Politics, MAGA and Evangelicals

If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man

Whereas Biden was perfectly honest with America when running in 2020 on destroying the economy, failing at Covid, starting a war with Russia, Iran, China, the Middle East, and inciting an invasion of 15 million while killing millions with fentanyl and filling our cities with forced busing of terrorists.

Good thing Joe was straight up with us on his intentions and your voting for it.
Yawn, another Stormy Mac thread about how we aren't sopping to the whining of white people enough.

Again, the reason why Trump won in 2016 is because too many self-important assholes like you voted third party.

Evangelicals voted at the same percentages for Trump they did for Romney, McCain and Bush.
/----/ "the reason why Trump won in 2016 is because too many self-important assholes like you voted third party."
God bless the third party. They saved us from Hildabeast.
Whereas Biden was perfectly honest with America when running in 2020 on destroying the economy, failing at Covid, starting a war with Russia, Iran, China, the Middle East, and inciting an invasion of 15 million while killing millions with fentanyl and filling our cities with forced busing of terrorists.

Good thing Joe was straight up with us on his intentions and your voting for it.
Deflection noted and appreciated as always.
If you're one of the many (like me) who thinks that much of America's Christian population has sold its soul to a con man, here's a really interesting interview -- and one really fascinating point.

Tim Alberta is a devout Christian who has been so troubled by this that he has written a book on the topic. The interview is almost 36 minutes, but there is one moment where I think he makes a very interesting (and even fair, kind of) point. This doesn't absolve the obvious dishonesty and rank hypocrisy that we see, but at least it explains it in a way:

At 11:46: "For a lot of these people who are panicked, who are just stricken with fear about the culture changing so quickly and the country turning on Christianity, and that their faith is in the crosshairs and one day they're going to be persecuted for their faith in this country -- a lot of folks believe that -- they think the barbarians are at the gates, and so they need a barbarian to defend them. To protect them.

"And so, they look at Trump, and the behavior and the rhetoric, and in some sense, because he is not bound by biblical teachings, not bound by biblical virtues, he is free to fight for them in ways that no good Christian ever would".

Holy crap, that's interesting. MAGA followers by and large and not very good at articulating their reasoning, and he does a very good job here. Again, it doesn't explain away many of the behaviors, but at least there is some reasoning here to grab on to.

We haven’t sold our soul, or worship him, or whatever. We just saw that his policies were good for America, while Biden’s are horrible for it, and we want him back in the office.

It’s not complicated.
Except that I do, especially when they're vile racists

Really, when? I've never seen you denounce a racist MAGAt.

He’s the most arrogant poster on the entire forum.
Hilarious coming from you, Karen558. Mac is arrogant, but he doesn't go around saying shit like, "I'm being oppressed because I'm better than you!"

/----/ "the reason why Trump won in 2016 is because too many self-important assholes like you voted third party."
God bless the third party. They saved us from Hildabeast.

Really? Frankly, Covid wouldn't have been nearly the disaster it was if Hillary had been in charge, because she'd have worked with the people trying to contain it. We'd have had serious police reform, which would have avoided the 2020 BLM riots. (Guys like Chauvin would have been fired LONG before they could kill anyone). We wouldn't have had a recession because we wouldn't have had an unncessary trade war with China that weakened the economy before Covid hit.
We haven’t sold our soul, or worship him, or whatever. We just saw that his policies were good for America, while Biden’s are horrible for it, and we want him back in the office.

It’s not complicated.

Then you're brain damaged?

Worst Race riots in 50 years.
Worst Recession in 80 years.
Worst Pandemic in 100 years.
First President since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

You want more of that back?

His policies were not good for America.

Why do you hate America?
Whereas Biden was perfectly honest with America when running in 2020 on destroying the economy, failing at Covid, starting a war with Russia, Iran, China, the Middle East, and inciting an invasion of 15 million while killing millions with fentanyl and filling our cities with forced busing of terrorists.

Good thing Joe was straight up with us on his intentions and your voting for it.
Let’s see

COVID is under control for the most part (the nation has been vaccinated and the economy is working)

And none of those wars happened

So your post is pure bullshit
Really, when? I've never seen you denounce a racist MAGAt.

Hilarious coming from you, Karen558. Mac is arrogant, but he doesn't go around saying shit like, "I'm being oppressed because I'm better than you!"

