Politically, I find most Liberals intolerant of other's viewpoints.

Where was the BSs respect for the rights of gay people from the begining?

What rights? It's a private organization with every right to restrict their own membership. But if you want to exercise your right to protest their decision by any and all legal means, you have that right too. BOTH sides have rights. To try to claim otherwise is going straight back to the beginning where if X disagrees with Y, X is automatically some kind of intolerant censoring villain. Crazy stuff.
Last time I checked, we are all individuals accountable for our own actions and not those of others whom we have no control over.


You are posting from the same chasm the OP is, even if you aren't being hateful.

I guess we all are.

I wrote in a specific situation that a lot of people fall into. If I had said all, or didn't bother to quantify, your attempt at pointing out hypocrisy on my part would be valid.

What you posted was different. If you can't see the difference, remove the wide brush from in front of your eyes, so that you can actually see the difference.

I was responding to the OP by giving an appropriate example.

But nice job creating spin to protect yourself. It is your First amendment right to do so.
Where was the BSs respect for the rights of gay people from the begining?

What rights? It's a private organization with every right to restrict their own membership. But if you want to exercise your right to protest their decision by any and all legal means, you have that right too. BOTH sides have rights. To try to claim otherwise is going straight back to the beginning where if X disagrees with Y, X is automatically some kind of intolerant censoring villain. Crazy stuff.

Chill and go read the original post
Being an idiot is not protected under discrimination laws, being gay is.

We would likely laugh our asses off just like we do at most of these peoples insane antics
Yeah...Y'all laughed so hard that the case was sued all the way to SCOTUS.

Some sense of humor. :rolleyes:

It would have never gotten to the scotus if someone stopped being prejudiced towards their own members
So we have people yelling down others trying to speak at town hall meetings and we are pointing out the Left's intolerance of opposing views?

The Left is no worse than the Right. The Right talks about "freedom" but has no problem shutting down freedoms when it conflicts with their own beliefs - whether that is on national security or morality or whatever. When the Left questioned the wars in the Middle East earlier this decade, they were overwhelmingly screamed down as being "unpatriotic" or "unAmerican." The amount of intolerance that is spewed out of the talk radio is staggering.
Yeah....There was a lot of that "shouting down" thing going on at the massive protest marches and in the rabble known as "Camp Casey" down in Crawford, TX.

Do you know who Max Cleland is? If you don't, let me clue you in.

Joseph Maxwell Cleland (born August 24, 1942) is an American politician from Georgia. Cleland, a Democrat, is a former U.S. Senator, disabled US Army veteran of the Vietnam War, decorated war hero, and a critic of the Bush Administration. ...

In 2002, Cleland lost his bid for a second Senate term to Representative Saxby Chambliss. Supporters blamed a Chambliss TV ad featuring the likenesses of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, while criticizing Cleland's votes against homeland security measures.[8] The ad, which Cleland supporters claimed questioned the senator's patriotism,[9] was removed after protests from prominent politicians including Republicans like John McCain and Chuck Hagel.[10] Chambliss supporters claimed the ad didn't question Cleland's patriotism, but rather his judgment

Max Cleland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether or not Cleland lost his seat because of the ad is debatable, but the fact that Republicans felt comfortable enough that they could produce a disgusting ad that analogized a triple-amputee decorated war hero with supporting Saddam Hussein pretty much is all you need to know about the environment back then.
Being an idiot is not protected under discrimination laws, being gay is.

We would likely laugh our asses off just like we do at most of these peoples insane antics
Yeah...Y'all laughed so hard that the case was sued all the way to SCOTUS.

Some sense of humor. :rolleyes:

It would have never gotten to the scotus if someone stopped being prejudiced towards their own members
Didn't that case happen cause forms of public money were involved. Wasn't that the gist of it?

Or am I wrong?
So we have people yelling down others trying to speak at town hall meetings and we are pointing out the Left's intolerance of opposing views?

The Left is no worse than the Right. The Right talks about "freedom" but has no problem shutting down freedoms when it conflicts with their own beliefs - whether that is on national security or morality or whatever. When the Left questioned the wars in the Middle East earlier this decade, they were overwhelmingly screamed down as being "unpatriotic" or "unAmerican." The amount of intolerance that is spewed out of the talk radio is staggering.
Yeah....There was a lot of that "shouting down" thing going on at the massive protest marches and in the rabble known as "Camp Casey" down in Crawford, TX.

Do you know who Max Cleland is? If you don't, let me clue you in.

