Political Sharpshooter? A Tale of Two Rachael Maddows... Sex, Lies & Garbled Motive..

You do know her show's satire right? Satire never made a difference to any government anywhere.
Her show isn't satire. It's a hard news analysis program with typically left wing bias of most mainstream media.
It's tantamount to satire for any thinking person, however.

no. that would be fake news.

dumbass low information wingers. :rofl:
First there's this report, posted March 24, 2016 from which Maddow launches one of her trademark hypocritical "sex scandal" hits on a GOP politician. (Remember, she's for open and free sexual expression otherwise)...
The alleged "smoking gun" sex tape putting crosshairs this time on the Alabama Governor (cue 3:48) is so garbled and incoherent that Maddow presents as her "shocking" "evidence" that it's a wonder how her producers gave her the green light on this.

But bear in mind, she prefaced the hit piece with a statement that this governor has an anti-gay stance...so...you know...gloves off... Listen to the tone of her voice and its inflection as she announces what I believe to be the core of her willingness to use her show as a platform to attempt to unseat yet another GOP governor: (cue 7:37-8:42) And, bearing in mind that Ms. Maddow is all about the "free love" utopia, she has the hubris and audacity to say that the Gov of Alabama should be taken down because of his...hypocrisy... You can't make this stuff up:

Then there's this from the Maddow Show about GOP candidate (potentially president) Ted Cruz alleged mistress scandal *Updated* – The National Enquirer Runs Story of Multiple Ted Cruz Affairs…:


Could it be that Maddow uses selective sex scandals to laser-point her hits on targets who only get in the way of the Gay Agenda? Why wouldn't she attack Ted Cruz? Surely he is more visible than the Alabama Governor right now? And the evidence for each (Alabama Gov. & Ted Cruz) alleged sex scandal holds roughly the same credible viability (mostly highly-suspect rumor and little fact). In the case of Alabama, a guy the governor just fired "as key witness" (getting even?). With Cruz, interviews with numerous call-girls. So why not Ted Cruz?

A simple explanation might be that Maddow is hoping either Tiny Hands or Cruz get the GOP nomination: because she believes neither of them would prevail against Hillary. In other words, she believes neither of them would prevail against the Gay Agenda. Ah, so there might be the explanation for her weird silence on the Ted Cruz allegations... Why knock out the candidate you know will lose against yours? She's almost certainly seen Cruz's Canadian birth certificate. He can be excised later at the right and precise moment for a left-victory.

I could be wrong. I used Google and came up with nothing on Maddow confronting the Ted Cruz sex scandal rumors. If any of you have Maddow covering that, post a link, OK? Otherwise it is beginning to look like MSNBC anchor Rachael Maddow is less than an "equal-coverage" journalist and more like a sharpshooting political assassin working for an Agenda...

For one I found this.

Did Rachel Maddow Stumble Last Year Across a Key Piece of Evidence of Hush Money Paid in the #CruzSexScandal?

And I'd like to see the Maddow Show do a follow up on it. Maddow uncovered this around August 2015. Since then has anyone heard her follow up? Recent re-bubblings of these allegations are popping up everywhere. But where is the famous "if it's sex and scandal and GOP I'm covering it!" Maddow segment on Cruz's alleged infidelities recently?

August, 2015...There is speculation that a Ted Cruz related SuperPAC may have paid hush money last year to the Carly Fiorina campaign to keep it from disclosing a Cruz sex scandal.
..One name emerging is Amanda Carpenter, though, she has denied any sexual involvement with Cruz.
..Last August, Rachel Maddow devoted an entire segment to reporting on the odd payment. Could she have stumbled on to a key piece of hush money Did Rachel Maddow Stumble Last Year Across A Key Piece Of Evidence Of Hush Money Paid In The #CruzSexScandal? | NewZSentinel

Rachael's good at what she does, when properly motivated. Just ask the Governor of Virginia who made the mistake of coming out against gay marriage just before the Maddow Show began heavy coverage on getting him removed from office..

No offense but there is really no need to create a thread suggesting Madcow is a left wing, homofascist shill as it's redundant.
You do know her show's satire right? Satire never made a difference to any government anywhere.
Her show isn't satire. It's a hard news analysis program with typically left wing bias of most mainstream media.
It's tantamount to satire for any thinking person, however.

no. that would be fake news.

dumbass low information wingers. :rofl:
It's fake news and propaganda to thinking people but it's presented as hard news by NBC for left wing shills. Pick your camp.
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No offense but there is really no need to create a thread suggesting Madcow is a left wing, homofascist shill as it's redundant.
Unless you're concerned about her selective laser-targeting of elected representatives of the People to forward an Agenda while she uses her pulpit to give a complete pass to others doing the same (or worse) things who subscribe to that Agenda..
How many times has she done this when the person being exposed hadn't portrayed themselves as morally superior? Like you said, It's not about their specific actions, it's about their hypocrisy.

Since when does a Lesbian have any morals?
How many times has she done this when the person being exposed hadn't portrayed themselves as morally superior? Like you said, It's not about their specific actions, it's about their hypocrisy.

Since when does a Lesbian have any morals?
Since when does a democrat have any morals? For them, morals are just something to use against non-democrats when the opportunity presents itself. Consider Mr and Mrs Bill Clinton.
I think everyone knows Madcow is a joke. She is a bitter homo-Nazi that will always push the Agenda. She really isn't even capable of doing anything else, like telling the truth.
How many times has she done this when the person being exposed hadn't portrayed themselves as morally superior? Like you said, It's not about their specific actions, it's about their hypocrisy.
I'm not sure if Terry Bean (see post #3) holds himself out as "morally superior". Certainly his alleged penchant for barebacking youth (he in his 60s) with the HIV issue broiling over in that demographic would qualify as morally-perverse? You'd think what was essentially attempted homicide of young men would be a moral issue. But perhaps I'm wrong? He is very prominent in the LGBT movement. As such he holds an assumed "moral high ground"?

