Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

That's right, they are less than one percent, then why the push by the left to indoctrinate our children, and demonize anyone who doesn't conform to the warped group think surrounding the issue...?
Opposing the right’s racism, bigotry, and hate isn’t ‘indoctrination.’

And Evangelicals, along with others on the right, demonize themselves with their hateful, bigoted rhetoric hostile to gay and transgender Americans.
Interestingly, Evangelicals’ motivation to start the culture wars was school segregation, not abortion; Evangelicals opposed allowing black children to attend Christian schools and wanted to keep them out – opposition to privacy rights and reproductive autonomy came later.

Evangelicals were among the racists and bigots attracted to the GOP during the late 60s and early 70s.

For the Christo-fascist right, Trump is the perfect candidate – a hateful racist and bigot and an advocate of increasing the authority of the state at the expense of individual liberty.
There's not one sentence in this Platitudinal bullshit that is true...It's all attack narrative, and vile attack...Clown.
The evangelical wing has gone crazy. I have no problem with strong religious views but keep them to your own life and quit trying to force other people to think and live like you. That is anti-American, unconstitutional, and not in line with Jesus’ teachings.
If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

Mac1958 is anti Christian

Whatever Christians are “fer” makes his knee jerk and he is “agin”

So he dont like Trump, no way, no how
Prove me wrong Skippy
In order to do that, I'd have to insist on total re education of your programming by the leftist education system, along with the lies of the MSM....I don't have the time, nor the inclination to reform your lies...So, just continue to look like a clown...It's entertaining....
In order to do that, I'd have to insist on total re education of your programming by the leftist education system, along with the lies of the MSM....I don't have the time, nor the inclination to reform your lies...So, just continue to look like a clown...It's entertaining....
Failure on your part

Show that slavery and Civil Rights were not a North/ South issue vs a political issue or STFU

I am able to back my claim with numbers and data
You fail to do so miserably
Don't you remember 1972? Private schools were popping up in South Carolina like mushrooms.
Oh my! Not private schools! Say it ain't so that the parents of communities rejected the state run education system? The traitors!
Failure on your part

Show that slavery and Civil Rights were not a North/ South issue vs a political issue or STFU

I am able to back my claim with numbers and data
You fail to do so miserably
As I said jerk, I don't have the time, nor the inclination to educate you...Especially when you are just going to blow off the work it would take to crack that thick skull of yours to begin with...So, go forth with your lies you poor dumb bastard....
If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

So who are Christians supposed to vote for?

Pro-abortion Democrats?
Or pro-war Nikki?

As I said jerk, I don't have the time, nor the inclination to educate you...Especially when you are just going to blow off the work it would take to crack that thick skull of yours to begin with...So, go forth with your lies you poor dumb bastard....
You don’t have enough time in the rest of your life to prove your stupid claims

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