Politicians trying to censor Broadcasters

Where is the proof of collusion?
If there is collusion you expect it has some form of secrecy....

The government openly comments on private companies all the time... Trump couldn't shut up about private companies but we have better standards than him...
if it is secret, how does one see it? you have no fking brain.
Where is the proof of collusion?
If there is collusion you expect it has some form of secrecy....
Collusion isn't really the right word for it. Threats of retaliation via policy changes is more to the point.
The government openly comments on private companies all the time... Trump couldn't shut up about private companies but we have better standards than him...
Agreed. But when such commentary is accompanied by a threat, it crosses a line.
Educate yourself. Banning Joe Rogan is the same as Civil Rights in your view? Are you kidding me?

I never said such a thing. You said social pressure was un-American, I show you that you were wrong. Just admit it and move on
Neither does Neil Young. He's not claiming that Joe Rogan shouldn't speak. He simply doesn't want to be on the same platform as him.

As for knowing him? You mean personally or from what you hear about him from whatever media you choose to get your information from?

I'm asking because being able to confidently assess someone to be a Commie American hater you need some real knowledge.
yep, why does that get press?
Collusion isn't really the right word for it. Threats of retaliation via policy changes is more to the point.

Agreed. But when such commentary is accompanied by a threat, it becomes a problem.
what was the word used to threaten people if they didn't follow along? the demofks were scared of it while using it. damn, can't think of it.
How are they lies? We don't know everything there is to know about vaccine impact. Was Fauci spewing lies when he said lockdowns saved 100mil+ when a recent JH study shows that to be a lie? If you don't like what Rogan is saying then shut him off. Easy.

It is clear vaccines save lives, higher the vaccine rates the lower the deaths...

This might have not got to your echo chamber but it clearly confirmed in the rest of the world...

I know you don't like it because it makes the people spreading misinformation about the vaccine to be wrong and killed (mainly GOP) people unnecessarily... But you don't admit fault no matter how many people it killing... The US COVID deaths ( 7 day average) is now 2,631 a day... Ireland has one third the deaths and over twice the cases...
He said cancel culture was wrong, you don't agree?

It is a meaningless term that people use only for those things they do not agree with.

For those on the right it was not cancel culture when the Dixie Chicks were taken off the radio but it is if someone wants Rogan taken off.
what was the word used to threaten people if they didn't follow along? the demofks were scared of it while using it. damn, can't think of it.
Hmmm not sure what you're talking about. I was referring to Psaki's threats in the OP.
In terms of Civil War it was pressure from the many but war started not due to slavery but due to the South wanting to be its own nation.

They just want to be a Free Nation, I get what you're saying. Free to enslave the Negro Race in perpetuity. Without no interference from those goody two shoe Northern States.

Not really slavery, but really, slavery.
It is a meaningless term that people use only for those things they do not agree with.

For those on the right it was not cancel culture when the Dixie Chicks were taken off the radio but it is if someone wants Rogan taken off.
Consumers didn't want to listen to the dixie chicks. If consumers decide they won't listen to Rogan, he will be out of a job soon enough.
So, this disclaimer — it’s a positive step. But we want every platform to continue doing more to call out misinform- — mis- and disinformation while also uplifting accurate information
^^ Fascism. She literally wants a ministry of truth to determine what is allowed to be talked about.

Fuck her, and Fuck Joe Biden for calling for censorship against government criticism.
Yes, because incitement of a rebellion is just the same as taking a knee before a football game
If Black people in 1867 walked into a city public area and started stomping on the flag calling Americans a bunch of pigs.. they wouldn’t be here long
How are they lies? We don't know everything there is to know about vaccine impact. Was Fauci spewing lies when he said lockdowns saved 100mil+ when a recent JH study shows that to be a lie? If you don't like what Rogan is saying then shut him off. Easy.
Bringing up things off of VAERS is a lie. There are deaths listed on VAERS but it is not conclusive if those deaths were related.

Coincidences are real. They’re especially real when you’re immunizing tens or hundreds of millions of people at once.

Saying the deaths on VAERS are all attributed to the vaccine is a lie.
Ok, so let's talk about that. Do democrats, or republicans, or progressives, libertarians, or christians, or any politically active group, have a right to organize resistance against ideas and causes they disagree with? To shun people and groups they think are a danger to society? If Trump says that he thinks football players who kneel for the anthem should be fired - is that covert censorship? If that encourages people to boycott the NFL, is that a violation of the Constitution?

"Do democrats, or republicans, or progressives, libertarians, or christians, or any politically active group, have a right to organize resistance against ideas and causes they disagree with?"

As private persons and organizations, yes. Even the gov't has a right to it's opinion, they can promote/praise whatever it is they like/want and denigrate those who oppose or disagree. BUT the gov't should not be trying to silence those who do not accept and agree with their agenda. Jen Psaki can stand up there and say Rogan or whoever is wrong about this and that, but she shouldn't be trying to get him fired from Spotify. Did she did that explicitly? NO. But did she not urge Spotify to do more? I believe she did. That might not be illegal, but I think it ain't right because then she's trying to get Spotify to abridge Rogan's 1st amendment rights.

Same as Trump with the NFL and that dipwad QB? Not sure. Is either case a violation of the Constitution? Don't know, the lawyers can work on that.

The problem I see here is that Trumpsters can't accept the fact that many of us think they're stupid - dangerously stupid - and deserve to be shunned. They can't accept the fact that we have every right to shun them. Further, they seek legal remedies, claiming that such shunning is unconstitutional or that it's "discrimination", or anything they can think of, to legally stop the shunning and force people to put up with their bullshit. They want to turn the First Amendment inside out, changing it from restriction on the government's ability to regulate speech, into an obligation on businesses (on everyone, really) to accommodate their nonsense.

"The problem I see here is that Trumpsters can't accept the fact that many of us think they're stupid - dangerously stupid - and deserve to be shunned."

Funny, the other side thinks the exact same thing.

"They can't accept the fact that we have every right to shun them."

Sure you do, knock yourselves out. It's kinda stupid to do that, shutting out any disagreement. but let's not pretend it's only one side doing that. I think it boils down to the belief that everyone has the right to their opinion and to voice it. These days it is pretty much the Left that is trying to silence anyone who doesn't accept their pov. I don't see any people getting attacked and/or fired for disagreeing with the conservative pov.

"They want to turn the First Amendment inside out, changing it from restriction on the government's ability to regulate speech, into an obligation on businesses (on everyone, really) to accommodate their nonsense."

This right here is exactly what the OP is talking about, the gov'ts use of it's power to attempt to oblige businesses to accommodate their agenda. I was going to say nonsense, but that would be insulting, wouldn't it? No need for that, but here's the point: the gov't can say Joe Rogan or anyone else is wrong about this or that, and I have no problem with that. But what I do not like is when the gov't tries to pressure a business to get Joe Rogan or anyone fired for saying something the gov't does not agree with. That may not be unconstitutional, but it stinks.

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