Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

I guess I'll just get it over with and state that I am pretty intolerant of liberalism.

I blame liberalism for most of our problems.
I guess I'll just get it over with and state that I am pretty intolerant of liberalism.

I blame liberalism for most of our problems.

Don't let them off the hook ever. They're STATISTS...


stat·ism (stā'tĭz'əm)
n. The practice or doctrine of giving a centralized government control over economic planning and policy.
stat'ist adj. & n.

And it fits them.
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While I agree that lately the neolibs are pretty much just kissing Obama's ass, the rest is not really accurate. The world is not black and white, there are many colors within the political spectrum as well. If a person really sat down and look at each individual issue, each part of their life, they will soon realize that the lines of what is liberal and conservative start to blur. It is, I dare say, impossible to truly label someone as liberal or conservative. My personal definition of neocon or neolib is those who will follow whatever "party" claims the same label they want to think they are without every considering the simple fact that these parties rarely do what their voters expect. ;)

Just my 2 cents here, carry on.

thats a valuable 2 cents. I should resate it as neo liberals in my OP. That may have taken some of the edge off my initial post.
It would have never gotten to the scotus if someone stopped being prejudiced towards their own members
Didn't that case happen cause forms of public money were involved. Wasn't that the gist of it?

Or am I wrong?

Boy Scouts of America v. Dale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A leader said in public that he was gay.

Its against their charter to be gay.

How many young men are in BSs who are gay and cant tell anyone?

Some children are forced to attend by their parents.

They are forced to lie about who they are , I wonder if their is a BS badge for that?

One of the lefts favorite Presidents created the "Don't ask, Don't Tell" policy of the U. S. Military and I believe you were all for it. Now you're bitching about the same type of policy?

And look at Liberal onclaves like NYC? Detroit? Chicago? Los Angeles? San Francisco?

Look at all the red ink they are drowning in? Unemployment? High taxes?

And look at the people leaving these hotbeds of Statism in droves.

And as we see? Their representives they elect want to make the rest of the country mirror it. That is why we fight this.

The fight continues.

I can't speak for the others but, with respect, "liberalism" or "statism" are hardly the reasons people are leaving Detroit.

It's more than evident: All the blue states in this country are much worse off than the red states. California--with a decades old run--by liberal democrats is sending out IOU checks to state employees--(even though they are one of the highest taxed states in the country.) Michigan is about there--New York will be next. They operated always on higher taxes to re-distribute others wealth to minorities--& really people who paid no income tax at all. The ones that fell below the tax bracket. Their policies of spend-spend-spend & worry about the bill later--as gotten most BLUE states in serious financial trouble.

The other states that have balanced budget admendments have been cutting back dramatically--in order to reduce their costs--& actually balance their budgets.

The difference between a Liberal & Conservative is:

While a liberal is continually concerned about who to distribute the eggs that the Golden Goose lays--a conservative is concerned about the health of the Golden Goose.

This administration & congress have already plucked the Golden Goose's feathers off & are getting ready to throw it in the pot for their dinner.--:lol:

View attachment 8033

I would recommend a book "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand published in 1957.

The book is about society collapse as the government taking control over all industry, while society's productive citizens (Golden Goose) decide to disappear.
PP, if you do any reading on the conservative and liberal personality, you will find out you are 180 out. In fact your basic tenet is showing your own intollerance of the liberal viewpoint.

Conservatives tend to be more authoritarian in their world view which is not really that conducive to open mindedness. Right or wrong, with me or against me, etc and other shades on only black and white.

Look at the frigging so call grassroots town halls. Many of those protesting are conservatives using talking points from Dick Armey and other republican biggies to shout down the speaker.

Now that is really not that tolerant, is it?

I see myself as a conservative, little c, and would never dream of shouting someone down. That is simply rude and that quality crosses party lines as is evidenced here on this board.

My version of conservatism is different than some, though. I don't care what anyone else does as long as it hurts nobody.

I don't care what others do as long as they pay for it themselves and don't demand that I pay for it.

If my actions are private and do not intrude on the sensibilities, finances or well being of others, I don't feel that the government or any individual or group has the right or responsibility to correct me.

