Politicians trying to censor Broadcasters

"Do democrats, or republicans, or progressives, libertarians, or christians, or any politically active group, have a right to organize resistance against ideas and causes they disagree with?"

As private persons and organizations, yes. Even the gov't has a right to it's opinion, they can promote/praise whatever it is they like/want and denigrate those who oppose or disagree. BUT the gov't should not be trying to silence those who do not accept and agree with their agenda. Jen Psaki can stand up there and say Rogan or whoever is wrong about this and that, but she shouldn't be trying to get him fired from Spotify. Did she did that explicitly? NO. But did she not urge Spotify to do more? I believe she did. That might not be illegal, but I think it ain't right because then she's trying to get Spotify to abridge Rogan's 1st amendment rights.

Same as Trump with the NFL and that dipwad QB? Not sure. Is either case a violation of the Constitution? Don't know, the lawyers can work on that.
Can't say I trust lawyers, or the Court, on the issue. They've been pissing all over the Constitution from the start.
"The problem I see here is that Trumpsters can't accept the fact that many of us think they're stupid - dangerously stupid - and deserve to be shunned."

Funny, the other side thinks the exact same thing.
Indeed. And BOTH are trying to use legal remedies to force to the other side into complying with their wishes. Formerly conservative Republicans have adopted the practices and convictions of statist liberals. And, though I never really saw them as libertarians, it bothers me that they've abandoned the concept of limited government in the name of partisan expedience.
"They can't accept the fact that we have every right to shun them."

Sure you do, knock yourselves out. It's kinda stupid to do that, shutting out any disagreement. but let's not pretend it's only one side doing that.
I'm certainly not pretending that.
I think it boils down to the belief that everyone has the right to their opinion and to voice it.
But everyone also has a right to say "I'm not listening to your opinion, nor accommodating your attempts to voice it"
These days it is pretty much the Left that is trying to silence anyone who doesn't accept their pov. I don't see any people getting attacked and/or fired for disagreeing with the conservative pov.
I've seen it, but it's fair to say that PC culture from the left is ridiculous. If Spotify cancels Joe Rogan because Neil Young is throwing a fit, I'll drop my subscription. But it's still their right to do so.

If, on the other hand, they drop Joe Rogan because the Biden administration is threatening to "crack down" on them with regulation if they don't - that's another matter. That's no different than Trump threatening to "go after" internet companies that refuse to post his propaganda.

... here's the point: the gov't can say Joe Rogan or anyone else is wrong about this or that, and I have no problem with that. But what I do not like is when the gov't tries to pressure a business to get Joe Rogan or anyone fired for saying something the gov't does not agree with. That may not be unconstitutional, but it stinks.
And the same people that were cool about it happening to the Chicks will whine about it happening to Rogan

Yes, that's typically how it works, if someone you disagree with is failing, you're usually happy about, and if someone you agree with is failing, you'll be upset about it. Simple human nature, you're no different. The difference with a distinction in this case is that Rogan's ratings are not falling and there would be no reason to remove his program other than to appease rabid leftist fascists that want to silence anyone they disagree with.
Yes, that's typically how it works, if someone you disagree with is failing, you're usually happy about, and if someone you agree with is failing, you'll be upset about it. Simple human nature, you're no different. The difference with a distinction in this case is that Rogan's ratings are not falling and there would be no reason to remove his program other than to appease rabid leftist fascists that want to silence anyone they disagree with.
that's simply a fact.
You ignored my statement about my own daughter and the most recent JH study that showed Fauci to be a liar.
I will not be baited into talking about your family.