Joseph Maxwell Cleland (born August 24, 1942) is an American politician from Georgia. Cleland, a Democrat, is a former U.S. Senator, disabled US Army veteran of the Vietnam War, decorated war hero, and a critic of the Bush Administration. ...

In 2002, Cleland lost his bid for a second Senate term to Representative Saxby Chambliss. Supporters blamed a Chambliss TV ad featuring the likenesses of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, while criticizing Cleland's votes against homeland security measures.[8] The ad, which Cleland supporters claimed questioned the senator's patriotism,[9] was removed after protests from prominent politicians including Republicans like John McCain and Chuck Hagel.[10] Chambliss supporters claimed the ad didn't question Cleland's patriotism, but rather his judgment

Max Cleland - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whether or not Cleland lost his seat because of the ad is debatable, but the fact that Republicans felt comfortable enough that they could produce a disgusting ad that analogized a triple-amputee decorated war hero with supporting Saddam Hussein pretty much is all you need to know about the environment back then.

And they did it without a hint of shame.
Yeah...Y'all laughed so hard that the case was sued all the way to SCOTUS.

Some sense of humor. :rolleyes:

It would have never gotten to the scotus if someone stopped being prejudiced towards their own members
Didn't that case happen cause forms of public money were involved. Wasn't that the gist of it?

Or am I wrong?

Boy Scouts of America v. Dale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A leader said in public that he was gay.

Its against their charter to be gay.

How many young men are in BSs who are gay and cant tell anyone?

Some children are forced to attend by their parents.

They are forced to lie about who they are , I wonder if their is a BS badge for that?
So many idealogues, such little reading for comprehension.

This wasn't a case dealing with the minor children who are the Scouts, it was about having a gay adult SCOUTMASTER in charge of those minors.
It would have never gotten to the scotus if someone stopped being prejudiced towards their own members
Didn't that case happen cause forms of public money were involved. Wasn't that the gist of it?

Or am I wrong?

Boy Scouts of America v. Dale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A leader said in public that he was gay.

Its against their charter to be gay.

How many young men are in BSs who are gay and cant tell anyone?

Some children are forced to attend by their parents.

They are forced to lie about who they are , I wonder if their is a BS badge for that?
Ah...Ok. Thanks.

I must have been thinking about another case then.
Liberals live in a fantasy world. Unfortunately they have packed their bags & moved into that dream castle in the sky-----that the Federal Government is the cure all for all the their problems--while in total denial--that the Federal Government couldn't operate a lemonaid stand without bankrupting it.

Social Security is bankrupt--Medicare is bankrupt--Medicade is bankrupt--& our Federal Governments most recently created disaster & GROUND ZERO for this current economic collapse---due to our Federal government co-signing our names to 50% of the mortgages in this country--while lowering lending requirements on Fannie/Freddie.

Liberals do not really live in the same world as the Majority of Americans do. They want total state control over everything. They want re-distribution of ALL wealth--they want socialism--even though many deny it. Unfortunately--this nation has elected a President & democrat congress that believe the same as they.

"The problem with socialism is that government eventually runs out of other peoples money to spend" Margaret Thatcher
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I live in a large liberalized city. It is local governments we need to focus on now, should have before. Like David Horowitz says. The large cities of America has been 100% run by the left for 100 years

From my recent experiences and talks with obama voters, at least most of them are disillusioned with obama, they are heartbroken, blacks and whites alike.
Conservatives and Liberals have very different outlooks on life. In fact liberals have a completely diffferent culture than conservatives. This leads to both sides arguing over subjects as their differing culture leads them to different opinions on the subject.

A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others. Tolerance and respect for those around the world, tolerance and respect for minorities, tolerance for illegal immigrants, and so on.

However when it comes to dealing with the conservative culture liberals become very ethnocentric. The majority of liberals show very little, if any, respect for the conservative culture. Especially on message boards. In fact on message boards liberals are completely intolerant of conservative culture and values.

This constantly makes me think of hypocracy. The liberals who do this remind me of the conservatives who preach family values then cheat on their wifes, hypocrites.

So liberals next time you get all wound up and ready to bash on some conservative for wanting guns, not wanting abortion, being against radicals in their white house, being wary of who the president surrounds themselves with, or their hate of government involvment in our lives and the taxes that comes along with it....remember it makes you sound like hypocrites to many fair minded individuals.

