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Politico: Carson lied about admission to West Point.

There is no such thing as a "full scholarship" to West Point.

Carson's central counter-claim is that he was given encouragement to attend West Point, but opted to not do so. And if the words "offered a full scholarship" didn't appear in his memoir, there wouldn't be a story at all. It's the repetition of a "scholarship" that was "offered" that muddies the waters for him.

Ben Carson’s West Point Claim Is Latest Controversy To Rattle His Campaign

It is the end. I know it is the end. I am forced to agree with Lakota. For the very first time, Lakota has got it right. I'm ready Elizabeth. Elizabeth Honey, I'm coming home.
There is no such thing as a "full scholarship" to West Point.

Carson's central counter-claim is that he was given encouragement to attend West Point, but opted to not do so. And if the words "offered a full scholarship" didn't appear in his memoir, there wouldn't be a story at all. It's the repetition of a "scholarship" that was "offered" that muddies the waters for him.

Ben Carson’s West Point Claim Is Latest Controversy To Rattle His Campaign

It is the end. I know it is the end. I am forced to agree with Lakota. For the very first time, Lakota has got it right. I'm ready Elizabeth. Elizabeth Honey, I'm coming home.

Can't you read? It's Rain Man's constant use of "scholarship" that is his problem! He lied. West Point doesn't offer "scholarships" - one must be "nominated".

Admissions - Apply_Nominations
They Think They've Got Ben Carson with a Very Cleverly Written Politico Story
November 06, 2015


RUSH: Yeah, well, we were just poking along here about 10 minutes ago. It looked like it was actually gonna be kind of a slow day. And then everything blew up here, and then we --

RUSH: Yeah. And I still don't know what to make of this. There's something that smells about this still, and I can't put my fingers on it. But we're gonna have to get into it.

I was sitting here literally 15 minutes ago, and I was going through the final assembly stages of the program, the show prep today, this stack and that stack, and I'm going through the stacks and I said, "You know what? There isn't anything... I don't know what the heck I would lead with today. I have literally no idea what would be the first thing that would come out of my mouth today. There's two or three contenders but there's nothing really stands out."

And then my iPhone rang. I looked at it, and I had an iMessage over there. Okay, so I looked at that, and it said, "There goes Carson." Oh, no. What now? So I went to the Internet. Nothing. I went to e-mail. Nothing. "There goes Carson." So I wrote back, "What are you talking about? What have I missed?" And before I had a chance to get a reply, my Drudge page reloaded, and it says, "Carson Admits Fabricating West Point Scholarship." I said, "What in the name of Sam Hill is this?" So I clicked on the link, and it's a Politico story here.

And the first impression -- and I'm telling you, this is key. If you are unfamiliar with Carson and his book, and if you're not up to speed with the day-to-day details of the Carson campaign, and you see the headline here, "Ben Carson Admits Fabricating West Point Scholarship," what you end up after reading the headline, the subtext is that Ben Carson must have written a book in which he says that he was granted a scholarship to West Point and attended and now we learn the whole thing's not true.

So at first glance, "My gosh, he made up the fact that he went to West Point? How in the world does all this time go by and the people at West Point don't say anything? He's got it in his book that he attended West Point? How come nobody up to now has said, 'No, he didn't'?" But that's not what the allegation is. You've got to read further, and let's just do that here because the first impressions a lot of people are going to make here or going to have is that Carson has really made up, totally fabricated a story that has no element of truth in it, which is exactly what the Drive-Bys want.

There's also a key factor here in the campaign of who admitted this. But let's just take it as we got it. Politico: "Ben Carson Admits Fabricating West Point Scholarship." Okay. "Ben Carson's campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from Politico, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the US Military Academy at West Point. The academy has occupied a central place in Carson's tale for years," it says here. (interruption)

Well, I know. If it's as bad as it looks, all is not lost. At least he could work at NBC. They let you make things up there. In fact, in some places they promote you for making things up like that.

Moderation Edit -- Cut down for copyright.

