Political Sharpshooter? A Tale of Two Rachael Maddows... Sex, Lies & Garbled Motive..

Looks like Mississippi jumped on board to demonstrate that their state isn't going to have itself bullied either. Maddow needs to understand that actions bring swift repercussions sometimes..the South protects its own..

Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

31st March 2016,
Mississippi has passed the most anti-LGBT legislation to date and the Governor has indicated that he’ll sign it....It states that it’s acceptable to discriminate someone who identifies as LGBT, if the view is held that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, sex should only happen in marriage and male and female refer only to someone’s anatomy...
Maddow herself even admitted her show had been targeting governors. (duly elected by the tens of millions precisely for the views Maddow objected to and hence the targeting..) That's sedition after the fact in my book.

Quote her. You are avoiding actually quoting her for a reason: she's simply discussing a prominent story.

Which isn't 'sedition', or 'a terrorist act' or 'usurping democracy', or 'acting like a dictator' or 'assassination' or 'a grenade' or any of the other batshit crazy nonsense you've accused her of.

It's just commenting on a news story.
Looks like Mississippi jumped on board to demonstrate that their state isn't going to have itself bullied either. Maddow needs to understand that actions bring swift repercussions sometimes..the South protects its own..

Mississippi pass most anti-LGBT bill to date

31st March 2016,
Mississippi has passed the most anti-LGBT legislation to date and the Governor has indicated that he’ll sign it....It states that it’s acceptable to discriminate someone who identifies as LGBT, if the view is held that marriage should only be between a man and a woman, sex should only happen in marriage and male and female refer only to someone’s anatomy...

Wait....now Mississippi's new law is because of Rachel Maddow?

You're kinda raising your personal obsession with Maddow to an art form.
First there's this report, posted March 24, 2016 from which Maddow launches one of her trademark hypocritical "sex scandal" hits on a GOP politician. (Remember, she's for open and free sexual expression otherwise)...
The alleged "smoking gun" sex tape putting crosshairs this time on the Alabama Governor (cue 3:48) is so garbled and incoherent that Maddow presents as her "shocking" "evidence" that it's a wonder how her producers gave her the green light on this.

But bear in mind, she prefaced the hit piece with a statement that this governor has an anti-gay stance...so...you know...gloves off... Listen to the tone of her voice and its inflection as she announces what I believe to be the core of her willingness to use her show as a platform to attempt to unseat yet another GOP governor: (cue 7:37-8:42) And, bearing in mind that Ms. Maddow is all about the "free love" utopia, she has the hubris and audacity to say that the Gov of Alabama should be taken down because of his...hypocrisy... You can't make this stuff up:

Then there's this from the Maddow Show about GOP candidate (potentially president) Ted Cruz alleged mistress scandal *Updated* – The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs…:


Could it be that Maddow uses selective sex scandals to laser-point her hits on targets who only get in the way of the Gay Agenda? Why wouldn't she attack Ted Cruz? Surely he is more visible than the Alabama Governor right now? And the evidence for each (Alabama Gov. & Ted Cruz) alleged sex scandal holds roughly the same credible viability (mostly highly-suspect rumor and little fact). In the case of Alabama, a guy the governor just fired "as key witness" (getting even?). With Cruz, interviews with numerous call-girls. So why not Ted Cruz?

A simple explanation might be that Maddow is hoping either Tiny Hands or Cruz get the GOP nomination: because she believes neither of them would prevail against Hillary. In other words, she believes neither of them would prevail against the Gay Agenda. Ah, so there might be the explanation for her weird silence on the Ted Cruz allegations... Why knock out the candidate you know will lose against yours? She's almost certainly seen Cruz's Canadian birth certificate. He can be excised later at the right and precise moment for a left-victory.

I could be wrong. I used Google and came up with nothing on Maddow confronting the Ted Cruz sex scandal rumors. If any of you have Maddow covering that, post a link, OK? Otherwise it is beginning to look like MSNBC anchor Rachael Maddow is less than an "equal-coverage" journalist and more like a sharpshooting political assassin working for an Agenda...

For one I found this.

Did Rachel Maddow Stumble Last Year Across a Key Piece of Evidence of Hush Money Paid in the #CruzSexScandal?

And I'd like to see the Maddow Show do a follow up on it. Maddow uncovered this around August 2015. Since then has anyone heard her follow up? Recent re-bubblings of these allegations are popping up everywhere. But where is the famous "if it's sex and scandal and GOP I'm covering it!" Maddow segment on Cruz's alleged infidelities recently?

August, 2015...There is speculation that a Ted Cruz related SuperPAC may have paid hush money last year to the Carly Fiorina campaign to keep it from disclosing a Cruz sex scandal.
..One name emerging is Amanda Carpenter, though, she has denied any sexual involvement with Cruz.
..Last August, Rachel Maddow devoted an entire segment to reporting on the odd payment. Could she have stumbled on to a key piece of hush money Did Rachel Maddow Stumble Last Year Across A Key Piece Of Evidence Of Hush Money Paid In The #CruzSexScandal? | NewZSentinel

Rachael's good at what she does, when properly motivated. Just ask the Governor of Virginia who made the mistake of coming out against gay marriage just before the Maddow Show began heavy coverage on getting him removed from office..

