Political Sharpshooter? A Tale of Two Rachael Maddows... Sex, Lies & Garbled Motive..

I would recommend to any sitting GOP governor, that if they have a Lt. Governor who is LGBT, to be very very careful to dot all their "i"s and cross their "t"s very properly. And, perhaps consider appointing a different Lt. Governor if the opportunity presents itself. Having an LGBT or LGBT-promotional Lt. Gov. has been linked to an abbreviated political career...

Then again you also told everyone that the last Pope was blackmailed to resign by the big bad gay Konspiracy Machine......
Maddow's "satire" has helped unseat several governors and now is conspiring with a DC lawyer in what appears to be blackmail/extortion of potentially many politicians and clergy and perhaps even Justices on the USSC. I suggest she/they be wire-tapped if she hasn't been already; under suspicion of treason and sedition.

Luckily our system of justice doesn't operate like Silhouette's Star Chamber.

Reporting the facts about politicians is not blackmail, nor a crime.

Illegally wire tapping is.
Maddow's "satire" has helped unseat several governors and now is conspiring with a DC lawyer in what appears to be blackmail/extortion of potentially many politicians and clergy and perhaps even Justices on the USSC. I suggest she/they be wire-tapped if she hasn't been already; under suspicion of treason and sedition.

Luckily our system of justice doesn't operate like Silhouette's Star Chamber.

Reporting the facts about politicians is not blackmail, nor a crime.

Illegally wire tapping is.
When investigators gather evidence, it's not illegal. The definition of extortion is to demand or even suggest that if a person doesn't give you what you want, even if your threats of exposure are about real crimes the person may have committed, you will expose them or their families to public scorn, ridicule or prosecution. That's exactly what the DC lawyer is up to with a leg up from MSNBC. I imagine there are a number of officials who have 'gotten the message' and for not obeying the demand, were, or are awaiting in dread, being defrocked of their careers.

There should be perhaps a congressional inquiry, maybe started in the House, as to any politicians who were defrocked by slander aided or dispensed directly from MSNBC. Because to do so may not only be extortion, to promote say a certain cult agenda, but also is sedition in that it strips the power of the vote of all the people who voted for those politicians for reasons other than their private sex lives. All those hopes and aspirations are dashed up on the scandal. And it affects entire states or regions, not just the politician MSNBC is currently targeting. For instance, the Governor of Alabama didn't run on being a perfect married man himself, he ran on the perfect idea of man and wife. No man is perfect and no voter expects him to be unless they are delusional.

If it was just one hit piece in the last five years or so that would be one thing. But these things are coming out of MSNBC against Governors and key officials right of center like bullets out of a machine gun. Meanwhile there is a conspicuous silence about democrats or LGBT activists (see "Terry Bean" of Oregon) getting into sex or other scandals. "Fair and balanced" is the last thing the Maddow Show is.

Maddow appears to be using a scalpel to excise exactly those politicians who have recently come out against gay "rights". She starts her bits announcing with a bitter inflection in her voice "so and so supported anti-gay legislation"...etc...then she winds up building up to a scandal this person was suddenly suspected of...though that scandal may have been longstanding or trumped up or what have you.

It couldn't be more obvious what she's up to. "Here's me announcing so and so is against gay rights"...two minutes later...."Here's me giving a leg up to dispensing scandalous information about so and so in such a way that it's sure to get so and so indicted or recalled from Office"..

I mean, she can keep it up I guess. The DC madam case is such obvious attempt at blackmail or extortion that all the voters across the US will instantly recognize the democrat connection at the polls this Fall. I think someone should report on MSNBC's reporting of the DC madam case. Report on their part in helping this lawyer accomplish his goals...see where that leads the democrats and MSNBC for that matter by next year..
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Maddow's "satire" has helped unseat several governors and now is conspiring with a DC lawyer in what appears to be blackmail/extortion of potentially many politicians and clergy and perhaps even Justices on the USSC. I suggest she/they be wire-tapped if she hasn't been already; under suspicion of treason and sedition.