He never went to West Point. He never said that he went to West Point. The contention is that he met Westmoreland, Westmoreland offered him a four-year scholarship at West Point, which there are none. So the media is convinced they found Carson out to be here in a big, big lie. And not a big, big exaggeration, but a big, big lie. Anyway, that's that, and that's what blew up here right before the program started. If not for this, it was gonna be... Well, nothing's ever humdrum here. But by the standards of the last two or three days, it was not gonna be as rocking and rolling. But, of course, that's out the window now.


RUSH: Okay. Having set the table on this, I think I have a pretty good idea what happened here. But first I want to conclude. I want to tell you something. There is nothing in this article that demonstrates that Ben Carson did not meet with General Westmoreland. He says he met with General Westmoreland, and he did. There's nothing in the article that says that didn't happen. There is nothing in the article that demonstrates Westmoreland offered him a scholarship. Nothing in this article demonstrates that he was offered a scholar -- meaning to help him.

Carson may have assumed it was a scholarship. He's a teenager. He's a kid. He doesn't know how West Point works. There are no scholarships because everybody's expenses are paid. That's part of the drill. Getting into West Point is a bit of an honor, but it's also a commitment to the US Military. You owe them years of service after you graduate. I have a cousin who attended West Point and ended up being a professor for a time there. We all in our family were just busting buttons with pride. He was from Illinois. His name is Dan.

Ah, we were so proud we couldn't see straight.

I was young at the time, but I remember enough about the process and what it required, the nomination, climbing the ladder to prove you were qualified and so forth. But look, I'm getting sidetracked here. Carson did not lie about meeting Westmoreland, and when you're a young kid and you're talking to Westmoreland... You're the top-ranking ROTC kid in your town and you're talking to General William Westmoreland, the Army chief of staff, and he starts singing the virtues of West Point and informing you and telling you how West Point works, somebody like Ben Carson might have assumed that a scholarship was what was being discussed.

I mean, folks, it's not... What are we dealing with here? It's not like he doesn't remember what happened the night of Benghazi. It's not like Ben Carson has lied about any number of things, like the cost of health care premiums. Like Obama just, again, rejected the Keystone pipeline and told a couple of big whoppers. He said it will not be a factor on gasoline prices and it won't be a factor on the oil supply or the nation's economy. Both of those are big, fat whoppers. If you want to start talking about whoppers, it's always fascinating how the only people that ever get called on it and accused of it are Republicans.

Has the media ever gone through Obama's books and tracked down his assertions? 'Cause, I mean, there are some whoppers. See, the alternative media has done that. The conservative media has tracked down Obama's assertions, many of them. And how about the idea that Obama literally made up boyfriends and girlfriends and so forth and then combined various people into one fictitious character? And I remember the media praising that as a brilliant literary creation or usage.


RUSH: I have here in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers, a New York Times column by Maureen Dowd, the infamous MoDo, from June 15th of 1994. So this is 21 years ago. "Hillary Clinton Says She Once Tried to Be a Marine." Yes. "The First Lady has offered a kaleidoscope of images to the public, but today she added the most curious one yet: Private Hillary. Speaking at a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military women, Hillary Rodham Clinton said that she once visited a recruiting office in Arkansas to inquire about joining the Marines."

Are you kidding me? She was married to Bill Clinton in Arkansas. She wasn't in Arkansas before she met Clinton and married him. Why in the world would she want to join the Marines there? Oh. Well, wait a minute now. (laughing) Yes. Anyway, "She told the group gathered for lunch in the Dirksen Office Building, according to The Associated Press, that she became interested in the military in 1975, the year she married Bill Clinton and the year she was teaching at the University of Arkansas law school in Fayetteville."

Oh, okay. "She was 27 then, she said," and she wanted to become a Marine at 27, "and the Marine recruiter was about 21. She was interested in joining either the active forces or the reserves, she recalled, but was swiftly rebuffed by the recruiter, who took a dim view of her age and her thick glasses. ... 'You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman,' Mrs. Clinton said she was told," by some 21-year-old punk kid. "'Maybe the dogs would take you,' she recalled the recruiter saying. 'It was not a very encouraging conversation,' she said. 'I decided maybe I'll look for another way to serve my country.'"