She's a Loopy kunt and should be pistol whipped in her sleep for being so ugly both on the inside and outside - I did not think it was possible for a person of her ilk to be uglier on the inside then the outside. Lol
Not to mention she's as dumb as a bag of hammers...
She's a Loopy kunt and should be pistol whipped in her sleep for being so ugly both on the inside and outside - I did not think it was possible for a person of her ilk to be uglier on the inside then the outside. Lol
Not to mention she's as dumb as a bag of hammers...

Not sure about all that. She isn't dumb; far from it. But what she is, is apparently engaged in removing the power of the vote of tens of millions of people who knew what those governors stood for on marriage when they duly elected them. If "dumb" people can successfully damage or dethrone what...five..six governors now?...then God help us if someone really clever gets them in their political crosshairs..
She's a Loopy kunt and should be pistol whipped in her sleep for being so ugly both on the inside and outside - I did not think it was possible for a person of her ilk to be uglier on the inside then the outside. Lol
Not to mention she's as dumb as a bag of hammers...

Not sure about all that. She isn't dumb; far from it. But what she is, is apparently engaged in removing the power of the vote of tens of millions of people who knew what those governors stood for on marriage when they duly elected them. If "dumb" people can successfully damage or dethrone what...five..six governors now?...then God help us if someone really clever gets them in their political crosshairs..
She may be book smart Rhodes kind of way, that certainly doesn't mean she has any common sense. Na, she's a delusional loopy kunt who has an identity crisis...
Well, agreed on the identity crisis thing. Her show last night wouldn't let it's grip around the Gov of Alabama (& by logical extension the millions who voted him into office)'s neck go. Though I think she's also having an "interpretation crisis". It was a bit about how terrible it was of a photo op for the Gov to be visiting a prison and showing himself walking around with cameras strategically placed behind bars looking out at him. It might have been more of a message to her than a statement about him. Active sedition, should the GOP prevail, that has removed or harmed what 5 or 6 sitting governors now for petty issues that didn't and don't rise to their removal from office, is going to be a matter that may come back to bite Maddow in the ass. No wonder she's giving an obvious nudge to either Ted Cruz or Tiny Hands and always speaks about Kasich chances with derision: "no mathematical chance!"....at this point her very career may hinge on whether or not she can get the GOP to appoint another Rove-loser.

Kasich beats Hillary in the general by 11 points. Probably Sanders by 15...
Well, agreed on the identity crisis thing. Her show last night wouldn't let it's grip around the Gov of Alabama (& by logical extension the millions who voted him into office)'s neck go. Though I think she's also having an "interpretation crisis". It was a bit about how terrible it was of a photo op for the Gov to be visiting a prison and showing himself walking around with cameras strategically placed behind bars looking out at him. It might have been more of a message to her than a statement about him. Active sedition, should the GOP prevail, that has removed or harmed what 5 or 6 sitting governors now for petty issues that didn't and don't rise to their removal from office, is going to be a matter that may come back to bite Maddow in the ass. No wonder she's giving an obvious nudge to either Ted Cruz or Tiny Hands and always speaks about Kasich chances with derision: "no mathematical chance!"....at this point her very career may hinge on whether or not she can get the GOP to appoint another Rove-loser.

Kasich beats Hillary in the general by 11 points. Probably Sanders by 15...

Commenting on a prominent news story isn't gripping 'millions of voters by the neck'. It isn't a terrorist act, sedition, usurping democracy, acting like a dictator, assassination, using a grenade, a rifle or any of the other hysteric assertions you've made.

Its just commenting on a prominent news story. Its you who is wildly overreacting.

Oh, and Kasich couldn't even convince 50% of his own State to vote for him.
The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC

^^ Cue 1:20 She with a large vendetta and no small penchant for tyranny now threatens to beat the drum of withdrawing federal funds to Mississippi and NC if they don't get on board with the LGBT cult. (Who elected Maddow president again?)

However, this is an election year. Any such action by the Fed under Obama would be a death sentence to any hopeful democrat candidate. It isn't just the people of Mississippi or NC watching, it's the rest of the 90% of the country who believes both a mother and father are "important" to a child (which cannot exist in the same mind with support for gay marriage without a fundamental and shattering paradox): A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Taking away the entire South's rebel flag by LGBT activism riding the coattails artificially of a "racial movement" (the gay kid who gunned down the 9 Christians in NC the day after a major southern church announced it would never support gay marriage, had a black boyfriend...so...yeah..that wasn't about race..) is one thing. Taking away the entire country's right "by Federal punitive example" to enact laws to protect Christians' rights to passively refuse to pay homage to the LGBT altar is quite another. Check out the link. 90% of silent empathy for Mississippi and NC's new laws is a mighty impressive number for the DNC to gamble with... Sorry Miss Maddow :itsok: Your high-powered rifle just got jammed by 2016 election politics.
The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC

^^ Cue 1:20 She with a large vendetta and no small penchant for tyranny now threatens to beat the drum of withdrawing federal funds to Mississippi and NC if they don't get on board with the LGBT cult. (Who elected Maddow president again?)

