

This is your third Rachel Maddow thread? Your fourth?

And when has Rachel Maddow supported adultery? Because otherwise, I don't think 'hypocrisy' means what you think it means.

Rachael's good at what she does, when properly motivated. Just ask the Governor of Virginia who made the mistake of coming out against gay marriage just before the Maddow Show began heavy coverage on getting him removed from office..

And it predictably descends into Sil's personal obsession with gays.

This would be thread 62 then?
Of course it isn't about what Maddow has said or hasn't said.

This is just another of your attacks on homosexuals- in this case a TV entertainment personality.
No, I can tell you for a fact that when I saw her trying to unseat another governor, which is very taxing on a state and upsetting to the governed, for yet another of her petty reasons which do not outweigh putting a state through a recall or off season appointment and all the other upsets, I said to myself "enough is enough!" Either she gets it together and covers ALL sex scandals of prominent political figures, including Terry Bean, or I'm calling her out on it.

And by 'unseat a governor', you mean discuss a news story?

And is 'Terry Bean' a governor? If not, why would you expect his obscure case to get as much press with a sex scandal for a State Governor?

Remember, we don't share your bizarre obsession with gay people.

She's not just fucking with the actual (GOP only) governors, she's fucking with all the people who voted for them and want them in place. She's trying to usurp democracy because she has a radical difference of opinion with them on yes, gay marriage. She figures her platform of her show on MSNBC is more powerful than millions of voters and she's using it to take away the power of their vote....by precise and biased political attacks.

So discussing a prominent news story is trying to 'usurp democracy'?

I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.

Most people assume their male governors are getting some on the side.

Then why would commenting on what 'most people assume' be 'usurping democracy?'

Even by the standards of your bizarre internal logic, your claims make no sense.
And by 'unseat a governor', you mean discuss a news story?

Her manic coverage of the Virginia Governor's taking perks, like they all do, a fact he is pleading to the USSC for clemency on a PRISON! sentence (that's how she likes to inflect her voice when one of her political hits on an anti-gay figure sticks), is why the Governor elected by the millions in his state no longer represents their wishes cast by their votes.

She tried that with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, but his tenacity made her constant, ceaseless attempts to "fire" that choice of the People, fruitless.

Undaunted she now turns her sights on the Alabama Governor (elected by the millions who were well acquainted with his stance on gay marriage), seething fury at his calling gay marriage a social experiment...excuse me, to quote Maddow, "...a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT!!.." (shrill increase of volume).

Meanwhile the Ted Cruz sex scandal has gotten little if any coverage since she (oops) exposed it last Fall. And I put forth my reasons for why she may be up to this conspicuous silence now. It's not me tying it all to the gay agenda so obviously. It's her.

The Virginia governor comes out against gay marriage. A nanosecond later the Maddow show launches its attack, successfully to usurp the will of the millions in Virginia who knew that governor's stance when they cast their vote.

The New Jersey governor comes out against gay marriage by vetoing a bill in that state that might have made it legal there. Reiterating that stance publicly in the Spring of last year and viola!...out comes the Maddow Show with both guns firing, trying, trying TRYING!! to get Christie unseated.

The Alabama governor writes a letter to the USSC stating that gay marriage is a 'SOCIAL EXPERIMENT!!" his state wants no part of and voila! ...after some time and digging, they produce an alleged sex scandal with a recently fired employee and a very garbled, incoherent audio tape as "solid evidence!!" to begin unseating THAT governor...ALSO elected by the millions who knew his stance on gay marriage when they cast.

Maddow is behaving as a dictator, using her pulpit to selectively excise & seditiously usurp the Will of the People after-the-fact. Prove me wrong by having that show cover the Terry Bean sex scandal. I'll wait...
And by 'unseat a governor', you mean discuss a news story?

Her manic coverage of the Virginia Governor's taking perks, like they all do, a fact he is pleading to the USSC for clemency on a PRISON! sentence (that's how she likes to inflect her voice when one of her political hits on an anti-gay figure sticks), is why the Governor elected by the millions in his state no longer represents their wishes cast by their votes.

She tried that with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, but his tenacity made her constant, ceaseless attempts to "fire" that choice of the People, fruitless.

Undaunted she now turns her sights on the Alabama Governor (elected by the millions who were well acquainted with his stance on gay marriage), seething fury at his calling gay marriage a social experiment...excuse me, to quote Maddow, "...a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT!!.." (shrill increase of volume).

Meanwhile the Ted Cruz sex scandal has gotten little if any coverage since she (oops) exposed it last Fall. And I put forth my reasons for why she may be up to this conspicuous silence now. It's not me tying it all to the gay agenda so obviously. It's her.

The Virginia governor comes out against gay marriage. A nanosecond later the Maddow show launches its attack, successfully to usurp the will of the millions in Virginia who knew that governor's stance when they cast their vote.