Everybody lapped that up. Everybody believed that story. Mrs. Clinton's gotten mileage out of that story like you can't believe. Here's a woman who claims she's named after Sir Edmund Hillary. The only problem with that is nobody knew who he was when she was born because he had not yet climbed Mt. Everest. So nobody knew who Sir Edmund Hillary was. But she meets the guy. "You know what? I was named after you!" She lied, rather, to him. And of course there's all the... You could go down the list of things here.

Like Joe Biden lying about his academic record. We don't even know what Obama's academic record is! But, look, these are efforts here to illustrate media bias. But the fact remains the media hit Ben Carson today, and the Ben Carson campaign sort of gave 'em what they wanted by admitting that there was a fabrication here. The problem is this story... Remember first impressions. This story tries to make the reader believe that Ben Carson never want to West Point when he wrote that he did, and he never attended West Point.

Believe me, the way this is written is to convey the possibility Ben Carson said he did. "Well, I never knew he went to West Point." Well, nobody did because this story says so. But this implies or wants you to infer that Carson's made up something totally here, and he didn't. He didn't make up talking to Westmoreland. He's a top ROTC kid in his town, in Detroit, and there's no question if he talks to Westmoreland, Westmoreland's gonna talk about the Army to a number one ROTC kid. He's gonna build it up, is probably gonna explain West Point, explaining future options for this young ROTC candidate.

He talks about how it works. Ben Carson comes from poverty, doesn't understand things, and the way Westmoreland describes it sounds like a scholarship to Carson. So he writes about it. To me, it's understandable how he would think that he had been offered an opportunity, or at least had an opportunity presented to him. He could have understood it to have been exactly that. Now, what we have today in this Politico story is an effort to make it look like Carson lied, made things up, exaggerated, "And if he did it about this then what else has he lied about and made up?" And they're off to the races........

They Think They've Got Ben Carson with a Very Cleverly Written Politico Story - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Last edited by a moderator:
After the lies Obama has told, this pales in comparison.

And after all Obama's lies you still managed to vote for him twice and after all of Clinton lies you will vote for her in 2016..

I guarantee you'll vote for a liar in 2016, if they let you out to vote.
Anyone who votes will be voting for a liar. But, Carson's whacked. LOL Sincerely Herman Cain made more sense. LOL This is like People taking Pat Paulson seriously.
Oh. Now you're just dating yourself. :lol:

Says the irony impaired far left drone!

Obama lied and people died!

You're really reaching now........you might want to quit digging.


Yes far left drones will take worse than Bush any day of the week..
There is no such thing as a "full scholarship" to West Point.

Carson's central counter-claim is that he was given encouragement to attend West Point, but opted to not do so. And if the words "offered a full scholarship" didn't appear in his memoir, there wouldn't be a story at all. It's the repetition of a "scholarship" that was "offered" that muddies the waters for him.

Ben Carson’s West Point Claim Is Latest Controversy To Rattle His Campaign

It is the end. I know it is the end. I am forced to agree with Lakota. For the very first time, Lakota has got it right. I'm ready Elizabeth. Elizabeth Honey, I'm coming home.

Can't you read? It's Rain Man's constant use of "scholarship" that is his problem! He lied. West Point doesn't offer "scholarships" - one must be "nominated".

Admissions - Apply_Nominations

No he didn't. Like many people he may have thought along those lines. Many on here also think it's a scholarship. He was offered by General Westmoreland the opportunity for Westmoreland to open the door for him but he turned it down and opted for Yale instead. My own son was offered a nomination to attend West Point but he also turned it down. It happens all the time.
They Think They've Got Ben Carson with a Very Cleverly Written Politico Story
November 06, 2015


RUSH: Yeah, well, we were just poking along here about 10 minutes ago. It looked like it was actually gonna be kind of a slow day. And then everything blew up here, and then we -

RUSH: Yeah. And I still don't know what to make of this. There's something that smells about this still, and I can't put my fingers on it. But we're gonna have to get into it.