She commented on a prominant news story.

All the 'tryanny', 'gripping millions of voters by the neck', 'terrorist act', 'sedition', 'usurping democracy', 'acting like a dictator','assassination', using a 'grenade', or a 'rifle' nonsense....

......is your hysteric overreaction. Telling us nothing about Maddow. But giving us a lovely window into the wasteland of your mind.

However, this is an election year. Any such action by the Fed under Obama would be a death sentence to any hopeful democrat candidate. It isn't just the people of Mississippi or NC watching, it's the rest of the 90% of the country who believes both a mother and father are "important" to a child (which cannot exist in the same mind with support for gay marriage without a fundamental and shattering paradox): A Poll Businesses Boycotting Laws Protecting Christians Might Want To Look At First..

Says you. Yet when people are asked themselves about same sex marriage, a clear majority supports it:


Your straw poll doesn't even ask about same sex marriage. You hallucinated it. And your personal delusions have nothing to do with any kind of parenting.

Taking away the entire South's rebel flag by LGBT activism riding the coattails artificially of a "racial movement" (the gay kid who gunned down the 9 Christians in NC the day after a major southern church announced it would never support gay marriage, had a black boyfriend...so...yeah..that wasn't about race..) is one thing. Taking away the entire country's right "by Federal punitive example" to enact laws to protect Christians' rights to passively refuse to pay homage to the LGBT altar is quite another. Check out the link. 90% of silent empathy for Mississippi and NC's new laws is a mighty impressive number for the DNC to gamble with... Sorry Miss Maddow :itsok: Your high-powered rifle just got jammed by 2016 election politics.

Save of course that there's no high powered rifle. And no '90%' opposing same sex marriage.

That's just you.....citing whatever the voices said this morning.
It's an election year. Obama is tied to the hip to Hillary. If the dems want a whit of a chance of succeeding, they'd do well to not give the 90% of the American public who believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father the idea that Dems=fiscal punishment for folks that feel that way..
It's an election year.

Its also a Monday.

Neither my observation nor yours has a thing to do with your gibberish about 'tryanny', 'gripping millions of voters by the neck', 'terrorist act', 'sedition', 'usurping democracy', 'acting like a dictator','assassination', using a 'grenade', or a 'rifle' any less a hysteric overreaction on your part.

Obama is tied to the hip to Hillary. If the dems want a whit of a chance of succeeding, they'd do well to not give the 90% of the American public who believe it's important for a child to have both a mother and father the idea that Dems=fiscal punishment for folks that feel that way..

Would you like some bread with that word salad?
Maybe MSNBC (the same as the democrat party) should be the mouthpiece for the DC madam thing. It's really looking like blackmail at this point. I love how it was first submitted to Justice Roberts and when he turned it down, it went to Thomas. Is this lawyer "sending messages" with the help of MSNBC? MSNBC had better hope their blackmail works this time. I mean, it did take down literally or at least the reputations of 5 or 6 governors with the help of the seditious "I'm changing millions of votes after the fact with calculated tabloid trash" Maddow pieces. But if it fails to work for them, the Justices who will be on the court after a couple of years under a GOP administration will be anything but sympathetic to their overall "new direction" (and why Melissa Harris-Perry had to leave them out of a desire to maintain journalistic integrity).

And all the hubbub around targeted hits coming from the democrats...er.... I mean MSNBC... right now? Whoever is running on the left should have a little sit-down with MSNBC & discuss how all this is really going to play out with their chances. People know what's going on. They have eyes and they can smell blackmail from 10 miles away. The DC lawyer/Maddow Show isn't even being shy about it. I mean, it's right out there..

Extortion and blackmail are felonies I believe in the state of New York and the District of Columbia.
You do know her show's satire right? Satire never made a difference to any government anywhere.
Another one of your moronic claims.
So explain if satire never makes any difference to any government anywhere why isn't there any political satire in countries like Russia and China?
Ya Right!
Stupid asshole!
Maddow's "satire" has helped unseat several governors and now is conspiring with a DC lawyer in what appears to be blackmail/extortion of potentially many politicians and clergy and perhaps even Justices on the USSC. I suggest she/they be wire-tapped if she hasn't been already; under suspicion of treason and sedition.

Let me venture a wild ass guess here: the DC madam's list will not include ANY democrats who are important footholds in Congress or elsewhere? Just a guess.. Because democrats never hire hookers..
Why is discussing a prominent news story about a governor 'usurping democracy'? Or 'acting like a dictator'. Or 'unseating a governor'?

It is usurping democracy when one uses a rifle and not a hand grenade. She is ...pay attention here Skylar...selectively assassinating political careers ONLY on the opposite party of herself, .

Wait- you mean a liberal entertainment news person is slanting her coverage to report more on Conservative improprieties rather than Liberal?

As opposed to say- Fox News.....Sean Hannity......Rush Limbaugh......

Accurately reporting the facts is not 'usurping' or 'assasinating' even if the facts reported are selective.

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