I feel that our society is required to help the infirm, the very young and the very old. I feel that if this help is accepted, then some rights need to be forfeit in the form of work, pre-payment or reasonable accomodation. Unemployment insurance compensation or Social Security are examples of pre-payment.

Requiring that a child in the 2nd grade be able to read is a responsibility of the society if the parents fail in this. The kid who can't read in 2nd grade is the kid who is robbing a C-Store when he's 14. For those of us who had or have attentive parents who care for our well being, we need to fall on our knees daily and thank God or goodness or whatever fits in this space. This is priceless.

Work hard. Guard your rights. Fulfill your responsibilities. Love your family. Pay it forward. Hope for the best. Plan for the worst. Be the man you wished you were 5 years ago. Make one thing better every day.

To me, that is conservatism.
I agree with the amended post. Hard core libs are a pain in the butt. So are far righties....it's the moderates of both trains of thought that have the most to offer. And centrists of course...
And look at Liberal onclaves like NYC? Detroit? Chicago? Los Angeles? San Francisco?

Look at all the red ink they are drowning in? Unemployment? High taxes?

And look at the people leaving these hotbeds of Statism in droves.

And as we see? Their representives they elect want to make the rest of the country mirror it. That is why we fight this.

The fight continues.

I can't speak for the others but, with respect, "liberalism" or "statism" are hardly the reasons people are leaving Detroit.

It's more than evident: All the blue states in this country are much worse off than the red states. California--with a decades old run--by liberal democrats is sending out IOU checks to state employees--(even though they are one of the highest taxed states in the country.) Michigan is about there--New York will be next. They operated always on higher taxes to re-distribute others wealth to minorities--& really people who paid no income tax at all. The ones that fell below the tax bracket. Their policies of spend-spend-spend & worry about the bill later--as gotten most BLUE states in serious financial trouble.

The other states that have balanced budget admendments have been cutting back dramatically--in order to reduce their costs--& actually balance their budgets.

The difference between a Liberal & Conservative is:

While a liberal is continually concerned about who to distribute the eggs that the Golden Goose lays--a conservative is concerned about the health of the Golden Goose.

This administration & congress have already plucked the Golden Goose's feathers off & are getting ready to throw it in the pot for their dinner.--:lol:

View attachment 8033

Is that a fancy way of saying that liberals show concern for the middle class and the poor, but conservatives only care about big companies and the rich?

Of course, big companies have been moving jobs overseas. Wonder where they are going to sell their stuff? No one here can afford it because of unemployment and no one over seas can afford it because they aren't paid enough. Funny.
I agree with the amended post. Hard core libs are a pain in the butt. So are far righties....it's the moderates of both trains of thought that have the most to offer. And centrists of course...

I'd actually agree with this but it seems to me that many are quick to label someone they disagree with, as an extremist.

I know I am guilty of this and I see it here and elsewhere every day.
I guess I'll just get it over with and state that I am pretty intolerant of liberalism.

I blame liberalism for most of our problems.


That post was very stand-up. :clap2:

I, too, have grown increasingly impatient with and intolerant of modern American "liberalism."

And I note that The T correctly suggests that we use the right label: STATISTS. http://www.usmessageboard.com/1491633-post162.html

I am not tolerant of STATISTS.

There are those who misuse the term, of course. But I am referring to those (like most of today's American "liberals") who seem to fondly believe that the Federal Government can effectively address societal ills and who are therefore prepared to give their liberties -- and insist that we must give our liberties -- TO the government.
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btw, your post was full of bullshit, but you already know that.

FOR EXAMPLE...are you trying to prove my point for me? your first response was chill but now your saying my opinion is bullshit.

i wansn't trying to pick on anyone in particular ravi, i did not intend to fight over my opinion. It is just my observation

You cannot conclude though that your experiences gives you a good random sample size of liberals in general therefore you can't cocnlude most of them are jerks just because most of the ones you met are jerks.

That's the bullshit my friend.
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

There is a new letter next to the name of the dude occupying the White House and what you are observing is how this changes the message board/online community dynamic.

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