I was sitting here literally 15 minutes ago, and I was going through the final assembly stages of the program, the show prep today, this stack and that stack, and I'm going through the stacks and I said, "You know what? There isn't anything... I don't know what the heck I would lead with today. I have literally no idea what would be the first thing that would come out of my mouth today. There's two or three contenders but there's nothing really stands out."

They Think They've Got Ben Carson with a Very Cleverly Written Politico Story - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Last edited by a moderator:
There is no such thing as a "full scholarship" to West Point.

Carson's central counter-claim is that he was given encouragement to attend West Point, but opted to not do so. And if the words "offered a full scholarship" didn't appear in his memoir, there wouldn't be a story at all. It's the repetition of a "scholarship" that was "offered" that muddies the waters for him.

Ben Carson’s West Point Claim Is Latest Controversy To Rattle His Campaign

It is the end. I know it is the end. I am forced to agree with Lakota. For the very first time, Lakota has got it right. I'm ready Elizabeth. Elizabeth Honey, I'm coming home.

Can't you read? It's Rain Man's constant use of "scholarship" that is his problem! He lied. West Point doesn't offer "scholarships" - one must be "nominated".

Admissions - Apply_Nominations

No he didn't. Like many people he may have thought along those lines. Many on here also think it's a scholarship. He was offered by General Westmoreland the opportunity for Westmoreland to open the door for him but he turned it down and opted for Yale instead. My own son was offered a nomination to attend West Point but he also turned it down. It happens all the time.

I am aware of the process. Carson fudged the facts - he lied. He is a serial liar!
Carson has been caught in too many lies - not to mention the ridiculous statement that Joseph lived 3000 years before his son was born! The guy is wacko.

Ben Carson admits he made up story about getting a scholarship to West Point – and repeated it THREE TIMES this year – as key detail of his inspirational story crumbles
  • The future brain surgeon was Detroit's top ROTC student in 1969
  • His best-selling book 'Gifted Hands' claimed Army General William Westmoreland met with him and offered him a West Point scholarship
  • Carson has claimed he turned the Army officer training academy's offer down, deciding to become a doctor instead
  • But West Point has no records showing Carson ever applied or was offered a place in the student body
  • Embarrassing tale uncovered on the day he challenged Americans to decide whether he's an 'honest person' or a 'pathological liar'
  • Presidential campaign lashed out against the newspaper that uncovered the falsehood, calling its story 'an outright Lie'

Read more: Ben Carson admits he MADE UP story about West Point 'scholarship'
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That's it. It's just such a teeny tiny lie, in that he probably could have gotten into West Point, and if you do, it's free. Politico should have waited for him to say something waayyyyy beyyyyyyyond bat shite crazy, like "little boys with two mommy's will inevitably end up wanting female genetila."
Can't you read? It's Rain Man's constant use of "scholarship" that is his problem! He lied. West Point doesn't offer "scholarships" - one must be "nominated".

Admissions - Apply_Nominations

The General he met with offered to nominate him and to encourage Carson to apply, he told him that his education would be free. It's the same as a full scholarship and Carson misunderstood since he did not know how West Point worked.

He didn't lie. He turned down an offer, but never once said he applied and simply did not distinguish between getting free schooling and an actual scholarship. If you want to pick on him, then harass him about not understanding that it wasn't an actual scholarship. Carson's poll numbers are up and the liberal media has decided that now is the time to launch attacks. They don't care about facts or how a young man simply misunderstood about how the school would have been paid for.
If so he's done. Bad news for Clinton.

Politico lied.

Carson never once said he applied at West Point. He mistakenly thought he was offered a scholarship when he met with General William Westmoreland in 1969 and was told that he wouldn't have to pay for his education. For a young student planning their future, free school = full scholarship since he likely didn't understand how West Point worked. The General was inviting him to apply at West Point. Carson declined the invite to apply because he wanted to become a doctor.