I do not know what statement from Fauci you’re referring to and a single study is rarely sufficient to prove anything when it’s a topic as nebulous and difficult to study as the effect of social distancing.
I do not know what statement from Fauci you’re referring to and a single study is rarely sufficient to prove anything when it’s a topic as nebulous and difficult to study as the effect of social distancing.
everything. he had the balls to say to disagree with him was disagreeing with science. He thinks he's science.
Its not wrong. Social pressure is unamerican when it comes to cancelling someone. 100%.

yeah, how dare those folks use social pressure to cancel racist and racist laws. What an un-American thing for them to do.
It's not meaningless. Dixie Chicks might be the only example you can find on the right, and they were removed because no one would listen to them, ratings dropped. Rogan wouldn't be removed because no one would listen to him, he would be removed due to pressure put on Spotify by left controlled social media to remove him.

So you will say with a straight face that conservatives have as strong of a voice and can control what media spews just as much as the left does? That pretty much any form of media in this country isn't controlled by the left and their policies?

Trump himself is calling for the canceling of AT&T and Comcast. In the past he called for such for Coke and MLB and Delta Airlines and UPS.

But it is always different when your side does it
Trump himself is calling for the canceling of AT&T and Comcast. In the past he called for such for Coke and MLB and Delta Airlines and UPS.

But it is always different when your side does it

Trump, Trump, Trump... :cuckoo: He's allowed to have an opinion, but if he uses his power to in any way coerce it in any official capacity, he should be corrected.

You mean the guy that was deplatformed on every major social media network, that guy? lol
so you missed trump getting kicked out huh? too fking funny. Remember Parlar?
Right, he forgot to pass all that mis-info by the 'Ministry o Truth' when he got shit canned while he was still in office.
Trump, Trump, Trump... :cuckoo: He's allowed to have an opinion, but if he uses his power to in any way coerce it in any official capacity, he should be corrected.

You mean the guy that was deplatformed on every major social media network, that guy? lol

And yet that guy still gets his message out, shows how well canceling works.

But like I said, it is always different when your side does it. That is the very essence of tribalism
And yet that guy still gets his message out, shows how well canceling works.

But like I said, it is always different when your side does it. That is the very essence of tribalism
:laughing0301: He 'gets his message out' because lefties just can't help themselves and are constantly talking about him. For example, see the latest posts in Politics about Trump, Trump, Trump, even when it was Biden that killed women and children taking out a supposed terrorist. Truly a mental illness, he's been out of office for over a year, move the fuck on already.

And bullshit, if that's the case, you're every bit a part of it as anyone else. I just said I wouldn't support it if 'my side did it'. :cuckoo:
Can always count on you to support Biden!!! :laughing0301:

Just stating the facts, unlike you I will not lie based upon partisan politics

But yes, I do support the killing of terrorist, be it by Biden or Trump or whomever is the POTUS.
Can't say I trust lawyers, or the Court, on the issue. They've been pissing all over the Constitution from the start.

Can't say as I blame you on that. BUT, in this country you ain't guilty of anything until it's proven in court, so for now I assume that what Biden is doing isn't illegal.

I'm certainly not pretending that.

Me neither. I do think Trump was doing basically the same thing with the NFL, but 2 wrongs do not make a right. It's one thing for Trump to bitch about kneeling for the national anthem, but it's another to try to influence the NFL to fire the guy or not hire him. In my judgement, Koepernick was/is a dick and an idiot, but it should be up to the league and his team to determine what to do about it. When you're the POTUS, your words mean something and they carry a lot more gravitas than anything we write around here.

But it's still their right to do so.


What we're talking about here is the current Cancel Culture that is pervasive these days. A lot of people are and have been intimidated into keeping their opinion to themselves for fear of reprisal and that is unfortunate. Nash and Young and the rest of them can do what they want, they have the same rights as everyone else but so does Rogan and Spotify. I think there is an assumption in some circles that it's okay to squelch someone else's speech if you don't agree with it, and IMHO our gov't shouldn't be encouraging that. And that is what Psaki was trying to do, it's not her job or Biden's to decide what is misinformation or do anything about it, that should be up to the platform (Spotify) to make that call and also their call to decide what they'll do about it. And ultimately our decision to turn the channel if we as a society do not agree with whatever Spotify decides to do. Biden and Psaki should stay out of it.

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