The New Jersey governor comes out against gay marriage by vetoing a bill in that state that might have made it legal there. Reiterating that stance publicly in the Spring of last year and viola!...out comes the Maddow Show with both guns firing, trying, trying TRYING!! to get Christie unseated.

The Alabama governor writes a letter to the USSC stating that gay marriage is a 'SOCIAL EXPERIMENT!!" his state wants no part of and voila! ...after some time and digging, they produce an alleged sex scandal with a recently fired employee and a very garbled, incoherent audio tape as "solid evidence!!" to begin unseating THAT governor...ALSO elected by the millions who knew his stance on gay marriage when they cast.

Maddow is behaving as a dictator, using her pulpit to selectively excise & seditiously usurp the Will of the People after-the-fact. Prove me wrong by having that show cover the Terry Bean sex scandal. I'll wait...

So Maddow commenting on a prominent new story is 'behaving like a dictator', trying to 'unseat a governor' and 'usurp democracy' according to you.

But its Maddow who sounds 'manic'?

Sigh.....oh, Sil.
It's the third governor she's targeted on her show. The third elected representative of the People who publicly stood for what his voters elected him for and as such became a political hit from MSNBC. If she follows the pattern of the first two, she will do so relentlessly...even if there really turns out to be no "story" in the end that is any more remarkable than any other governor, democrats included. I wonder what a looksie at Gerry Brown's personal life might disclose, for example?

Or LGBT prominent activist Terry Bean's personal life?...

It will be four if you count the GOP governor of Michigan who she is furiously trying to make "personally responsible" for the lead debacle in Flint. Like any governor would, with direct knowledge, OK the lead poisoning of thousands of children in his state during a pivotal election year especially?

Let's see what the Michigan governor's public stance is on gay marriage...

OK, not so much as a public denouncement but a refusal to hold the rainbow flag up high and wave it around in the voters faces who elected him as a conservative...

Critics of the Republican governor say he can't continue to sidestep the three-year legal battle Hazel Park nurses April DeBoer and Jayne Rowse have waged for marriage and parenting rights as a lesbian couple.Snyder stance on gay marriage sparks debate

Gee, I wonder if this is a coincidence? Maybe Maddow is "sending a message" in case the GOP wins handily this Fall? "YOU'RE NEXT!" might be the message for governors who might be inclined to legally challenge Obergefell when Obama and his rainbow henchmen no longer loom over them? But from her bully pulpit, this is de facto sedition, usurping the choice of tens of millions of voters by her libel and slander, using the power of her visible public podium to selectively kill-off political careers who might threaten the LGBT agenda for which she is most certainly not shy about adamantly promoting?

And what do you know, the "YOU'RE NEXT!" message might be working. The Governor of GA just caved on the values people elected him to represent in order to force Christians to bow to the rainbow altar on gay marriage...just moments after Maddow sighted the Alabama Governor for a sex scandal next door...

The question is, who is more powerful? Four sitting (one former, heading to prison) GOP governors or Rachael Maddow's slanderfest?... The whole phenomenon stinks of blackmail and extortion...stinks to high heaven of it..
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It's the third governor she's targeted on her show.

And by 'targeted', you mean simply discussed a prominent news story about? Why would governors be a taboo topic on a show discussing prominent news stories?

The third elected representative of the People who publicly stood for what his voters elected him for and as such became a political hit from MSNBC. If she follows the pattern of the first two, she will do so relentlessly...even if there really turns out to be no "story" in the end that is any more remarkable than any other governor, democrats included. I wonder what a looksie at Gerry Brown's personal life might disclose, for example?

Or LGBT prominent activist Terry Bean's personal life?...

Terry Bean is your personal obsession. For the rest of us, its an obscure story about a criminal investigation that went no where. As did Bean's story. Virtually no one has covered it.

You're projecting again, assuming that if something is important to you, it *must* be just as important to everyone else.

Of course it isn't about what Maddow has said or hasn't said.

This is just another of your attacks on homosexuals- in this case a TV entertainment personality.
No, I can tell you for a fact that when I saw her..

If you couldn't call Maddow 'gay' this thread wouldn't exist.

Just another example of your obsessive campaign against homosexuals.
Of course it isn't about what Maddow has said or hasn't said.

This is just another of your attacks on homosexuals- in this case a TV entertainment personality.
No, I can tell you for a fact that when I saw her..

If you couldn't call Maddow 'gay' this thread wouldn't exist.

Just another example of your obsessive campaign against homosexuals.

Well don't forget the panty shitting hysterics. Sil's sprinkled in 'usurp democracy', 'unseat a governor' and 'behaving like a dictator' because Maddow merely discussed a prominent news story.

I'm curious to see when Sil starts babbling about Maddow's 'impeachment'.

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