Politico deliberately twisted things. Carson is doing well in the polls and that makes him a threat. That means the spin machine must spring into action and take him down. That is all this is about.

I am quite sure the folks at Politico know the difference between being invited to apply and actually applying are two different things. Many places recruit the best people and offering a free ride is a good way to do that.

"Politico began thusly:

Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

The key word here is "fabricated." Did the Carson campaign admit any such thing? Absolutely not. The facts reported by Politico don’t even support this interpretation of the Carson campaign’s response. According to Politico, Carson said in his 1992 memoir Gifted Hands that he was offered a "full scholarship" to West Point after dining with General William Westmoreland in 1969. Here’s the relevant passage from Carson’s autobiography:

At the end of my twelfth grade I marched at the head of the Memorial Day parade. I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, We had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.

That’s the entire relevant portion of Carson’s account. He reiterated that account last month in an interview with Charlie Rose, when he said, "I was offered a full scholarship at West Point, got to meet General Westmoreland and go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners. But decided really my pathway would be medicine."

Politico followed up on this story. They reported one additional pieces of information that seem to conflict with Carson’s story: Carson never applied to West Point, and was never extended admission.

But Carson never said he applied. He said he was extended a full scholarship offer. What’s more, West Point doesn’t offer scholarships: all admission is free contingent on serving in the military afterwards. It thus seems probable that Westmoreland or another military figure tried to recruit Carson, telling him that he wouldn’t have to pay for his education – and that Carson read that as a "full scholarship," and never applied.

In fact, that’s exactly what Carson’s campaign manager said to Politico in an email:

Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit. In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer. He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.

But here’s how Politico editorialized: "When presented with this evidence, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false."

That’s nonsense. They did no such thing. They provided details that corroborated Carson’s story and explained his loose use of the language. If someone told you that you could go to college for free, you might reasonably conclude that you had been offered a full scholarship to attend that university. But Politico would call you a liar if you used such language to describe the exchange."


His campaign and conservatives can try and spin it all they want, and his campaign can claim they didn't admit it was a lie....but Carson has made statements in his book and in Facebook (recently) where he, as a supposedly intelligent adult, would know better than to misunderstand a suggestion of help in getting an appointment to being offered a "full scholarship" by West Point.

He was either lying all along or too ignorant to differentiate between the two. Either way, that disqualifies him as a potential candidate for the Presidency.

Your passionate attempt to save him may work on some of the naive conservatives that are currently supporting him, but the rest of the more savvy folks in the country aren't going to buy it.

In his recent book, “You Have a Brain,” Mr. Carson described how he decided which college to attend: “I still had the scholarship offer from West Point as a result of my R.O.T.C. achievements.”

More recently, in a Facebook post in August responding to a question, he wrote that he had been “thrilled to get an offer from West Point.”

There is no such thing as a "full scholarship" to West Point.

Carson's central counter-claim is that he was given encouragement to attend West Point, but opted to not do so. And if the words "offered a full scholarship" didn't appear in his memoir, there wouldn't be a story at all. It's the repetition of a "scholarship" that was "offered" that muddies the waters for him.

Ben Carson’s West Point Claim Is Latest Controversy To Rattle His Campaign

It is the end. I know it is the end. I am forced to agree with Lakota. For the very first time, Lakota has got it right. I'm ready Elizabeth. Elizabeth Honey, I'm coming home.

Can't you read? It's Rain Man's constant use of "scholarship" that is his problem! He lied. West Point doesn't offer "scholarships" - one must be "nominated".

Admissions - Apply_Nominations

No he didn't. Like many people he may have thought along those lines. Many on here also think it's a scholarship. He was offered by General Westmoreland the opportunity for Westmoreland to open the door for him but he turned it down and opted for Yale instead. My own son was offered a nomination to attend West Point but he also turned it down. It happens all the time.

I am aware of the process. Carson fudged the facts - he lied. He is a serial liar!
Well, NOW that the OLD SQUAW brought up Serial liars.... we have the Hildebeasty!!!!


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