Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

i would keep your random bullshit to yourself...please show me the tolerant "neo cons" and i really thought you were above this partisan shit...did you say you were...

why is it the ones who say they are non partisan are the biggest fucking partisan hacks!

But the neo cons aren't the ones preaching tolerance then being intolerant, they are just intolerant in general.

again another liberal minded person showing their intolerance of a viewpoint different from their own....sorry bones i like you but calling my opinion bullshit kinda proves my point.

Calling your opinion bullshit is not intolerance, it's disagreement. It's having an opinion of your opinion.
Hint, it's not liberals that want to teach "the occult" as equal to "science".
Um.....Yes they do.

Druids and Luddites are cults, and socialists eat up that crap, disguised under the rubric of "environmentalism".

Try harder next time.

Can I see your evidence or can we assume it's either a "delusion" or a comedic attempt?
The evidence is everywhere, for those willing to see it.....Which doesn't appear to include you.
Who on this message board do you consider conservative. I'd say there are three, maybe four, actual conservatives and the rest are far right nut jobs.

Here's intolerance...having a meltdown because someone questioned Bush's motives. That's the Republican party in a nutshell.

Thanks for proving the OP's point, Ravtard. We can always count on you to illustrate the idiocy being discussed.
i would keep your random bullshit to yourself...please show me the tolerant "neo cons" and i really thought you were above this partisan shit...did you say you were...

why is it the ones who say they are non partisan are the biggest fucking partisan hacks!

But the neo cons aren't the ones preaching tolerance then being intolerant, they are just intolerant in general.

again another liberal minded person showing their intolerance of a viewpoint different from their own....sorry bones i like you but calling my opinion bullshit kinda proves my point.

Calling your opinion bullshit is not intolerance, it's disagreement. It's having an opinion of your opinion.

But the neo cons aren't the ones preaching tolerance then being intolerant, they are just intolerant in general.

again another liberal minded person showing their intolerance of a viewpoint different from their own....sorry bones i like you but calling my opinion bullshit kinda proves my point.

Calling your opinion bullshit is not intolerance, it's disagreement. It's having an opinion of your opinion.

How are they on the social issues?
Dick Cheney is a neo-con. He is okay with gay marriage and he's okay with wiping out people because they are dark skinned.
But the neo cons aren't the ones preaching tolerance then being intolerant, they are just intolerant in general.

again another liberal minded person showing their intolerance of a viewpoint different from their own....sorry bones i like you but calling my opinion bullshit kinda proves my point.

Calling your opinion bullshit is not intolerance, it's disagreement. It's having an opinion of your opinion.


Oh, so Rush should be bashing them too, right?
Dick Cheney is a neo-con. He is okay with gay marriage and he's okay with wiping out people because they are dark skinned.
According to Allie here, neo-cons are 'self-proclaimed liberals.'

The neo-cons I know of would be horrified to be call a liberal, much less self-proclaim it.
But the neo cons aren't the ones preaching tolerance then being intolerant, they are just intolerant in general.

again another liberal minded person showing their intolerance of a viewpoint different from their own....sorry bones i like you but calling my opinion bullshit kinda proves my point.

Calling your opinion bullshit is not intolerance, it's disagreement. It's having an opinion of your opinion.

Not exactly.

Neocons tolerate and even horse trade socialistic programs with the dems to get their military-industrial goodies.

Same means, only but slightly different(?) ends.
And look at Liberal onclaves like NYC? Detroit? Chicago? Los Angeles? San Francisco?

Look at all the red ink they are drowning in? Unemployment? High taxes?

And look at the people leaving these hotbeds of Statism in droves.

And as we see? Their representives they elect want to make the rest of the country mirror it. That is why we fight this.

The fight continues.

I can't speak for the others but, with respect, "liberalism" or "statism" are hardly the reasons people are leaving Detroit.

It's more than evident: All the blue states in this country are much worse off than the red states. California--with a decades old run--by liberal democrats is sending out IOU checks to state employees--(even though they are one of the highest taxed states in the country.) Michigan is about there--New York will be next. They operated always on higher taxes to re-distribute others wealth to minorities--& really people who paid no income tax at all. The ones that fell below the tax bracket. Their policies of spend-spend-spend & worry about the bill later--as gotten most BLUE states in serious financial trouble.