Luckily our system of justice doesn't operate like Silhouette's Star Chamber.

Reporting the facts about politicians is not blackmail, nor a crime.

Illegally wire tapping is.
When investigators gather evidence, it's not illegal. The definition of extortion is to demand or even suggest that if a person doesn't give you what you want, even if your threats of exposure are about real crimes the person may have committed, you will expose them or their families to public scorn, ridicule or prosecution. That's exactly what the DC lawyer is up to with a leg up from MSNBC. I imagine there are a number of officials who have 'gotten the message' and for not obeying the demand, were, or are awaiting in dread, being defrocked of their careers.

Sil, you don't have the slightest clue what the legal definition of 'extortion' is. You're just making up more pseudo-legal prattle drawn from the same well of hysteric overreaction that labeled Maddow commenting on a news story as 'assassination', 'blackmail', 'gripping millions of voters by the neck', 'terrorist act', 'sedition', 'usurping democracy', 'acting like a dictator', and 'using a 'grenade'.

You seem to be under the impression that the more wild and insane your accusations, the greater Maddow's 'offense'.

Back in reality, Maddow simply reported on a prominent news story. One of hundreds she's covered. Maddow being one commentator among dozens. There was nothing particularly remarkable about her commentary.

Your reaction however......is as bizarre as it is frantically delusional. As you demonstrate with each layer of hapless batshit you add to an already impressive pile of meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish.
I would recommend to any sitting GOP governor, that if they have a Lt. Governor who is LGBT, to be very very careful to dot all their "i"s and cross their "t"s very properly. And, perhaps consider appointing a different Lt. Governor if the opportunity presents itself. Having an LGBT or LGBT-promotional Lt. Gov. has been linked to an abbreviated political career...

Then again you also told everyone that the last Pope was blackmailed to resign by the big bad gay Konspiracy Machine......

And that Kennedy was a homosexual. And that gays 'infiltrated gallup'.

Sil is genuinely mentally ill. These elaborate rambling multi paragraph manifestos about the 'gheys' read like the kind of deranged gibberish you find on conspiracy boards dedicated to the illuminati or a flat earth.
Maddow's "satire" has helped unseat several governors and now is conspiring with a DC lawyer in what appears to be blackmail/extortion of potentially many politicians and clergy and perhaps even Justices on the USSC. I suggest she/they be wire-tapped if she hasn't been already; under suspicion of treason and sedition.

Luckily our system of justice doesn't operate like Silhouette's Star Chamber.

Reporting the facts about politicians is not blackmail, nor a crime.

Illegally wire tapping is.
When investigators gather evidence, it's not illegal. The definition of extortion is to demand or even suggest that if a person doesn't give you what you want, even if your threats of exposure are about real crimes the person may have committed, you will expose them or their families to public scorn, ridicule or prosecution. That's exactly what the DC lawyer is up to with a leg up from MSNBC. I imagine there are a number of officials who have 'gotten the message' and for not obeying the demand, were, or are awaiting in dread, being defrocked of their careers.

Sil, you don't have the slightest clue what the legal definition of 'extortion' is. You're just making up more pseudo-legal prattle drawn from the same well of hysteric overreaction that labeled Maddow commenting on a news story as 'assassination', 'blackmail', 'gripping millions of voters by the neck', 'terrorist act', 'sedition', 'usurping democracy', 'acting like a dictator', and 'using a 'grenade'.

You seem to be under the impression that the more wild and insane your accusations, the greater Maddow's 'offense'.

Back in reality, Maddow simply reported on a prominent news story. One of hundreds she's covered. Maddow being one commentator among dozens. There was nothing particularly remarkable about her commentary.

Your reaction however......is as bizarre as it is frantically delusional. As you demonstrate with each layer of hapless batshit you add to an already impressive pile of meaningless pseudo-legal gibberish.

Can't really add any more to your response.

She is batshit crazy.

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