If the Governor of Alabama had someone come out and testify to police that he was having sex with a known minor girl, I'll bet Maddow would cover that for the sake of children's protection. Just a hunch.

You do know her show's satire right? Satire never made a difference to any government anywhere.

Tell that to the Governor of Virginia, and to the governor of New Jersey. It would be news to them... Maddow can go on and on and on about a case of gatoraide bought for the governor's kids, or a set of traffic cones keeping New Jersey kids from getting to New York on time...but don't look for her reporting on kids being recklessly exposed to behavior known as the main transmission of the HIV virus by another prominent political figure anytime soon..

If you read the link in the OP about Maddow's 2015 brief (then absent) coverage of a link to a sex scandal in Ted Cruz, you'll note that the Maddow Show spurred a formal investigation. Not just satire anymore I guess.

So you think she should be able to cover every event that ever happens in the country? Please list any reporter, including your fox heros, that are able to do that.
Maddow did a great job exposing the Governor of Michigan for poisoning citizens with water contaminated with lead.
So you think she should be able to cover every event that ever happens in the country? Please list any reporter, including your fox heros, that are able to do that.

Not every event. Just all the ones in the genre' she seems to prefer. If she's so concerned about the Alabama Governor's sex life, she should give equal coverage to prominent LGBT activist Terry Bean's sex scandal.
Maddow did a great job exposing the Governor of Michigan for poisoning citizens with water contaminated with lead.
Then she should help the children and other youth put at risk by LGBT prominent activist Terry Bean's "barebacking" them (anal sex without a condom) one after the other.. That's what the witness told police.

Young people dying at the hands of those who otherwise should be responsible is a tragedy no matter how it happens, right?
So you think she should be able to cover every event that ever happens in the country? Please list any reporter, including your fox heros, that are able to do that.

Not every event. Just all the ones in the genre' she seems to prefer. If she's so concerned about the Alabama Governor's sex life, she should give equal coverage to prominent LGBT activist Terry Bean's sex scandal.

Her, genre as you refer to it, is hypocritical and unethical politicians. She happens to be a lesbian, but most of her shows aren't about sexual preference. The one issue that you are whining about has nothing to do with sexual preference anyway. It is about adults taking advantage of an under aged kid. That is certainly an ethical lapse. but not the only one of importance in that time frame.
Her, genre as you refer to it, is hypocritical and unethical politicians.

OK, so then "Yes" she'll be covering the hypocritical prominent LGBT activist Terry Bean's sex scandal? One presumes he campaigns for LGBT based on telling or promoting to the public that it's a good, clean, legal movement? A 60-something year old gay man habitually "barebacking" young men or in this case a minor is noteworthy for what the man professes to stand for politically, no?
Her, genre as you refer to it, is hypocritical and unethical politicians.

OK, so then "Yes" she'll be covering the hypocritical prominent LGBT activist Terry Bean's sex scandal? One presumes he campaigns for LGBT based on telling or promoting to the public that it's a good, clean, legal movement? A 60-something year old gay man habitually "barebacking" young men or in this case a minor is noteworthy for what the man professes to stand for politically, no?

A little late to cover something that was dealt with two years ago with nothing more being discovered. If that's the biggest complaint you can come up with, you don't have much.
A little late to cover something that was dealt with two years ago with nothing more being discovered. If that's the biggest complaint you can come up with, you don't have much.
Oh, c'mon. She's an investigative journalist who often goes back decades in her classic "wind up" to the present day story. They just dropped the case against Terry Bean last Fall, in spite of witness disclosure to police that a minor was involved...the minor apparently was paid off not to speak, but that doesn't kill the case when another witness already spoke in an interview with cops. They can call him in to testify. If a minor "suddenly wouldn't talk" in a GOP Governor accusation that was "suddenly dropped", Maddow would be ALL OVER that crap. And you know it.
A little late to cover something that was dealt with two years ago with nothing more being discovered. If that's the biggest complaint you can come up with, you don't have much.
Oh, c'mon. She's an investigative journalist who often goes back decades in her classic "wind up" to the present day story. They just dropped the case against Terry Bean last Fall, in spite of witness disclosure to police that a minor was involved...the minor apparently was paid off not to speak, but that doesn't kill the case when another witness already spoke in an interview with cops. They can call him in to testify. If a minor "suddenly wouldn't talk" in a GOP Governor accusation that was "suddenly dropped", Maddow would be ALL OVER that crap. And you know it.

Sounds like you have a problem with the police. If you want them to continue with their investigation, you need to contact them.
Sounds like you have a problem with the police. If you want them to continue with their investigation, you need to contact them.
No, I'll let Maddow do that. She is all about dredging up attempts to bury sex scandals. I won't tread on her forte'...I'll just wait and see if she does. That in itself will be telling.
Sounds like you have a problem with the police. If you want them to continue with their investigation, you need to contact them.
No, I'll let Maddow do that. She is all about dredging up attempts to bury sex scandals. I won't tread on her forte'...I'll just wait and see if she does. That in itself will be telling.

Why isn't fox doing that?
So you think she should be able to cover every event that ever happens in the country? Please list any reporter, including your fox heros, that are able to do that.

Not every event. Just all the ones in the genre' she seems to prefer. If she's so concerned about the Alabama Governor's sex life, she should give equal coverage to prominent LGBT activist Terry Bean's sex scandal.
Don't expect consistency from a propagandist.

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