Really? Frankly, Covid wouldn't have been nearly the disaster it was if Hillary had been in charge, because she'd have worked with the people trying to contain it. We'd have had serious police reform, which would have avoided the 2020 BLM riots. (Guys like Chauvin would have been fired LONG before they could kill anyone). We wouldn't have had a recession because we wouldn't have had an unncessary trade war with China that weakened the economy before Covid hit.
/——/ Piglosi and Deblasio told everyone their respective China Towns were safe. The media said it was no big thing. democRATs attacked Trump for restricting travel from China. Trump fast tracked the vaccine.
Got any other history you want to rewrite? Libtard Moonbat.
/——/ Piglosi and Deblasio told everyone their respective China Towns were safe.

Um, yeah, they said that because Covid isn't a disease Chinese Americans had at that point. But because you maggots were demonizing Asians, someone needed to say that. Anti-Asian hate crimes quadrupled under Trump.

Meanwhile, Trump couldn't get Americans infected with the disease back into the country fast enough. That's why the outbreak was so bad.

The media said it was no big thing. democRATs attacked Trump for restricting travel from China.

Well, yeah, it was stupid and racist. Chinese weren't allowed to enter, but Americans with the disease were allowed to return without being held in quarantine.

Trump fast tracked the vaccine.
And then completely fucked up the distribution, and batches of vaccine went bad in storage.
Um, yeah, they said that because Covid isn't a disease Chinese Americans had at that point. But because you maggots were demonizing Asians, someone needed to say that. Anti-Asian hate crimes quadrupled under Trump.

Meanwhile, Trump couldn't get Americans infected with the disease back into the country fast enough. That's why the outbreak was so bad.

Well, yeah, it was stupid and racist. Chinese weren't allowed to enter, but Americans with the disease were allowed to return without being held in quarantine.

And then completely fucked up the distribution, and batches of vaccine went bad in storage.
/——/ So why was Chinatown closed down, if it wasn’t a Chinese disease? Trump wasn’t in charge with distribution. And your claim Americans with Covid were allowed to return without quarantine is ridiculous. You’re just making crap up.
Here is the truth De Blasio, NYC Officials Downplayed COVID-19 Threat After Trump Restricted Travel to China. Here Are 5 Examples.
citygator said: The evangelical wing has gone crazy. I have no problem with strong religious views but keep them to your own life and quit trying to force other people to think and live like you. That is anti-American, unconstitutional, and not in line with Jesus’ teachings.

Mac-7 Spmaez00071:Mac1958 is anti Christian •¥• Whatever Christians are “fer” makes his knee jerk and he is “agin” •¥¥• So he dont like Trump, no way, no how •¥¥¥• mvc-n.24.02.13 #71

eagle1462010 Spmaez00110: “He’s using the commie tactic of a wedge issue. If you
are a Christian you cant vote for him..” •¥• Spmaez00110 to Spmaez00071

Mac-7 Spmaez00141: “His base instinct is anti Christian more than anti trump •¥• Which makes him solidly anti MAGA too.” •¥¥• Spmaez00141 to Spmaez00110

I am a rational theist. OUR FIRST FOUR presidents and many leaders of America’s founding generation were rational theists.

Rational theism is extremely compatible with all revealed desert religions including all the superstitions that come with them.

A rational theist is not necessarily attracted and submissive to Christian supernatural belief not are they interested in participating in any of its organized institutions.

That is because a rational theist is connected to all the world’s religions and practical philosophies being derived from the the same universal and unitarian mind.

Human life as we come to know it biological and sociological development by our unique individual experiences occurs within the same big bang creation and wherein we learn at least one language that binds individual minds into beneficial organizations that make survival and improvement of the human condition not only possible but extremely valuable and mysteriously beautiful and sublime.

When one can appreciate the sublimity of CREATION while stuck in the midst of hardships of insensitive nature and man’s needless cruelty and inhumanity to man or blessed with comfort and riches, that is when one get’s it. One gets what they need to get.

All recorded history from Antelopes painted on a cave wall through the Taj Mahal, the Great Wall, getting your own driver’s license, the Cathedral at Notre Dame, the Great Pyramid at Giza, watching the sun setting with a person you love, the human footprint in the dust on the moon, all are a result of two things - creative minds and language.

So think about that in between seemingly purposeless banters and insults and dodging reasonable objective facts that goes on around here:

SassyIrishLass said: The civil rights act was in the 1960s you illiterate

j-mac said: There's not one sentence in this Platitudinal bullshit that is true...It's all attack narrative, and vile attack...Clown.

j-mac said: They're praying for you....

j-mac said: Good grief you're stupid....