Another random thought of mine that i decided to post :redface:

To quote you, "A big part of the liberal culture is the preaching of tolerance for others." This isn't what I see happening on tv. Just where is all of this "preaching" taking place? To me, it seems more like, "MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY." Disagree with a liberal on any subject and they most often go into a rant about you being a racist, indifferent, a liar, a Nazi, and the list goes on and on. Liberals are nothing more than bullies who cry when they can't get their way. They place the blame for everything that is wrong in their world on anybody else they think they can get the smell to stick to. It's always somebody elses fault. I'm interested in hearing who the liberals are going to blame for the sorry state our country is going to be LEFT in when this crop of dumbasses looses power in Congress and the White House in the next couple of elections.

The liberals I grew up with and the ones who educated me in college did not speak of being a bully. They taught me to be tolerant of others views and to get past ethnocentrism.

I just find it sad that many liberals, especially those online, have lost their way. I used to respect them a lot more than i have come to over the last 6 months. They have dissapointed me greatly with their behavior since obama became president. Its like you said they are now being bullies, namecalling, and just acting intolerant to those whom they disagree with.

It is frustrating to me.

We haven't lost our way and the only thing frustrating you is the fact that your ideology has been held up to scrutiny and found wanting.
Pubs have become the party of No I'm not going to even read it, No I'm not going to discuss it, No I don't have any alternative plan No to every piece of legislation not in lockstep with their view of the World.
Your admission of having to have to be taught to tolerate others reveals much about your base character and yet in your screed here you paint all that do not agree with your views with the same flaws that you yourself manifest daily.

Now send me some snide little comment when you Neg rep this post.
I live in a large liberalized city. It is local governments we need to focus on now, should have before. Like David Horowitz says. The large cities of America has been 100% run by the left for 100 years

From my recent experiences and talks with obama voters, at least most of them are disillusioned with obama, they are heartbroken, blacks and whites alike.

And look at Liberal onclaves like NYC? Detroit? Chicago? Los Angeles? San Francisco?

Look at all the red ink they are drowning in? Unemployment? High taxes?

And look at the people leaving these hotbeds of Statism in droves.

And as we see? Their representives they elect want to make the rest of the country mirror it. That is why we fight this.

The fight continues.
I live in a large liberalized city. It is local governments we need to focus on now, should have before. Like David Horowitz says. The large cities of America has been 100% run by the left for 100 years

From my recent experiences and talks with obama voters, at least most of them are disillusioned with obama, they are heartbroken, blacks and whites alike.

And look at Liberal onclaves like NYC? Detroit? Chicago? Los Angeles? San Francisco?

Look at all the red ink they are drowning in? Unemployment? High taxes?

And look at the people leaving these hotbeds of Statism in droves.

And as we see? Their representives they elect want to make the rest of the country mirror it. That is why we fight this.

The fight continues.

I can't speak for the others but, with respect, "liberalism" or "statism" are hardly the reasons people are leaving Detroit.
I live in a large liberalized city. It is local governments we need to focus on now, should have before. Like David Horowitz says. The large cities of America has been 100% run by the left for 100 years

From my recent experiences and talks with obama voters, at least most of them are disillusioned with obama, they are heartbroken, blacks and whites alike.

And look at Liberal onclaves like NYC? Detroit? Chicago? Los Angeles? San Francisco?

Look at all the red ink they are drowning in? Unemployment? High taxes?

And look at the people leaving these hotbeds of Statism in droves.

And as we see? Their representives they elect want to make the rest of the country mirror it. That is why we fight this.

The fight continues.

I can't speak for the others but, with respect, "liberalism" or "statism" are hardly the reasons people are leaving Detroit.

It's more than evident: All the blue states in this country are much worse off than the red states. California--with a decades old run--by liberal democrats is sending out IOU checks to state employees--(even though they are one of the highest taxed states in the country.) Michigan is about there--New York will be next. They operated always on higher taxes to re-distribute others wealth to minorities--& really people who paid no income tax at all. The ones that fell below the tax bracket. Their policies of spend-spend-spend & worry about the bill later--as gotten most BLUE states in serious financial trouble.

The other states that have balanced budget admendments have been cutting back dramatically--in order to reduce their costs--& actually balance their budgets.

The difference between a Liberal & Conservative is:

While a liberal is continually concerned about who to distribute the eggs that the Golden Goose lays--a conservative is concerned about the health of the Golden Goose.

This administration & congress have already plucked the Golden Goose's feathers off & are getting ready to throw it in the pot for their dinner.--:lol:

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