The other states that have balanced budget admendments have been cutting back dramatically--in order to reduce their costs--& actually balance their budgets.

The difference between a Liberal & Conservative is:

While a liberal is continually concerned about who to distribute the eggs that the Golden Goose lays--a conservative is concerned about the health of the Golden Goose.

This administration & congress have already plucked the Golden Goose's feathers off & are getting ready to throw it in the pot for their dinner.--:lol:

View attachment 8033

Sorry to have missed your comments earlier when I responded to The T's post.

From a fiscal perspective, I don't necessarily disagree with any of your points. However, it has little to do with the point I was making, a point which I set out more thoroughly in my response to T (#132 in this thread).
it becomes hard for either side to be tolerant, of the intolerant....i try my best, but sometimes intolerance is too overbearing to be tolerant of it.

thats totally understandable.

[In my opinion, there are a lot of people on both sides of the proverbial aisle, that have the kind of attitude you spoke of.

Excellent point. you are correct it is a two way street.

The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture.

It's a two way street.

Or maybe you are saying that because the conservatives don't preach tolerance, they don't have to be tolerant. If that is the case, the liberal arguement that conservatives are intolerant and closed-minded may be true.

Nah i think conservatives need to step it up on the tolerance of liberal viewpoints too. Its just that many liberals identify with openmindedness yet treat conservatives with a closed mind that was bothering me when i woke up.

Maybe he's feeling guilty that he is intolerant of troofers and Obama making a speech to school children. :eusa_whistle:

whats wrong with the president speaking to schoolkids about the importance of education?

Didn't reagan and bush sr do that too?

Oh my the assumptions one makes.

i think 9/11 trufers are as off base as the birfers
Exactly. I see you don't enjoy being painted with a broad brush, either. :lol:

That was good ravi, rep for you.

ok going back through the rest of the posts
PP, if you do any reading on the conservative and liberal personality, you will find out you are 180 out. In fact your basic tenet is showing your own intollerance of the liberal viewpoint.

Conservatives tend to be more authoritarian in their world view which is not really that conducive to open mindedness. Right or wrong, with me or against me, etc and other shades on only black and white.

Look at the frigging so call grassroots town halls. Many of those protesting are conservatives using talking points from Dick Armey and other republican biggies to shout down the speaker.

Now that is really not that tolerant, is it?
Who on this message board do you consider conservative. I'd say there are three, maybe four, actual conservatives and the rest are far right nut jobs.

Here's intolerance...having a meltdown because someone questioned Bush's motives. That's the Republican party in a nutshell.

Every american has the patriotic duty to question the president, or as Hillary put it "I am sick and tired of people who call you unpatriotic if you debate this administration’s policies. We are Americans and have the right to participate and debate any administration."--Hitlary Clinton

But still i see the many of the liberals, not all but many, are completely intolerant of any little thing that doesn't fit into their worldview and liberal culture.

LOLOLOLOL and she says it SO well, doesn't she?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJxmpTMGhU0]YouTube - I Am Sick And Tired - Hillary Clinton[/ame]

Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

While I agree that lately the neolibs are pretty much just kissing Obama's ass, the rest is not really accurate. The world is not black and white, there are many colors within the political spectrum as well. If a person really sat down and look at each individual issue, each part of their life, they will soon realize that the lines of what is liberal and conservative start to blur. It is, I dare say, impossible to truly label someone as liberal or conservative. My personal definition of neocon or neolib is those who will follow whatever "party" claims the same label they want to think they are without every considering the simple fact that these parties rarely do what their voters expect. ;)

Just my 2 cents here, carry on.
when are you people gonna learn ???!!!!!

what it really boils down to is Washington stinks like a whorehouse at low tide. ive been watching it for years. anyone that goes there is instantly corrupt. both sides go behind closed doors to cut deals. what are they talking about back there???? about us that's who. our money. our lives, our way of life, our tax's, our families, our security, HOW TO IMPROVE THEIR LOUSY REPUTATIONS, stop he divisions. its a compromise. I don't trust any of em. I haven't for years. you really think they give a rats ass what YOU think on here???? HA !!!! clearly you don't know them. nor environment they live and work in. your always on the outside looking in. that's the way its always gonna be. your friends??? my ass. only if you wanna compromise. good luck. its their way or the hiway. your just the checkers on the board.

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