SassyIrishLass said: Lincoln was a Republican, Skippy

j-mac said: So, just continue to look like a clown...It's entertaining....

j-mac said: Talk about revisionism....

j-mac said: Oh my! Not private schools! Say it ain't so that the parents of communities rejected the state run education system? The traitors!

j-mac said: ...So, go forth with your lies you poor dumb bastard....

theHawk said: So who are Christians supposed to vote for •¥• Pro-abortion Democrats? Or pro-war Nikki? •¥¥•

j-mac said: No...Just another false narrative of someone who doesn't now, nor has ever lived in the South...

SassyIrishLass said: Mooler and The Slimes... yeah that's credible

bigrebnc1775 said: You're still hard core CONspriacy theorist.

j-mac said: And Adam Schiff for brains

bigrebnc1775 said: First section is all you need to know there was no evidence of the collusion of the trump team and the Russians.

bigrebnc1775 said: Thing is that numbnuts supports a con man

SassyIrishLass said: Link them...we both know you can't, dumbass

SassyIrishLass said: He was a Republican you worthless ankle snapping dweeb. Catch up on the entire conversation and then comment

SassyIrishLass said: That was dumb . You pull crap outta your hole and nobody believes you •¥• What's your problem Jones? Seriously

SassyIrishLass said: I have, you didn't you blabbering loon •¥• Don't ever try to dictate to me again

SassyIrishLass said: Yes there is, stop lying

SassyIrishLass said: I never said he was, weak link. Sit down, weaker

SassyIrishLass said: Are you always this fuckin stupid? Take your strawman and stick it, dumbass •¥¥•

nf.24.01.07 #238
Last edited:
/——/ So why was Chinatown closed down, if it wasn’t a Chinese disease?

It wasn't closed down until everything else was.

Trump wasn’t in charge with distribution.
Uh, yeah, actually he was.

There was no distribution plan for the coronavirus vaccine set up by the Trump administration as the virus raged in its last months in office, new President Joe Biden's chief of staff, Ron Klain, said on Sunday.

"The process to distribute the vaccine, particularly outside of nursing homes and hospitals out into the community as a whole, did not really exist when we came into the White House," Klain said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

And your claim Americans with Covid were allowed to return without quarantine is ridiculous.

By this point it is clear that containment efforts have failed, and we are experiencing endemic spread in the United States. There were travelers from endemic regions who slipped past our monitoring efforts and were not identified until community spread was uncontainable in several regions across the country. Although we did not identify any returning travelers through our monitoring efforts who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, we recognize that our efforts were focused only on travelers from China (not other countries where there was known epidemiological risk), and we were unable to reach a disturbingly large percentage of the names provided; we want to identify these as two potential ways that the current system may have failed in other places.

To emphasize the first point, it is worth explaining that until March 22, 2020, the CDC recommended monitoring by LHDs only for travelers from mainland China (and later Iran) even though the number of new cases coming from China was low compared with other endemic regions, such as most of Europe. The individuals returning from those countries were still instructed to self-quarantine and self-monitor, but the additional measure of LHD involvement was not used in a way that accurately represented which travelers were at increased risk.
It wasn't closed down until everything else was.

Uh, yeah, actually he was.

There was no distribution plan for the coronavirus vaccine set up by the Trump administration as the virus raged in its last months in office, new President Joe Biden's chief of staff, Ron Klain, said on Sunday.

"The process to distribute the vaccine, particularly outside of nursing homes and hospitals out into the community as a whole, did not really exist when we came into the White House," Klain said on NBC's "Meet the Press."

By this point it is clear that containment efforts have failed, and we are experiencing endemic spread in the United States. There were travelers from endemic regions who slipped past our monitoring efforts and were not identified until community spread was uncontainable in several regions across the country. Although we did not identify any returning travelers through our monitoring efforts who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, we recognize that our efforts were focused only on travelers from China (not other countries where there was known epidemiological risk), and we were unable to reach a disturbingly large percentage of the names provided; we want to identify these as two potential ways that the current system may have failed in other places.

To emphasize the first point, it is worth explaining that until March 22, 2020, the CDC recommended monitoring by LHDs only for travelers from mainland China (and later Iran) even though the number of new cases coming from China was low compared with other endemic regions, such as most of Europe. The individuals returning from those countries were still instructed to self-quarantine and self-monitor, but the additional measure of LHD involvement was not used in a way that accurately represented which travelers were at increased risk.
Actually because of the things Trump said many Chinese and Asian businesses closed out of fear

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